Immediately, he formed seals with both hands.

The outer lion seal, the Dao seal, the Sanqing seal, the Vajra seal, the Shangqing seal... dozens of hand seals, like a rain of pear blossoms, hit the fox demon's belly in an instant.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The fox demon was beaten back step by step.

The speed of the seal was too fast. Even though the fox demon had the blood of the nine-tailed fox, it couldn't react.

By the time it reacted, it had already endured dozens of hand seals from Qin Jiuyang. It felt its body churning.

Fortunately, it was strong enough and its body was strong enough. Otherwise, this set of hand seals would have killed it.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!!"

The fox demon was furious, his hands turned into claws, showing his sharp claws, carrying a strong demonic aura, and pounced on Qin Jiuyang

""Come on!"

Qin Jiuyang did not retreat but counterattacked, his hands clenched into fists, and a set of Demon Subduing Fists was performed.

In order not to bully the fox demon, he did not perform Bu Gang Body Skills.

However, the Demon Subduing Fists that he had cultivated to several dozen levels were mysterious and powerful, and the fox demon was completely unable to handle it.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

Fists as big as casseroles kept hitting the fox demon's body and face.

After a while, the fox demon's nose and face were swollen.

They were just superficial injuries, and it recovered instantly with its demonic energy.

Qin Jiuyang was also afraid of hurting the fox demon, after all, he still wanted to take the fox demon as a mount. If he hit too hard, he was afraid of hurting it, and if he hit too lightly, he was afraid that the fox demon would escape.

"Damn you little Taoist priest with a big nose, are you hiding your strength?"

The fox demon retreated and distanced itself from Qin Jiuyang.

After the fight just now, it found that it was no match for Qin Jiuyang at all.

If Qin Jiuyang had not shown only the initial stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, it would have died when it was hit by Qin Jiuyang's Taoist seal.

Such terrifying fighting skills, as well as the speed of forming seals, and the superb boxing skills, etc., are definitely not something that a young man can master.

Maybe Qin Jiuyang looks young, but in fact he is an old monster who has hidden his realm and is deliberately playing tricks on it.

When he has had enough fun, he will use all his strength and slap it to death with one slap.

Thinking of this, the fox demon began to have the idea of retreating.

"I will fight you!"

The fox demon roared, its face ferocious, and rushed towards Qin Jiuyang with its fangs and claws bared.

But halfway through, it suddenly changed direction, turned into a stream of light, and rushed out of the cave at its fastest speed.

"You can't escape. I didn't hide my strength. You probably already know that you are not my opponent at all. I didn't kill you.

If you want to be my mount, I can spare your life. If you don't want to, don't blame me for being ruthless!"Qin Jiuyang chased after him and said

"You're dreaming! Even if I die, I won't be your mount! I'm the descendant of the Nine-Tailed Fox, and I will never bring shame to the Nine-Tailed Fox lineage!"

The fox demon responded very firmly.


At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared on the cave wall.


The fox demon collided with the golden light and was directly bounced back by it.

However, it reacted quickly and revealed its true form, turning into a white five-tailed fox, comparable in size to an adult Siberian tiger.

Five huge furry tails stood upright behind its buttocks. It was agile, rolled in the air, and landed on the ground with steady control.

Its sharp claws grabbed the ground.

The front paws were bent, and the hind paws exerted force, like a catapult, carrying a large piece of mud and sand, and rushed towards the cave entrance like lightning.


The golden barrier was easily broken by it.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

More and more golden barriers appeared behind.

The fox demon's sharp front claws kept tearing, like tearing rags, destroying the golden barriers one by one.

It couldn't do anything to Qin Jiuyang, but it had no problem dealing with these talisman lights, especially when it showed its true form. When the monster shows its true form, its strength will be greatly improved, but they will not show their true form unless it is absolutely necessary.

Seeing the fox demon breaking the talisman light like a dead tree and rotten wood, Qin Jiuyang, who was chasing after it, frowned tightly. It was really that the fox demon was too fast, especially after it turned into its true form, its speed almost increased several times.

Seeing that the fox demon had already left the cave and reached the platform outside the cave, Qin Jiuyang sighed.

There was no way, even if he used the Bugang body method, he couldn't catch up with the fox demon now.

As he had expected before, he could kill the fox demon, after all, the fox demon didn't know his strength at the beginning, and he had a good chance to kill it. But if he wanted to subdue the fox demon, it was very likely to fail.

When the fox demon knew his strength, it couldn't beat him, but he still had the strength to escape.

"Damn little Taoist priest, remember this, I won’t let this account go!" The fox demon said harshly to Qin Jiuyang.

It also knew that it could escape. If it couldn’t escape, it wouldn’t even have time to beg for mercy, so how could it dare to say such harsh words?

""Wait a minute."

Qin Jiuyang hurriedly called the fox demon and said tentatively,"Don't you need Yang energy? If you become my mount, I will suck your Yang energy for free every day.

I have enough Yang energy, so it's okay to suck a little from you, and it can be a long-term flow, which is more cost-effective than you sucking me all at once."

"Are you sure?"

The fox demon's furry face showed eagerness to try.

There was no other way. Qin Jiuyang's Yang Qi was too tempting. It could clearly feel that if it could absorb Qin Jiuyang's Yang Qi, its Taoism would definitely increase greatly.

Isn't it just a mount? As long as it can improve its strength, it is not impossible to consider it. As for whether it will humiliate the nine-tailed fox lineage, it is not a nine-tailed fox demon yet, it only has five tails.

""I'm sure. My goal is to take you as my mount. Otherwise, I would have killed you right from the start.

If you are not satisfied with being my mount, you can leave at any time, and I will not use magic to control you.

But there is one thing you must obey. You cannot harm others without my order." Qin Jiuyang said

"Okay, I promise you." The fox demon nodded heavily, and then said seriously:"I can absorb your yang energy, so there is no need for me to harm others. Besides, the people I harmed are all heartless people who abandoned their families and children. They deserve to die!"

"Then pack up and leave here with me."

"There is nothing to pack. Come on up. We can leave here now. I am bored.

Change the place, change the environment, change the way of cultivation."The fox demon said in human language.

Qin Jiuyang did not hesitate. He came to the fox demon and sat on its back.

Qin Jiuyang's first feeling was that it was very soft, like a boneless water snake waist.

The second feeling was comfortable, unprecedented comfort, just like sitting on a sofa.

The last feeling was the thick and flowing hair, with a charming fragrance, which made people intoxicated.

"Go southeast, full speed ahead, don't stop until I tell you to." Qin Jiuyang said to the fox demon

"You want to experience the feeling of riding me, right? If it weren't for the Yang energy in you, I would never be your mount."

The fox demon saw through Qin Jiuyang's idea. Although it was a little unwilling, it still took Qin Jiuyang forward at full speed.

It jumped with all four limbs and came directly to the air. Under the care of the bright moon, it drew a beautiful arc.

Then, it stepped on the treetops and galloped with Qin Jiuyang through the mountains and forests.

The wind whistled in the ears, and the surrounding scenery quickly receded.


"Faster, faster!"

Qin Jiuyang spread his arms, enjoying the extreme speed and the excitement it brought.

Racing is nothing, he is now racing like a demon.

Not only can he race, but he can also warm the bed.

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