"Dragonfly touching the water hole."

Qin Jiuyang blurted out.

How could he forget such a classic scene? Moreover, with the knowledge he had now, Uncle Jiu would not be able to test him.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current Feng Shui attainments far exceeded Uncle Jiu's.

Because when he became a fool, Uncle Jiu showed him a lot of books on Feng Shui, and the contents of the books now appeared clearly in his mind.


Uncle Jiu showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He was just testing Qin Jiuyang and didn't think Qin Jiuyang could answer it.

He admitted that the innate Taoist body was fast in cultivation.

But the knowledge of Feng Shui was not based on talent, but on the brain, and needed to be memorized by rote.

He had asked Qin Jiuyang to read many Feng Shui books before and explained them to Qin Jiuyang, but he didn't think Qin Jiuyang remembered them all.

It was amazing to remember one thousandth.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuyang could tell at a glance that this was the Dragonfly Point.

"This hole is 34 feet long, only 4 feet can be used, and 13 feet wide, only 3 feet can be used."

Qin Jiuyang spoke slowly, like a treasure,"So the coffin cannot be buried flat, it must be buried according to the law."


Master Ren was shocked and couldn't help but look Qin Jiuyang up and down.

Seeing that Qin Jiuyang was so young, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and said admiringly:"Amazing!"

Then, he looked at Uncle Jiu and asked:"Uncle Jiu, who is this little brother?"

"Qin Jiuyang, my little apprentice. Uncle Jiu said proudly.

"It turned out to be him. I didn't expect that he is not stupid anymore, but also as handsome and talented as I was when I was young. The young are formidable. The young are formidable."Master Ren looked at Qin Jiuyang with great admiration.

""Junior brother, what is a legal burial?" Qiu Sheng asked curiously.

"It must be a French funeral."Wencai said seriously.

"My two brothers, the legal burial is to bury the person vertically. As the saying goes, if the coffin is buried vertically, the descendants will surely be prosperous."Qin Jiuyang explained

"As expected, a good teacher produces good students. This sentence is exactly the same as what the Feng Shui master who buried my father said."Master Ren was quite shocked and admired Qin Jiuyang even more.

"I don't deserve to be called a famous teacher. It's all thanks to my cleverness."

Uncle Jiu was humble for a moment, and seeing that it was already noon, he changed the subject and said,"Master Ren, we can pay our respects to Old Master Ren, and then we can move the grave."


Master Ren nodded.

After everyone finished paying respects, Master Ren immediately ordered the hired men to start digging the grave.

Uncle Jiu took Master Ren aside, and the two of them talked about something.

Others didn't know, but Qin Jiuyang knew clearly that he must be saying,"Do you have a grudge against the Feng Shui master? Why use cement to cover the dragonfly water hole?"’‘The top of the coffin should be covered with snowflakes, and the coffin head should not touch the water, so how can it be called a dragonfly touching the water.

'It is also said that the Feng Shui master still has a conscience and asked Master Ren to move the grave after 20 years, so as to harm the Ren family for one generation but not for the 18th generation.

On the other side.

Ren Tingting, who is shy and lovely, like a little girl next door, suddenly walked to Qin Jiuyang and took the initiative to extend her right hand,"Hello, my name is Ren Tingting, I just came back from the provincial capital, your name is Qin Jiuyang, right? Can I meet you?"

This scene made Qiu Shengwencai envious.


Qin Jiuyang nodded and was about to shake hands with Ren Tingting.

Captain Awei came over fiercely. He stood in front of Ren Tingting with his big arms and waist, and opened Qin Jiuyang's right hand, shouting:"What are you doing! You want to take advantage of my cousin? Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"What is one plus one?"Qin Jiuyang looked at Awei calmly.


As soon as Ah Wei opened his mouth, Qin Jiuyang stuffed a piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle into Ah Wei's mouth.

Immediately, he formed seals with his hands, stepped on the steps, and chanted a spell.

The whole set of movements was smooth and seamless.


Qin Jiuyang pointed at A Wei and ordered,"Go home and sleep immediately."

A Wei looked dull, turned around like a puppet, and left.

"Isn't this the soul control technique? He is so skilled in performing it, and the speed of forming seals and chanting spells is faster than mine. It was completed in almost an instant. Even Master can't do it this fast, right?"

Uncle Jiu, who was secretly paying attention to this, was shocked, and a huge wave of emotions was stirred in his heart.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were also like this. They knew the soul control technique.

But only Qin Jiuyang could perform it so quickly and skillfully. Even Master couldn't do it this fast. It was completed in almost an instant, leaving no chance for people to react.

Just imagine, if the speed of casting spells was so fast during a battle, how terrifying would it be?

One spell per second? What demons and monsters could withstand it? They would be smashed to death by the spells!!

"Is my cousin okay?" Ren Tingting asked Qin Jiuyang with some concern.

"I don't know if he will be in trouble, but you will definitely be in trouble. If I were you, I would persuade your father to burn your grandfather's body."Qin Jiuyang said seriously.

"Why?" Ren Tingting looked at Qin Jiuyang curiously.

"Your grandfather has not decayed after death. He has already turned into a corpse. Once he sees the light of day again, he will be fine during the day, but at night, he will break out of the coffin.

When that happens, the first person your grandfather will kill is your father, and then you."

"Nonsense, I don't believe it."Ren Tingting glanced at him charmingly, with a look of mild anger on her face,"Grandpa has been dead for so many years, how could he break out of the coffin?"

Qin Jiuyang was too lazy to explain, it would be better if he didn't burn it.

He was worried about his strength increasing greatly, and he didn't know who to practice with.

The old man Ren, who had just turned into a corpse, had not yet reached his peak strength, so it was just right for him to practice with.

"" We found the coffin!"

At this moment, a waiter shouted in a low voice.

Soon, everyone worked together to lift the coffin out.

Uncle Jiu, wearing a Qiankun hat and a yellow Taoist robe, said with his hands behind his back:"Today is the day when Ren Gongwei and his bravery meet again.���On the day of the month, anyone aged 36, 22, or 35 whose zodiac sign is Rooster or Ox should turn around and avoid the"

"Junior brother, why did Master ask them to leave?" Wencai asked quietly in Qin Jiuyang's ear.

"The yang energy of these three ages and two zodiac signs is too strong today, so they must turn around and avoid it, lest they collide with the evil spirits, that is, collide with Old Master Ren."

"What will happen if it is bumped into?"

Qin Jiuyang looked at Wencai with a bit of a smile:"It will jump out if it is bumped into."

These are the most basic knowledge. Uncle Jiu must have told them. It is also in the book. They must have forgotten it and did not read the book.

After the avoidance, everyone opened the coffin.

As soon as the coffin was opened, a strong smell of corpse rushed out, scaring the surrounding birds to flap their wings and flee in a panic.

In the coffin, a corpse wearing a blue sky and white sun official uniform lay quietly inside.

The face was black, the limbs were stiff, and even after being buried for twenty years, there was no sign of decay.

As Qin Jiuyang had expected before, Uncle Jiu also realized the seriousness of the matter and suggested burning it on the spot, but Mr. Ren refused on the spot.

Due to the majesty and power of the Ren family in Renjia Town, Uncle Jiu did not dare to force it. He had to propose that the body and the coffin be carried back to the charity cemetery, and after finding a burial site again, it would be buried in peace.

""Okay, great, I can try out my skills tonight and practice my skills." Qin Jiuyang was very excited.

When he thought about fighting zombies, he couldn't wait for it to get dark. He was itching to show his skills.

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