At the same time,

Qin Jiuyang came to Lianmei's bed, took a look at Lianmei, and immediately took out several silver needles from his body.

"With a"swish", the silver needles were inserted into the acupuncture points of Lian Mei's body. Instantly.

Lian Mei, who was still screaming in pain just now, lay motionless on the bed as if she was cast with a spell.

Long Dashuai and Nian Ying screamed, thinking that Qin Jiuyang had killed her.

When they saw that Lian Mei was still breathing and Qin Jiuyang told them that she was fine, they were relieved.

At the same time, Qin Jiuyang's ability was also affirmed by them.

Just for this one move, it is something that ordinary people can perform.

It is not unreasonable to ask for 20,000 yuan. It really is true that you get what you pay for.

Qin Jiuyang did this to prevent the ghost fetus from controlling the mother's body, biting her tongue to commit suicide, or doing something bad.

He has now sealed Lian Mei's acupuncture points such as movement points, numbness points, and nerve points. Lian Mei has become a plant People.

Even if the ghost fetus controls the mother's body, it still can't move at all.

This is the combination of magic and Chinese medicine to exorcise demons and ghosts.

As a disciple of Maoshan, one must not only master magic, but also master the advanced Chinese medicine.

After doing all this, Qin Jiuyang lifted the quilt, checked on Lian Mei's condition, and touched her swollen belly.

There is still half an hour before the ghost fetus is due to give birth.

Once the ghost fetus is due to give birth, Lian Mei will also die.

At that time, one corpse and two lives will form a fierce evil of mother and child, endangering one side.

But fortunately, as long as it is not due to give birth, there is time to remedy it.

The method is very simple, just expel the ghost fetus, and then inject a new soul into the fetus.

Because the soul of the previous fetus has been killed by the ghost fetus, and thus occupied the magpie's nest, so if you want the fetus to be born alive, you have to replenish the soul.

"Marshal, you should quickly send someone to find Que Gu and tell her that your wife's fetus needs a soul supplement. Let her choose a male soul of better quality. Qin Jiuyang looked at Marshal Long and said

"What soul-replenishing thing?" Marshal Long was confused.

"You just need to do as I say and tell Quegu. By the way, you know who Quegu is and where she lives, right?"

"Got it, I'll send someone over right now."

Marshal Long nodded, and then ordered his adjutant to drive there himself, giving him only one hour to go back and forth. If he exceeded the time, he would be shot. The adjutant was so scared that he didn't dare to waste any time, and drove away from the Marshal's Mansion overnight.

After Marshal Long conveyed the order, he also returned to the bedroom.

At this moment.

Qin Jiuyang had taken out the red rope, put on the soul-catching bell and the yellow talisman, and hung the red rope around the bed.

The ghost fetus had been aborted many times, and its resentment was very deep. Its strength was no worse than the banana spirit, fox demon and other monsters he had dealt with before.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law, command!"

Qin Jiuyang held the yellow talisman, formed seals with both hands, and chanted the spell


The talisman paper flew out and landed on Lian Mei's belly.

Suddenly, a golden talisman light burst out.


A tingling corrosion sound rang out.



Kill you, kill you, I'm going to kill you, ahh...

"What's going on? Why is this happening? It's you who did this!"

The ghost said to Qin Jiuyang in a sinister tone.

""You still don't come out, are you ready to die in her belly?" Qin Jiuyang said coldly.

Staying in Lianmei's belly, Lianmei was immobilized, and the ghost fetus had no way to fight back.

Either come out of the belly, or hide in the belly until Qin Jiuyang beats it to death.

It can be said that from the beginning, the ghost fetus was controlled by Qin Jiuyang.

This is the ability and experience of dealing with things.

If Lianmei was not immobilized at the beginning, how could it be so simple now?

"You are so cruel!"

The ghost fetus said viciously, and then turned into a ghost aura, quickly drilled out of Lian Mei's belly, and rushed straight out of the window.

It also knew that if it didn't come out, it would be a turtle in a jar, and Qin Jiuyang could do whatever he wanted to it.

Although it was only one step away, it had no choice but to come out on its own to save its life.

"You think you can escape from me?"

Qin Jiuyang made hand seals.

""Ring, ring, ring!"

The soul-catching bell hanging on the bed began to shake rapidly.


" Ah...


Qin Jiuyang pointed his right hand into a sword and pointed at the red rope.

In an instant, the red rope seemed to come alive and quickly approached the ghost fetus on the ground.

Just as it was about to approach the ghost fetus, the ghost fetus suddenly showed its ferocious side, grabbed the red rope and tore it apart.


The red rope emitted a red light, which continued to corrode the ghost fetus's hands.

The yellow talisman on it also splashed with golden light, and the soul-catching bell shook wildly.

The ghost fetus screamed miserably and continued to tear at it like crazy, with no intention of letting go.



The bedroom chandelier exploded on the spot.


""Hua La!!"

The ghost wind raged, blowing things in the bedroom all over the place.

Suddenly, with a"bang", the ghost fetus actually broke the red rope.

"I will kill you!!"

The ghost fetus pounced on Qin Jiuyang fiercely.

""Be careful!!"

Nian Ying quickly reminded Qin Jiuyang, and even stretched out her hands to cover her face, unable to bear to see Qin Jiuyang being killed by the ghost fetus.


Qin Jiuyang smiled contemptuously, stepped back a step, drew out the Golden Money Sword, and stabbed the ghost fetus with one sword.

The seemingly simple sword suddenly changed direction when it was about to approach the ghost fetus, leaving a series of afterimages, making it difficult for the ghost fetus to distinguish between the real and the fake.

The ghost fetus had no choice but to grab it randomly, and ended up grabbing the afterimage.

"Chi Chi!"

The real money sword had already pierced through its body, corroding its ghost body crazily.


The ghost fetus screamed miserably.

However, it was so ferocious that it completely ignored its own injuries and attacked Qin Jiuyang again.

"So fierce!?"

Qin Jiuyang's pupils shrank. He had never expected that the ghost fetus would attack him desperately.

If it were any other evil creature, it would retreat immediately after being injured. But the ghost fetus was a ghost fetus, and its resentment was too deep.

Seeing that the ghost fetus had already come in front of him, the sharp nails of its hands were about to grab his face.

Qin Jiuyang stepped on the Bu Gang and retreated lightly like a feather, easily avoiding the attack of the ghost fetus.

This is the benefit of mastering the Bu Gang body technique to the extreme.

As long as the mind moves, the mysterious Bu Gang body technique can be quickly displayed.

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