Seeing the wind, thunder, rain and lightning approaching, the leading old man did not dare to hesitate, and quickly came to his senses, cooperating with another old man to cast a spell to resist.

Just after resisting the wind, thunder, rain and lightning, the thunderclouds above their heads dropped dozens of thunderbolts.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded.

Even Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe were extremely shocked.

This was not someone targeting them, this was a sect jointly casting a spell to kill them!!


This is not over yet, dozens of thunderbolts fell again.

One after another, adding up to almost more than a hundred.

Behind the more than a hundred thunderbolts, there are all kinds of magic, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five elements magic all came out, mighty and overwhelming.

""Hurry, the three of you, don't break the formation!!" The leading old man screamed in fear.

He didn't know which sect was targeting them, and why was it so big?

Or did they attack the Helian royal family, Helian Canghai and Helian Mingtai in the border area, and the people in the capital knew about it? So they sent many Xuanmen masters to deal with them from a distance?

Whatever the case, they were now surrounded.

The other three black-robed old men did not dare to hesitate and quickly joined the battle.

The five powerful black-robed old men took turns to perform various evil and righteous magic.

They did not dare to stop for a moment, and their hands were almost breaking their fingers from the seals.

The continuous magic made them overwhelmed. If they had not relied on their strong strength, the five of them would have died.

"Second Senior Brother, do you feel that these spells are familiar? It seems that most of them are from our Maoshan. Could it be that Senior Senior Brother is leading many fellow disciples to save us?" Taoist Master Qianhe said uncertainly.

"Impossible." Uncle Jiu immediately denied Taoist Qianhe's idea,"Big Brother is good at thunder magic, but he is not good at open altar fighting.

Lightning Thunder Fist is extremely domineering in close combat, how could Big Brother play to his weaknesses and avoid his strengths? The most important thing is that he did not bring so many fellow apprentices down the mountain."

"What is the situation now?" asked Taoist Qianhe.

"I don't know either." Uncle Jiu shook his head.

He also wanted to know what was going on. Why were there so many people targeting these five black-robed old men? The overwhelming number of magic skills, one after another, never stopped. It was obvious that the other party came prepared.


At this moment, the incense burner taken out by the leading old man exploded instantly.


The latter spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and he took several steps back.

""Boss, are you okay?"

Another old man supported the leading old man.

"It’s okay!"

The leading old man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a pill from his body and swallowed it, gritting his teeth and said:"Damn it, if I know which sect is ruining my good deeds, I will destroy it!"

"What should we do now? Do we still need to break the formation?"

""Go!" the old man in the lead shouted.

The other side had many people and was constantly using magic to deal with them. They had no way to break the formation.

If they delayed any longer, when Shi Jian and the others arrived, they would not be able to leave even if they wanted to.

"Go? Do you think you can get away?"

A sharp, majestic and full-hearted voice sounded.

Immediately, on the top of a big tree, a middle-aged man stood upright.

He was wearing a black and white Taoist robe, a bun on his head, and his hands were behind his back, like a true god high above.

""Big Brother."

Taoist Qianhe and Uncle Jiu called out in unison.

"Maoshan Stone Hardness!?"

The old man in the lead twitched his face, and his eyes flashed with deep fear.

"I am Shi Jian, the elder brother of Maoshan Zhenchuan. Thank you for your help. Now you can stop and leave this to me."Shi Jian clasped his hands together and bowed slightly to the people around him. He said this to Qin Jiuyang, and the meaning was very clear. He was very grateful that Qin Jiuyang had delayed the five black-robed old men.

Next, he would take action and Qin Jiuyang would not be needed.

Qin Jiuyang, who was about to cast a spell, saw Shi Jian coming and canceled the spell on the spot, picked up the things on the ground, and rushed to where Uncle Jiu and others were.

Who would have thought that the spell that was so overwhelming and shocked everyone just now was actually cast by Qin Jiuyang alone, and he was truly one person against an entire sect.

And there was not even an altar, but an altar opened on the ground. Not only that, it was used by someone else.

Even Shi Jian, the eldest brother of Maoshan, did not doubt that this was done by one person. After all, no one dared to think so. If this scene spread out, not to mention shocking the entire Taoist sect, even the Yin and Yang worlds would be turned upside down, and Qin Jiuyang's name would be known to countless people.

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and he doesn't want to be famous now.

Therefore, before rushing to see his master Jiushu, Qin Jiuyang warned the fox demon not to tell anyone about the fight just now.

But even if he told anyone, it would be fine, because no one would believe it anyway.


Qin Jiuyang brought the fox demon to Jiushu and Taoist Qianhe in broad daylight.

""Master, Uncle Qianhe, Brother Wencai, I'm glad to see that you are all right." Qin Jiuyang said with pretended excitement

"Junior brother, you came a step too late. You didn't see the overwhelming magic and thunder just now. It was too shocking."Wen Cai is still shocked.

"Oh? Really? That's a pity."Qin Jiuyang looked regretful.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't see it. It's not too late to come now. Protect Wencai and the others."

As he said that, Uncle Jiu rushed forward with Taoist Qianhe to assist Senior Brother Shi Jian in dealing with the five black-robed old men.

At this moment, Shi Jian was fighting one against five, and with his Bu Gang body technique, he was able to deal with them easily.

Lightning flashed all over his body, and his hands were like thunder and lightning.



""Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Shi Jian jumped up, made fists with both hands, and punched the five black-robed old men one after another. Each punch carried the power of heavenly thunder, which had the ability to eliminate evil and kill demons.

The fist thunder exploded, and the mud flew everywhere.

Shi Jian was like the god of thunder, and he blasted the five people into dust and humiliation.

With the addition of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe, Shi Jian was even more courageous. He rushed directly into the encirclement of the five people, using thunder and lightning to fight hand-to-hand.

The five black-robed old men were not weak either. They used evil magic to fight with Shi Jian, Uncle Jiu, and Taoist Qianhe.

However, Shi Jian's Lightning Thunder Fist just restrained them, so that they could only exert 50% of their 100% strength.

After a while, the five black-robed old men fell into a disadvantage and were all injured.

The old man in the lead was the most seriously injured. He was defeated by Qin Jiuyang in the previous fight and suffered a backlash. Now he was injured again and was already at the end of his strength.

"Kill the evil ghosts!"

"Kill the evil demons!"

"Kill all the evil spirits and monsters!"

"Two yin and four yang, lightning and thunder!"

Shi Jian descended from the sky, carrying the power of thunder, and punched the ground


Lightning flashed, shocking the five black-robed old men so much that they trembled and their hair stood on end.

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