It was seven in the morning.

The sky was already turning pale.

Renjia Town Yizhuang.

After dealing with the five black-robed old men, Uncle Jiu took Shi Jian and other fellow apprentices back to Yizhuang.

They had no place to stay. As fellow apprentices, Uncle Jiu naturally couldn't let them stay on the street.

As for Taoist Qianhe, he took his apprentice, the little prince, and the royal zombies to the capital.

The Purple Zombie King was also settled by Qin Jiuyang and stayed in the morgue with the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

"Junior brother, aren't you always upright and incorruptible, and you can't stand against demons and evil spirits? Why is there such a strong ghost aura in the charity cemetery?"Shi Jian looked at Uncle Jiu and asked with a sneer

"Brother, there are good and bad demons among the evil spirits, and this ghost is almost being influenced by my disciple Jiuyang."Uncle Jiu replied

"Oh? Can the innate Taoist body also influence evil spirits?"Shi Jian looked at Qin Jiuyang, with a sharp look in his eyes, and a hint of intrigue.

"The innate Taoist body naturally cannot do that, but with the Taoist techniques taught by the master, the younger generation can eliminate the resentment in it little by little."Qin Jiuyang said.

If he was not weak enough, why would he be angry with Shi Jian.

Uncle Jiu is also a soft-hearted person, too accommodating to Shi Jian.

Even if Shi Jian is the eldest brother and stronger than him, there is no need to accommodate him like this. After all, Uncle Jiu is not much weaker than Shi Jian.

"It is a blessing for Junior Brother to accept you as his disciple, and it is also a blessing for our Maoshan."

Having said this, Shi Jian consciously came to the high seat in the hall of the charity cemetery and sat down, while his son Shi Shaojian stood beside him.

""Please take your seats, fellow apprentices. Let's get down to business now." Shi Jian made a gesture to invite everyone.

The fellow apprentices took their seats in order of seniority.

Uncle Jiu sat in the first seat, while Qin Jiuyang and Wencai stood on either side.

""Big Brother, what are you doing down the mountain this time?" Uncle Jiu looked at Shi Jian and asked.

Before he performed the Maoshan secret technique, Shi Jian had already gone down the mountain with many fellow disciples, so he received his call for help and came here as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if Shi Jian had the ability to reach the sky, he would not be able to arrive so quickly in Maoshan.

"I followed the order of the elders and went down the mountain for two things. The first thing was to raise 10,000 yuan.

The second thing was to kill a ghost king of the Sun Country. This ghost was called Watanabe Ghost King. He was a general of the Sun Country during his lifetime and died in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

After his death, his resentment did not dissipate and he turned into a fierce ghost and brought disaster to the people."

Shi Jian stood up and said seriously:"As disciples of Maoshan, we have the obligation to kill demons and eliminate monsters.

The ghosts of the Sun Country harmed our people during their lifetime and turned into fierce ghosts after their death. Maoshan, as one of the holy places of Taoism, will never tolerate the evil deeds of Watanabe Ghost King!"

""Watanabe Ghost King? It seems to be in the next village." Uncle Jiu said after a pause.

He had heard that there was a fierce ghost in the next village, who was a demon from the Sun Country. His name was Watanabe. He did many evil things and killed many people.

Not only that, he also persecuted many women.

Due to its strength, no one dared to deal with it.

"That's right."

Shi Jian nodded and said,"Watanabe Ghost King is in Taohua Town next to Renjia Town. That's why we came straight to Renjia Town as soon as we got off the mountain. We happened to see you in danger."

"The power of the Ghost King has surpassed the Taoist masters in the Realm of Immortals. Big Brother, have you thought of a way to deal with it?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Below the realm of Chuan Yin, to the realm of refining spirits, is a Taoist master.

Above the realm of Chuan Yin, there are the realm of entering the underworld, the realm of real people, and the realm of magicians, which are the Taoist masters.

Uncle Jiu, Taoist Qianhe, Shi Jian and others are Taoist masters.

"I've thought about it. Let's set up the Nine Nines Return to One Heaven and

Earth Formation in advance, plus the Six Combinations Yin and Yang Heavenly Thunder Formation."Shi Jian said confidently,"The Heaven and Earth Return to One, the Six Combinations Yin and Yang Heavenly Thunder, will definitely kill this ghost.

If that doesn't work, add my Lightning Thunder Fist, plus the powerful spells of my fellow apprentices, and I don't believe we can't kill it!"

"So when do we start?" Uncle Jiu asked.

He arranged a large formation to deal with the Watanabe Ghost King in advance, and with so many fellow disciples helping him, he was sure to kill him.

"Tomorrow night, the daytime is just right to conserve energy."

Shi Jian paused, looked at Uncle Jiu and said,"Besides, before I go down the mountain, I was invited by Master Ren to look at his house feng shui. Junior brother, you can come with us too."

"Mr. Ren invited his senior brother, so I won't join in the fun."

"I remember that you have a high level of attainment in Feng Shui, and I just want to ask you for advice. What's wrong? You don't even give me this face?" Shi Jian frowned, quite displeased.

The other junior brothers smiled bitterly.

The eldest senior brother targeted the second senior brother more than once or twice.

They didn't know what to say, after all, they couldn't afford to offend both of them.

Seeing that Shi Jian insisted on him going, Uncle Jiu couldn't refuse and could only nod and agree.

He knew very well that Shi Jian wanted to ask him for Feng Shui knowledge, but he wanted to take the opportunity to embarrass him and step on him to become famous.

As time passed by, the sun gradually rose from the east.

It was eight o'clock in the morning.

Qiu Sheng, who lived with his aunt

, came to the charity cemetery. After meeting all the uncles and uncles one by one, he followed Qin Jiuyang, Wencai, and Uncle Jiu to the residence of Master Ren.

Shi Jian, wearing a black and white yin and yang Taoist robe, with his hands behind his back, walked with his son Shi Shaojian in the town with his head held high.

"Uncle Nine"

"Uncle Jiu.

However, the people on the street ignored them and greeted Uncle Jiu behind them with great enthusiasm and respect.

Uncle Jiu smiled and responded one by one.

""Hmph!" Shi Jian snorted coldly and quickened his pace.

After a while, everyone arrived at Ren's house.

Master Ren, his daughter Ren Tingting, and Captain Awei opened the door and walked out.

When he found that Uncle Jiu was also with them, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

The last time a Feng Shui master came to his house, it was the Feng Shui master who took the initiative.

This time, he invited Shi Jian himself.

Inviting Shi Jian instead of Uncle Jiu, doesn't it clearly mean that he thinks Uncle Jiu is not as good as Shi Jian? It would be strange if he had the nerve to see Uncle Jiu.

However, as a businessman, Master Ren reacted quickly and welcomed everyone in with a thick face.

When Shi Shaojian passed by Ren Tingting, a greedy look appeared in his eyes.

""What are you looking at, you little bastard? Believe it or not, I will shoot you!"

Captain A Wei said to Shi Shaojian in an extremely arrogant manner.

He didn't care about any Feng Shui master who dared to have bad intentions towards his cousin, and the gun on his waist would not agree.

As soon as these words came out.

Shi Jian, who was walking in the front, suddenly had a gloomy face, secretly formed seals with his hands, turned around and looked directly at A Wei,"Who do you say is the little bastard!!"

A Wei was frightened by Shi Jian's eyes. Although he was afraid, he still said with a stiff upper lip,"Of's him……"

"Okay, very good. If I were you, I would just crash into the ground and die here." Shi Jian's face was gloomy.

A Wei's body trembled and his eyes became blurry.

"Crash to death here, crash to death here……"

Awei murmured something, with a dull look on his face, and walked towards the doorpost beside him like a zombie.

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