"Brother, one hundred dollars is a very high reward. I only received twenty copper coins for moving Master Ren's grave." Uncle Jiu said

"You only charge twenty copper coins?"

Shi Jian was surprised. He thought Uncle Jiu charged a lot before. Since it was less than him, one hundred dollars was one hundred dollars. Shi Jian agreed. He could only think of a way to pay the rest slowly.

Then, Shi Jian took out a brush and a piece of white paper and drew the layout of Ren Mansion on the paper, including where to put things, what to put, what position to put, what cannot be moved, what cannot be blocked, etc.

Soon, a nine-door water-absorbing and wealth-attracting bureau was drawn by Shi Jian.

Nine-door water absorption, with the eight trigrams as the direction, nine doors were opened in Ren Mansion, and a flowing pool was built in the middle.

Wind is born from air, and water moves with wind.

If it is a pool of stagnant water, where does the air come from?

Only flowing water can drive the generation of air.

"Master Ren, with this arrangement, your family will surely prosper and be prosperous. Shi Jian said to Master Ren

"Can the family really flourish?"Mr. Ren instantly became excited.

Because of the relocation of the grave of Old Master Ren, the business of their Ren family has gradually picked up.

Wanting to lay out the Yang house is just to add icing on the cake. As for the prosperity of the family, it is something he dare not even dream of.

He is already very old and has some problems in that aspect. After Ren Tingting's mother passed away, he did not remarry. He only had Ren Tingting as a daughter, which led to the small number of Ren family members and no one to inherit the huge family property.

If he could have a son, this hundred dollars would be worth it.

"Of course, don't you believe in my ability?" Shi Jian held up his goatee with a proud look on his face.

Then, he looked down at Uncle Jiu and asked,"Junior brother, do you have any opinion on this game?"

Uncle Jiu took a serious look and shook his head,"I don't have any opinion. The game set by senior brother is really amazing."

"Since Uncle Jiu thinks it's okay, then it must be okay. Come on, go get Uncle Jian a hundred dollars."Mr. Ren said with a smile on his face.

Little did he know that his words made Shi Jian's face darken instantly.

Isn't it obvious that he doesn't believe him, or thinks that he is not as strong as Uncle Jiu?

"I think it is inappropriate to set up the Nine-Gate Water Absorption and Wealth Attraction Bureau in the Ren Family."

At this time, Qin Jiuyang couldn't help but speak.

In terms of Feng Shui attainments, he had long surpassed Uncle Jiu, not to mention Shi Jian.

Whether it was Shi Jian or Uncle Jiu, they all overlooked a key issue, so that they failed to see the harm of this bureau being set up in the Ren Family.

He didn't want to say it, but the consequence of not saying it was that the nine members of the Ren Family would die tragically, and the Nine-Gate Water Absorption and Wealth Attraction Bureau would also become a place for nine evil spirits to raise corpses.

"Jiuyang, don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Jiu quickly reprimanded Qin Jiuyang, and then said to Shi Jian:"Big Brother, my disciple is outspoken, please don't argue with him."

He didn't know what Qin Jiuyang was thinking, he only knew that there was indeed no problem with this game. Qin Jiuyang said in front of Shi Jian that his game was not right, which was a slap in the face.

With the revengeful nature of Big Brother Shi Jian, he would definitely not let Qin Jiuyang off easily.

"It's okay, he's just a junior, I won't argue with him."

Shi Jian smiled coldly, then changed the subject,"But he is a congenital Taoist body, maybe he can really see what's wrong.

Junior Brother Jiuyang, you tell me what's wrong, just feel free to say it.

If you can't say it, or if you say it wrong, I, as your uncle, will definitely teach you a lesson and teach you a lesson."

"This... Big Brother……"

Uncle Jiu frowned and looked at Shi Jian with an awkward expression.

On one side was the senior brother whom he did not want to offend.

On the other side was his beloved disciple.

Even he could not see the problem with the layout, so how could Qin Jiuyang see it? Besides, there was no problem with this game at all.

"Junior brother, there is no need to say more."Shi Jian said firmly.

Qin Jiuyang did not hesitate and pointed out the problem.

"The Nine-Gate Water-Attracting Wealth Bureau is arranged in Ren Mansion. It must be admitted that it is indeed a very good Feng Shui pattern.

However, Ren Mansion is not facing south, but facing north. Moreover, the houses around Ren Mansion are not as high as Ren Mansion. In front of the gate of Ren Mansion, there is still the intersection of two roads.

If you want to arrange the Nine-Gate Water-Attracting Wealth Bureau, you must face north and have houses higher than Ren Mansion around, forming a high and low evil.

At the same time, close the road in front of Ren Mansion’s gate, because the intersection of the two roads is like a pair of scissors, which is a scissors evil.

If this bureau is forcibly arranged, after 9981 days, this bureau will become a place for the nine-gate evil spirits to raise corpses."

Qin Jiuyang said loudly and with reason.

Uncle Jiu and Shi Jian stood there with frowns on their faces.

Uncle Jiu frowned because he actually ignored these things. If Qin Jiuyang hadn't said it, it would have caused trouble.

Shi Jian frowned because he was severely slapped in the face by Qin Jiuyang.

Now, let alone teaching Qin Jiuyang a lesson, it is not certain whether his reputation as the eldest brother of Maoshan Zhenchuan will be damaged.

"Uncle Jiu, is what Brother Jiuyang said true or false?"Master Ren looked at Uncle Jiu with some fear.

There was no way, Qin Jiuyang's words were too scary.

The Nine Gates Evil Corpse Raising Ground, just the word corpse, reminded him of his old father who had turned into a corpse before, even now he was still frightened.

He asked Shi Jian to help the Ren family, not to harm the Ren family.

"It's true." Uncle Jiu nodded heavily.

Shi Jian remained silent, looking more uncomfortable than if he had eaten shit.

After a long while, he forced a smile on his face and said,"Okay, okay, the innate Taoist body is really extraordinary. If it weren't for you, we really wouldn't have noticed these problems."

"The master uncle is too kind to me. This has nothing to do with my innate body. It's just that I observe more carefully and know more.���"I am only slightly better than you and Master in attainment."

Qin Jiuyang looked modest, but his words were extremely arrogant.

Shi Jian's face twitched slightly, and his breathing became heavier.

After a moment, he adjusted his mood and forced a smile, saying,"Junior brother has trained a good disciple, amazing, amazing.

Since you think you have surpassed me and your Master in attainment in Feng Shui, then you can set up a Feng Shui bureau for the Ren family."

""Yes, yes, Brother Jiuyang, thank you for your help." Master Ren said with a flattering look on his face.

Even Uncle Jiu and Shi Jian didn't see the problem, but Qin Jiuyang saw it. Perhaps Qin Jiuyang's attainments in Feng Shui really surpassed the two of them.

"That's fine, but if I sell it, I'll have to pay a thousand dollars, not for anything else, but because of the Feng Shui layout I set up. There is no such thing as Feng Shui changing."

"What does it mean? Why isn't there a saying that things will change over time?"Master Ren couldn't help but ask.

Uncle Jiu and Shi Jian were also quite curious, wondering what Qin Jiuyang meant by this.

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