"Brother Wencai, don’t be afraid."

Qin Jiuyang appeared in front of Wencai like a ghost, looking at Old Master Ren with sharp eyes,"You are just a jumping zombie, yet you dare to act so violently in front of me!!"

Through the attack just now and the strength displayed by Old Master Ren, he has already judged the realm of Old Master Ren.

Zombies from weak to strong are white zombies, black zombies, jumping zombies, hairy zombies, purple zombies, flying zombies...

Although they are just jumping zombies, Old Master Ren has just transformed into a zombie, and his strength is not weak, equivalent to a Taoist disciple who has come out of the nether realm.

Zombies can improve their strength by sucking blood and eating ghosts, and there is no bottleneck limit. Tonight it is a jumping zombie, and maybe tomorrow night it will be a hairy zombie.

But for Qin Jiuyang, it’s all child’s play.

Even the purple zombies at the same realm as him are not his opponents.

As for the flying zombies, they can fight with him, but they are still not his opponents.

"Junior brother, I leave this to you!"

When Qiu Sheng saw Qin Jiuyang appear, he knew that Qin Jiuyang was very powerful, so he immediately pulled Wencai back to avoid being in the way.

""Hmm? It's a jumping zombie!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu appeared at the door of the room and quickly reminded Qin Jiuyang:"Jiuyang, be careful, get out of the way!" As soon as the voice fell,

Uncle Jiu's pupils shrank, and his eyes were full of horror.

Qin Jiuyang made hand seals with lightning speed, and various hand seals changed one after another, and finally slapped the right shoulder of Old Master Ren with a palm in the air.


There was a loud explosion.

Old Master Ren's right shoulder was blown up on the spot.

"My God!"

Uncle Jiu was dumbfounded and shocked,"He can actually perform the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm in an instant during the battle."

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it was true.

The Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm has a total of ninety-nine hand gestures and seventy-two sets of variations. Even if he performed it, it would take more than ten or twenty seconds.

Therefore, to perform this palm, he needs to keep a certain distance, or have someone hold the target.

But Qin Jiuyang actually released it instantly.

This is the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm!

Looking at the entire Maoshan, I'm afraid that only the founder can compete with him, a disciple.


Old Master Ren was dazed by this palm strike.

However, this was not the end.

After Qin Jiuyang slapped him, his power was still strong. He slapped his palm upwards in an extremely tricky and strange manner, directly hitting Old Master Ren's chin.

Along with his chin, his entire head was smashed by Qin Jiuyang.


Old Master Ren's body stiffened and fell straight to the ground.

A ferocious jumping zombie was easily solved by Qin Jiuyang, who didn't even use any magic weapon and killed Old Master Ren with his bare hands.

I'm afraid Old Master Ren would never have dreamed that a jumping zombie would be killed by a young man with his bare hands. Even the tiger that died in Wu Song's hands was not so miserable.

"Isn't this the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm? But the last palm strike is not the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm."

Uncle Jiu stood at the door as if struck by lightning, and the image of Qin Jiuyang's last palm strike kept flashing in his mind.

This palm strike was so exquisite.

He couldn't imagine how Qin Jiuyang had made it.

If this palm strike was in the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm, the quality of the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm would definitely be several levels higher.

"Jiuyang, that palm you just used……"

Before Uncle Jiu finished asking, Qin Jiuyang explained,"Master, that palm strike was something I just realized by accident." The palm strike was indeed the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm. There were three levels of this palm strike, but he had an infinite cultivation system, and he had already cultivated the Maoshan Demon Subduing Palm to more than three hundred levels. The palm strike just now was just the tip of the iceberg.

"So that's how it is. The innate Dao body is indeed gifted!" Uncle Jiu nodded in enlightenment, thinking that this was the credit of the innate Dao body.

But the next second, he seemed to realize something and his face changed.

""It's bad. Old Master Ren's body was beaten like this. I won't be able to report to Master Ren tomorrow." Uncle Jiu smiled bitterly. The problem of Old Master Ren's corpse turning into a corpse was solved, but the body was missing arms and a head. If Master Ren saw it, he would definitely come after them.

Most importantly, if this got out, it would ruin his reputation. Who would ask him to move graves and look for burial sites?

And if you take someone's business, you have to do it well.

"Can't coffin fungi repair corpses? Using coffin fungi to repair them will ensure that they are exactly the same as before."Qin Jiuyang said

"Do you really think that coffin fungi are cabbages on the roadside?"Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes at Qin Jiuyang and said,"You should know what kind of environment coffin fungi grow in."

"What kind of environment?" Wencai asked.

"In the coffin of the Corpse King!" Qin Jiuyang explained to Wencai:"The coffin fungus is formed by the corpse gas that the Corpse King has been spitting into the coffin for many years. If you want to get the coffin fungus, you have to open the coffin of the Corpse King."

""Ah? So dangerous!" Wencai shrank his neck.

Even Qiu Sheng, who was standing beside him, changed his expression.

That was the Corpse King. Not to mention them, even Uncle Jiu didn't dare to provoke him.

The Corpse King was not only powerful, but also commanded countless zombies.

With one order, the zombies alone were enough to make people exhausted.

Coffin fungus is a good thing, but you have to be alive to get it.

"It is not dangerous. Corpse kings are strong or weak. They are not necessarily called corpse kings. They are the real kings of corpses."

Speaking of this, Qin Jiuyang did not say anything. He picked up Qiu Sheng and jumped up, rushing out of the charity cemetery like a monkey."Master, Senior Brother Qiu Sheng and I are going to find coffin fungi. We will be back before dawn."

Uncle Jiu just opened his mouth and found that Qin Jiuyang and Qiu Sheng had disappeared. He had to shut his mouth and clean up the house with Wencai.

On the other side,

Qin Jiuyang, who left with Qiu Sheng, came to the deserted and quiet street.

The reason why he brought Qiu Sheng with him was naturally to lure out the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

Finding coffin fungi and subduing Dong Xiaoyu are not contradictory.


"It's dry, be careful���Candle."

The night watchman's voice came faintly, from far away to near.

"Junior brother, aren't we going to look for coffin fungi? Why did we stop here?

I heard from Master that there is a corpse king in the mass grave outside Renjia Town. Maybe there are coffin fungi in its coffin."

Qiu Sheng looked at Qin Jiuyang in confusion, thinking that Qin Jiuyang stopped because he couldn't find the location of the corpse king.

"Don't worry, I sense a ghostly aura here, there must be a ghost harming people, let's go, walk around and see if we can find the source of the ghostly aura."

Qin Jiuyang said nonsense seriously.

"So that's it."

Qiu Sheng clenched his fists, indignant,"It dared to harm people in Renjia Town, Junior Brother, you can't let it go later!"

"Okay, but with me here, it probably won’t dare to show up. So, brother, you walk around the street by yourself first, and I’ll hide. When it shows up, we’ll catch it!"


Qiu Sheng nodded heavily.

It was just a fight against a fierce ghost, he still believed in Qin Jiuyang's strength, otherwise he would not have agreed so straightforwardly.

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