"Uncle Simu, look!"

Qingqing suddenly exclaimed.

In an instant,

Taoist Simu was struck by lightning and froze in place. His heart was beating violently, almost jumping out of his throat.

Qin Jiuyang took back the Golden Money Sword in his left hand and began to form seals and chant spells with one hand.

However, his right hand was still performing sword skills, constantly attacking the Demon King Watanabe. He was doing two things at the same time, and still casting spells with one hand.

This method was not inferior to the

Void Drawing Talisman. You know, the Void Drawing Talisman is a unique skill that only the Taoist Heavenly Master in purple robes possesses.

"Too evil, too abnormal, casting with one hand is better than me casting with two hands, how did this kid practice! ?"

The Taoist priest Simu swallowed hard, looking at Qin Jiuyang who was fighting with the ghost king Watanabe by himself, and was deeply shocked."Even if it is a congenital Taoist body, it is too evil and abnormal.

I have worked hard for decades, but it is not as good as others who have practiced for a few years."

"Casting with one hand? Is this what Master said about casting with one hand? Senior Brother Jiuyang is awesome!!"Qingqing shouted excitedly, her face full of admiration.

Master Yixiu had told her before that in Buddhism and Taoism, there are some talented and powerful people who can draw talismans in the air and cast spells with one hand.

If you master either of these two, you can fight against opponents of higher levels. How could she not admire Qin Jiuyang for performing these legendary skills? She didn't expect to see him perform them with her own eyes.

The love deep in her heart also took root, sprouted, blossomed and bore fruit at this moment.

If Qin Jiuyang said he wanted to marry her, she would agree without hesitation.

Since ancient times, heroes have been unable to resist beauties, but how could beauties be able to resist heroes!?

"Not only can he cast spells with one hand, he can also do two things at once. If he puts away the copper coin sword, he can use both hands to cast different spells."The Taoist priest Simu couldn't help but explain.

"The Great Thunder God of the Heaven, who subdues demons and monsters, is in the center. Look at my hand gesture, listen to my mantra, thunder is coming!"

Qin Jiuyang pointed his left hand into a sword, pointed at the sky, and then slashed towards the Demon King Watanabe.


A bolt of lightning struck down.

The pupils of the demon king Watanabe shrank, and he stepped back and quickly dodged.

"Palm Thunder!"

Qin Jiuyang formed a seal again and struck a palm through the air.


A thunder ball appeared and hit the Watanabe Demon King accurately.


Watanabe Ghost King roared in a low voice, his dark face twisted instantly, and the whole ghost was extremely angry.

It was a ghost king, but not only did it fail to kill Qin Jiuyang, the ant, but it was injured by the ant. It was a great shame!!

"Casting with one hand, doing two things at once, and being able to change spells instantly, performing two spells in succession, is this really a human!?"

Taoist Simu rubbed his eyes fiercely, already shocked beyond words.


Watanabe Ghost King roared hysterically, his whole body was full of ghost energy, and he raised his sword with both hands, exerting his strength to the extreme.

He used all his strength in this sword, and he wanted to kill Qin Jiuyang with a crushing blow.

He wanted to let Qin Jiuyang know that in the face of absolute strength, any means and tactics are untraceable!!!

In an instant.

Watanabe Ghost King rushed to Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang, who had already experienced Watanabe Ghost King's speed, did not hesitate at all, stepped on the step, as if performing Lingbo Weibu, and easily opened the distance.

"Bastard, baka!! If you have the guts, fight me to the death!!"

Watanabe Ghost King roared angrily, wishing to cut Qin Jiuyang into eight pieces.

When dealing with Qin Jiuyang, it felt like all its strength was hitting cotton. This feeling of having strength but nowhere to use it and being useless was really uncomfortable.

For example, in this attack, Qin Jiuyang did not choose to fight with it, but used his profound and superb Bu Gang body skills to dodge.

It wanted to continue attacking, but Qin Jiuyang's body skills were so evil that it could not hit Qin Jiuyang at all.

In the battle with Qin Jiuyang just now, it deeply experienced Qin Jiuyang's terrifying body skills.

If it weren't for the terrifying body skills, with its strength, how could it not be able to deal with an ant in the early stage of the Shapeshifting Realm?


""Bang, bang, bang!"

Qin Jiuyang waved his hands in succession, and more than ten talismans hit the Watanabe Ghost King at the same time.

Although these talismans could not do anything to the Watanabe Ghost King, they could disgust him and make him even more angry.

Whether it is a human or a ghost, when they are angry, they will often be overwhelmed by anger and lose their reason.

Now is the best time to deal with him.

Is it the Watanabe Ghost King!?

Even Shi Jian and Uncle Jiu need to unite many brothers to set up formations in advance, and they may not be able to deal with such a powerful ghost. Tonight, he will rely on his own strength to kill it!!

Although the possibility is very small, it is not impossible.

A dead Sun Country devil, still restless after death, dares to run wild in China. Does he really think that there is no one in China!?

""Okay, okay, if I can’t kill you, I’ll kill them first!"

The ghost king looked at Taoist Simu and Qingqing.

It wasn’t stupid. If it couldn’t do anything to Qin Jiuyang, how could it do anything to these two people?

"Not good!!"

The Taoist Simu's face darkened, and he immediately took Qingqing and quickly retreated.

As they retreated, the Demon King Watanabe rushed forward with a knife.


At this moment, a sharp furry claw suddenly grabbed towards the demon king Watanabe.

The latter frowned, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and turned over and slashed at the fox demon with a knife.

"Don't take it head-on, dodge to the left."

Qin Jiuyang quickly reminded the fox demon.

The fox demon retracted its raised claws immediately and dodged to the left. However

, the ghost king Watanabe chopped the fox demon on the right.

The fox demon was stunned, and a huge wave of emotions rose in his heart.

If Qin Jiuyang hadn't reminded it, it would not only fight back, but also dodge to the right.

In other words, if it weren't for Qin Jiuyang, it would have been killed by the ghost king Watanabe.


The Taoist priest Simu's eyes widened,"He actually figured out the swordsmanship of the Demon King Watanabe so quickly, and even predicted the direction of the next strike. This... this……"

Taoist Simu could not find words to describe his mood.

He now understood why Qin Jiuyang could fight with the Demon King Watanabe, in addition to his body movement and swordsmanship.

The most important thing was the swordsmanship of the Demon King Watanabe, which Qin Jiuyang had already figured out.

In short,

Qin Jiuyang also knew swordsmanship, after all, his swordsmanship was far better than that of the Demon King Watanabe.

It was precisely because of this that the Demon King Watanabe was figured out by Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang could predict the direction and position of his sword in advance.

This was a very terrifying ability, a pure crushing of swordsmanship.

If the gap in strength between the two was narrowed, the Demon King Watanabe would have been killed by Qin Jiuyang's sword long ago.

"Why are you still standing there? With your strength, you can't compete with the Demon King Watanabe. Why don't you retreat?" Qin Jiuyang looked at the shocked and stunned fox demon and shouted

"Yes, Master."

The fox demon quickly came to his senses and tried to escape, but it was too late.

The demon king Watanabe flew over and kicked the fox demon hard in the stomach.

The fox demon felt a powerful force coming at it, as if it was hit by a huge rock, and the blood in its body surged and its internal organs were displaced.


It spurted out a mouthful of blood, and its body flew backwards uncontrollably.

At this moment, it deeply felt the terrifying strength of the Watanabe Ghost King, and also understood how evil Qin Jiuyang was.

With just one blow, it was seriously injured.

Such a terrifying and powerful Watanabe Ghost King, in front of Qin Jiuyang, was teased and suppressed by Qin Jiuyang like a cat playing with a mouse.

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