"Ziwu Soul-Destroying Nail!!"

The fox demon’s pupils shrank and he shouted angrily:"You are not Uncle Nine!!"

"Haha, I just realized it now, it's too late"

‘Uncle Jiu laughed wildly, his face full of pride.

Even if the fox demon was powerful, it was too late to stop it, because the Ziwu Soul-Slaying Nail was less than a centimeter away from Qin Jiuyang's scalp.

As long as the nail was inserted into his head, even if the Daluo Jinxian came down to earth, he would not be able to save him.

""Brother Jiuyang, get out of the way!" Qingqing screamed at Qin Jiuyang anxiously.

She couldn't care less about disturbing Qin Jiuyang's practice. Even if he was possessed, it was better than being killed.

What's more, the Ziwu Soul-Destroying Nail was extremely evil. If you were nailed, even your three souls and seven spirits would perish, and you wouldn't have the chance to reincarnate.

"It's no use, it's too late, he can't hide anymore"

‘Uncle Jiu laughed jokingly.

"Why should I hide? Just because you are a mere ant, what qualifications do you have for me to hide?"

Qin Jiuyang, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment of lightning and fire, he quickly stretched out his right index finger and middle finger, and instantly clamped the Ziwu Soul-Slaying Nail.


‘Uncle Jiu's face darkened, his smile stopped abruptly, and then he roared in disbelief,"Impossible, weren't you practicing? Why did you quit practicing forcibly without any problem, and reacted so quickly!!"

Forcibly quitting practice can lead to insanity at best, and death at worst.

But Qin Jiuyang was not only fine, but he immediately clamped his Ziwu Soul-Destroying Nail.

If he hadn't been sure that Qin Jiuyang was practicing, he would have thought that Qin Jiuyang was stinging for law enforcement!

"I don't know if I'm okay, but you must be okay."

Qin Jiuyang's eyes were filled with murderous intent,"I didn't attack you, but you attacked me instead. Well, killing you will just give me the Lightning Thunder Fist from your father."

"You...you know who I am?"

"With your little tricks, you can fool Qingqing and the fox demon, but you can't fool me."

Qin Jiuyang sneered and slapped


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!"

‘Uncle Jiu's head was immediately whipped and spun rapidly, like a whirlwind top.


Finally, Uncle Jiu drew a piece of talisman paper, which spontaneously ignited without fire.

"It's actually a magic!"

Fox demon and Qingqing were shocked.

They thought that 'Uncle Nine' was a person in disguise, but they didn't expect it to be a piece of talisman paper.

"This is the magic and control of the talisman from Maoshan. The magic makes you hallucinate and think that the talisman is my master, and the control of the talisman is to control the talisman to harm people."Qin Jiuyang opened his mouth and said loudly

"Could it be that the person who wants to harm you is Shi Shaojian?" The fox demon couldn't help asking

"Who else could it be except him? Qin Jiuyang sneered.

"No wonder he asked Qingqing to go to his room, this man really deserves to die."The fox demon was indignant.

"He really deserves to die."

Qin Jiuyang nodded in agreement, stepped on the burning talisman paper, and began to make seals and chant.

With the talisman paper, he could follow the trajectory of the talisman paper to lock Shi Shaojian's position, and then cast a spell against him.

This is a battle of magic from a distance!!

With Shi Shaojian's ability, how could he be his opponent? Killing Shi Shaojian would be effortless.

After a while.

Qin Jiuyang finished casting the spell, and a trace of relief flashed across his eyes.

Fox Demon and Qingqing looked at Qin Jiuyang anxiously.

Although Qin Jiuyang didn't say it, they were not fools, and naturally knew that what Qin Jiuyang did just now was to deal with Shi Shaojian.

"Unexpectedly, Shi Jian placed a ban on his son, which not only protected his safety, but also locked the murderer's breath."

"Then Master, you didn't kill him?" The fox demon couldn't help asking

"Kill him. Fortunately, Shi Jian was weak and I had just broken through the realm and my strength increased greatly.

It was also thanks to Shi Shaojian that he opened the altar and used the talisman control technique to kill me, which gave me the opportunity to fight him from a distance.

If I had killed him at close range, I would have been locked by the restriction that Shi Jian had set for Shi Shaojian."Qin Jiuyang said

"Didn't Shi Jian already know about his son's death?" said the fox demon.

"Well, the restriction he set was broken, so he must know that his son is dead."Qin Jiuyang nodded, and then warned Fox Demon and Qingqing:"Shi Shaojian came to our room tonight and tried to harm me, so don't tell anyone."

Although Shi Shaojian was wrong in this matter, if Shi Jian knew about it, he would not care whether he was right or wrong. He would definitely kill whoever killed his son.

You know, this man was willing to fall into the devil's way and practice evil arts for his son.

According to the plot of the original novel, if he hadn't gone astray in the end, Uncle Jiu would not be able to deal with him at all, but would be killed by him.

Qin Jiuyang would not be soft on Shi Shaojian because of this.

Not only that, he wanted to trick Shi Jian once to let him know how sinister people are in the afterlife.



Fox Demon and Qingqing nodded at the same time.


Qin Jiuyang sat cross-legged on the bed again and opened the host panel.

「Host: Qin Jiuyang」

「Spell: max」

「Formation: max」

「Talisman: max」

「Step: max」

「Hand decision: max」

「Weapons: Peach Wood Sword, Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword, Golden Money Sword, Bagua Mirror, Soul-Catching Bell」

「Gongfa: Shangqing Qiankun Dadong Sutra (has been practiced to the ninety-ninth level)」

「Realm: late stage of the Transfiguration Realm."

If he hadn't been disturbed by Shi Shaojian, he would have reached the early stage of the Transfiguration Realm.

But it's okay. Breaking through is difficult for others.

For him, it's easier than eating and drinking. The night is long and there is plenty of time.

"I might as well practice Shangqing Qiankun Dadong Sutra, break through to a higher level, and practice faster.

Then my breathing will become stronger, and I can break through even when I’m fighting."Qin Jiuyang thought secretly.

The speed of his breakthrough depends on Shangqing Qiankun Dadong Sutra.

After all, the higher the level, the more terrifying the spiritual energy absorbed.

Although it is terrifying now, in his opinion, it is far from enough.

It is only ninety-nine levels, and at least he has to practice hundreds or thousands of levels.

After coming to his senses, Qin Jiuyang immediately started to practice.

Shangqing Qiankun Dadong Sutra also began to break through like crazy.

One hundred levels.

One hundred and one levels


One hundred and fifty levels.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Qin Jiuyang opened the host panel and checked the situation of the Shangqing Qiankun Great Cave Sutra. He had reached the five hundred and ninety-eighth level. He originally wanted to try out how terrifying the five hundred and ninety-eighth level of the Great Cave Sutra was, but suddenly there was a noisy sound outside.

Listening carefully, it was Shi Jian and Uncle Jiu who had returned.

""Investigate, all of you, investigate. No matter who it is, if they dare to kill my son, I will bury all of his nine clans with him!!!"

Shi Jian's hysterical and angry voice rang out.

Fox Demon and Qingqing looked at each other.

Qin Jiuyang was also afraid that they would reveal clues in front of Shi Jian, so he asked them to stay in the room and not go anywhere, then he opened the door and walked towards the hall of the charity cemetery.

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