"Now it's not you who should let me go, but I who should save you. If you are willing to beg me, I will save your life." Qin Jiuyang smiled slightly, not afraid of A Wei's threat at all.

"Oh, you are a tough guy." Ah Wei walked to Qin Jiuyang with the branding iron.

Qin Jiuyang took a look at the five corpses on the side.

The five corpses had body bags on their faces, fangs were exposed at the corners of their mouths, and the nails on their hands were like sharp blades. In less than a minute, they would definitely turn into zombies.

Being bitten by a zombie would cause corpse poison to enter the body, not to mention being bitten to death by a zombie and having blood sucked dry.

Even if they had just turned into zombies, and were only the lowest level of white zombies, Ah Wei could not deal with them alone, and there were five of them.

"No matter how tough I am, I can't be as tough as you. Look behind you." Qin Jiuyang took a step back and said

"Do you think I'm stupid? You want to trick me into turning around and take the opportunity to attack me, right?"Awei was very proud, thinking that he had seen through Qin Jiuyang's plan, and he was very pleased with himself,"I'm as smart as a monkey, you want to trick me? No way!"

"Get out of the way!���Corpse, there are zombies!"

"The corpse has turned into a corpse! Get out of the way!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai shouted in fear.

Ah Wei frowned, and a bad feeling welled up in his heart.


"Uh ah……"

A low, piercing voice came from behind.


Ah Wei felt his scalp go numb and a chill rushed to his head from the soles of his feet.

He gritted his teeth and turned around trembling. He looked carefully.

Oh my god, five zombies were limping towards him.

If he got hit by those sharp and slender nails, wouldn't he be scratched?

"Oh my god, the zombies have transformed."

Ah Wei screamed in fear, and turned and ran without bothering to teach Qin Jiuyang a lesson.

Qin Jiuyang pulled the handcuffs open with both hands, then jumped onto the beam and watched the show. The five white zombies that had just transformed smelled Ah Wei's scent. At first they limped, but later they started to jump forward as if they had taken stimulants, and quickly rushed towards Ah Wei.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Ah Wei knocked desperately on the door of the police station, looking at the zombies rushing towards him.

Seeing that they were about to rush over, he quickly opened fire.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Gunshots rang out one after another.

The bullets hit the zombies, but other than making them pause, they had no effect.

The white zombies' bodies were not strong enough to support them in bouncing the bullets back.

However, they were already dead and had become zombies. Even if they were hit by bullets, it would not have any effect unless their flesh bodies were completely destroyed by the bullets.


The bullets were exhausted, and Ah Wei smashed one of the zombies with his pistol, then rushed to Uncle Jiu in a hurry.

"Help, Uncle Jiu, help!"

"Look at my hands. How can I save you?" Uncle Jiu took out his handcuffed hands and said

""Be careful!"

Qiu Sheng suddenly reminded A Wei.


One of the zombies grabbed Awei's back, ripped his clothes, and left several bloody scratches on his back.

Fortunately, the zombie scratched instead of stabbed.

If it had stabbed, Awei's heart would have been pierced.


The intense pain made Ah Wei scream and he quickly ran for his life.

He ran, it chased him.

He had nowhere to escape.

When he arrived at the police station, Ah Wei had been caught in tattered clothes and covered with bruises.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

He knocked on the door desperately and yelled hysterically:"You bastards, open the door quickly, I am your captain Awei!!!"

The patrolman guarding outside hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the door.

As soon as he opened it, he saw five zombies rushing towards Awei.

""Ah? Zombies!? Shoot!"

The deputy captain was startled and quickly ordered his men to point their guns at the zombies.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Gunshots rang out everywhere, and the five zombies were beaten to a standstill, unable to move forward a single inch.

After one round after another, three rounds in total, until all the bullets were used up and the five zombies were shot into pieces, that was the end.

Even so, the five zombies still did not fall down. As long as they were not beaten into rotten meat, they would not fall down.

"My God, run away!!"

The deputy captain turned pale, yelled, and ran away.

As he ran, the others followed him.

The five zombies lost their target, turned around, and began to jump towards Uncle Jiu and Qiu Shengwencai in the prison.

"Jiuyang, stop playing and get rid of them quickly."Uncle Jiu said to Qin Jiuyang on the beam.


Qin Jiuyang nodded, jumped up, spun 360 degrees in the air, and did three somersaults before landing steadily.


Qiu Sheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time,

Qin Jiuyang bit his index finger and used his body skills to tap the foreheads of the five zombies one by one. Immediately, the five zombies were fixed in place, motionless. They were just five white zombies. With Qin Jiuyang's current strength, it would be easy to deal with them.

"Burn it, lest it remain and harm the world." Uncle Jiu said


Qin Jiuyang waved his right hand and threw out five yellow talismans.

The talisman paper ignited without fire, quickly burning the five zombies to ashes.

Then, Qin Jiuyang grabbed the prison iron door with both hands and gently broke it. The steel bar as thick as a thumb was easily broken open by him.

""Master, two brothers, please come out first. I feel that something is going to happen tonight. It won't be peaceful. We have to be prepared." Qin Jiuyang said to the three people seriously.

According to the development of the original plot, after Awei escapes, he will encounter zombies and be forced back by the zombies.

Then the Bloodthirsty Sect will send people to rescue the members captured by Uncle Jiu.

Although many places are different from the original plot, the general direction is still the same.

At least Captain Awei was chased by zombies, knocked on the door frantically, and then escaped, which is in line with the plot line.

""Did you figure out something?" Uncle Jiu asked.

He had seen Qin Jiuyang's innate divine calculations before, and they were quite powerful.

"Well, Master, where are those bandits you captured being held?" Qin Jiuyang asked.

"It's in the police station, but in the backyard, not here."


Qin Jiuyang nodded.

He took Uncle Jiu and Qiu Shengwencai directly to the backyard.

Then, without saying anything, he killed the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect on the spot.

"Jiuyang, you killed too many people. They haven't sentenced them yet, why did you kill them? Uncle Jiu was a little caught off guard.

He didn't expect Qin Jiuyang to be so decisive. If he knew, he would have stopped him.

"Master, if you kill one person, you can save a hundred people. Will you kill him or not?" Qin Jiuyang looked at Uncle Jiu.


Uncle Jiu seemed very hesitant

"It must be killing one person to save a hundred people. In the words of Buddhism, if I don't go to hell

, who will? Sometimes, some people should be killed, and they should not be soft-hearted. They killed innocent people, their hands were stained with blood, and their crimes were extremely heinous."

"You are right, I am a little too soft-hearted. Uncle Jiu nodded in agreement.

""Two brothers." Qin Jiuyang looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai,"Put on their clothes and hide here.

I will draw restrictions on you and set up formations around you. I will teach you how to operate it later.

If their accomplices come to rescue them, you can trap them in the formations."

"They have accomplices? What about you and Master?" Wencai asked.

"Nonsense, there must be accomplices. Their accomplices will appear soon. As for me and my master, we have to go outside to deal with the zombies.

The zombies that killed the five ordinary people will come here without any accidents."Qin Jiuyang said loudly and methodically.

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