"I'm not interested. It's just a few dollars. I have plenty. If you like it, I can give you some.

As for the haunted house of Tan Baiwan, I suggest you don't go. With your ability, you will definitely not be able to solve it, and you may even be in danger." Qin Jiuyang kindly reminded. Tan

Baiwan's house is haunted because the mansion that Tan Baiwan bought was where the ghosts lived when they were alive. After they died, they became ghosts and stayed in the mansion and didn't want to leave.

Not only that, they also wanted to drive Tan Baiwan away.

So Tan Baiwan hired the liar Mao Shanming through some unknown channel.

This is the content of the original plot. Even if there are changes, it is almost the same.

"You give me some?"Tsk, if you don't want to get rich, forget it." Mao Shanming curled his lips and said.

Among the many brothers, the poorest is Uncle Jiu.

Even Uncle Jiu is so poor, as Uncle Jiu's apprentice, how can there be a lot of money? This is not a joke.

Then, Mao Shanming ignored Qin Jiuyang and took Dabao and Xiaobao to rest aside.

Qin Jiuyang called Awei and asked him to prepare a bucket and glutinous rice to remove the corpse poison from his body.

This guy was injured by a zombie just now. Although it was just some scratches, it was done by the lowest level white zombie, but there was still corpse poison.

Over time, the corpse poison can still invade the internal organs.

Awei quickly prepared the things, and Qin Jiuyang asked him to take off his clothes and pants and jump in.


The next day, early in the morning, just as the sky was getting light,

Awei changed his clothes in high spirits, and the corpse poison in his body had been completely cleared.

"Brother Jiuyang, you are really awesome. My injuries are almost healed."Awei said with a smile on his face.

"Do you know how powerful I am now? Didn't you want to teach me a lesson before?"Qin Jiuyang smiled slightly.

Although Ah Wei has some power and is a bit of a bully, he is not a bad person, otherwise Qin Jiuyang would not have saved him.

"Didn't you know it before? No matter how offensive it is, don't take it to heart, haha." Ah Wei said with a smile.

After seeing Qin Jiuyang's ability, he now respects Qin Jiuyang very much.

Even if he had a gun in his hand, he was not sure he could kill Qin Jiuyang.

This kind of Xuanmen people's methods are really too weird.


A tender voice sounded.

Then, the fox demon, who had transformed into a human form, rushed to Qin Jiuyang with three girls, Ren Tingting, Nian Ying and Qing Qing, with a worried look on his face.

"Jiuyang, I'm relieved to see that you're okay. You didn't tell us when you came back, so we couldn't sleep all night last night.

If my dad hadn't told us that you were at the police station, we wouldn't have known you were back."Ren Tingting pouted and looked at Qin Jiuyang with a reproachful look on her face.

"Something happened last night and I forgot about it." Qin Jiuyang said

"Cousin, why are you here? Have you had breakfast? I'll buy it for you."Awei was very attentive.

"I came to see Jiuyang. Cousin, please don't do this again. I'm afraid of being misunderstood."Ren Tingting said to Awei like an iceberg goddess.

Awei had a sad face, like a defeated rooster, like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Before, he would have pointed a gun at Qin Jiuyang.

But now, he didn't dare to do it. He only blamed his elegant and handsome appearance for not meeting his cousin's aesthetic standards.

"Alas, my cousin knows."Awei sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It's already dawn, Awei, contact the brothers at the police station, get ready and set off. Qin Jiuyang said to Awei


Ah Wei nodded and immediately contacted his brothers.

On Qin Jiuyang's side, the three women asked about his well-being. Even the fox demon couldn't help but interrupt and asked if he was okay.

The fox demon, who had not absorbed yang energy for two nights, not only kept silent about absorbing yang energy, but also had no opinion at all.

About ten minutes later.

Ah Wei gathered his brothers.

There were a total of 36 people, all holding spears and fully armed.

Qin Jiuyang led them to the outside of Renjia Town.

He asked them to form a group of two, divided into 18 groups, and advance outward in a fan shape along all directions of Renjia Town.

He also gave them a magic incense, and asked them to light the incense as soon as they found the zombies, so that he could sense the location of the incense as soon as possible and come to support.

Qin Jiuyang, on his side, rode on a fox demon, sandwiched between the three women, and used the Bagua compass to look for a place with dense Yin energy.

The music zombie was injured by Uncle Jiu's thunder magic, and now he must be hiding in a place with dense Yin energy to recover from his injuries.

Now is the best time to deal with it. If this guy is allowed to improve his strength, it may not be possible to subdue him.

The sun is at its zenith.

It is noon.

Qin Jiuyang and Awei and others meet at the starting point.

In a morning, none of them found the location of the music zombie.

Qin Jiuyang, who has been to many places with dense Yin energy, has found many ghosts, but he has not even seen the shadow of the music zombie, and he doesn't know where this guy is hiding.

Zombies like this, which have intelligence and can see things with their eyes, are indeed difficult to find.

"huff… huff……"

Ah Wei was breathing heavily and couldn't help asking,"What should we do now? We have searched all the mountains near Renjia Town, but we can't find any trace of zombies. Could they have left the area of Renjia Town?""

"Looks like I have to use my trump card." Qin Jiuyang said in a deep voice

"What's the killer trick?" Awei asked

"A pocket watch that makes music"

"And a pocket watch that can make music?"

"Not only pocket watches can make sounds, but even boxes can make sounds, called rotating music boxes. These are all Western products. Cousin, you are out of date."Ren Tingting explained.

""Who has it?"

Qin Jiuyang asked everyone.

In the original novel, the music zombie would be attracted by the sound of the pocket watch in his granddaughter's hand. Even if he changed the pocket watch, as long as the sound of the music was the same, he would be attracted.

"I used to have one at home, but it broke and I didn’t know where it was thrown away." Nianying said.

As the daughter of a general, things like pocket watches are nothing to her.

"I do have a pocket watch, but it can't make music."Ren Tingting felt a little regretful that she couldn't help Qin Jiuyang.

"Pocket watches are Western products, and they are hard to find, and those that can make sounds are even harder to find.

"Captain, I have one."

Suddenly, a short, fair-faced policeman, about 1.6 meters tall, but with exceptionally developed chest muscles, stepped out from the crowd.

"You have? Are you sure you are not kidding?" Awei asked

""Captain, I dare not joke." The short patrolman did not speak, and immediately took out a pocket watch from his body. He opened the cover of the pocket watch, and a pleasant sound instantly rang out.

Qin Jiuyang's face was delighted, and he quickly took the pocket watch, and then took a serious look at the short patrolman, and then he found that this person was a woman dressed as a man.

Looking at her figure and fair face, she must be a great beauty in women's clothes, no worse than Ren Tingting and Nianying.

The music zombie came to the patrol bureau, couldn't it be because of her, could she be the music zombie's granddaughter Zhuzhu?

Thinking of this, Qin Jiuyang pretended to be serious and asked:"What's your name, why do you want to dress up as a man! ?"

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