In Yihong Courtyard, the girls were dancing on the stage, and a group of men were cheering below. Many men were taken to the private rooms on the second floor by the girls. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked around, like Granny Liu visiting the Grand View Garden.

It was clear from their looks that this was their first time in Yihong Courtyard.

""Girls, come and receive the guests."

The old procuress shouted loudly when she saw Qin Jiuyang and the other two come in.

Then, a group of beautiful girls came up and stuck to the three of them enthusiastically, making Qiu Sheng and Wencai very uncomfortable.

Especially Wencai, his face turned red.

He had always been honest and decent, and he had no courage to do anything. How could he enjoy such treatment?

"You must serve the three masters well and do not neglect them." said the old procuress.

""Master, shall we go to the second floor?"

A woman gently scratched Wencai's chest.

""Master, can you go with me?" Another woman said with a seductive look.

""Okay, okay, I'll go with you, I'll go with you." Wencai nodded with a silly smile, saliva almost flowing out of the corners of his mouth.���Sober, knocked Wencai's head hard, and reminded him:"Don't forget the purpose of our coming here"

"Oh, yes, yes."Wencai immediately reacted and rejected the two women.

""Let's go, I'll take you to find Shi Shaojian." Qin Jiuyang said to the two.

Then, he declined the girls' kindness and went straight to the second floor.

Seeing that Qin Jiuyang and the other two were looking for someone and had no interest in playing, the girls were too lazy to bother with them.

""Junior brother, how do you know where Shi Shaojian is?" Qiu Sheng couldn't help asking

"I'm so close to him, if I can't even sense his breath, then isn't my cultivation in the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm fake?"

"That's right, I forgot that you have reached the late stage of the Transfiguration Realm. Qiu Sheng nodded.

"We are here."

Qin Jiuyang came to a private room.

"Wencai, open the kettle lid, I'll break the door, and then you pour the water on him. Qiu Sheng said to Wencai

"This...why don't you come here, Junior Brother?" Wencai hesitated for a moment and said to Qin Jiuyang.

It would have been better if he didn't know that Shi Shaojian had a problem. Now that he knew there was a problem, he always felt that Shi Shaojian was terrifying.

"With me here, this thing is no longer useful, just open the door and kill him."Qin Jiuyang said murderously.

Shi Jian has fallen into evil ways, and Shi Shaojian has become a corpse demon.

In the original plot, Shi Shaojian was killed by his father Shi Jian himself.

So, even if they didn't kill Shi Shaojian, Shi Jian would not live long.

Because the corpse demon would suffer inhuman pain every night at midnight, Shi Jian couldn't bear to see his son suffer such torture, so he killed it himself.

After the end, Shi Jian believed that Jiu Shu, Qiu Sheng and Wencai killed Shi Shaojian, so he refined Shi Shaojian into a human corpse and controlled him to kill Qiu Sheng and Wencai..

He also used the technique of summoning corpses to raise souls, attracting a large number of zombies and evil spirits to besiege Yizhuang.

However, the technique was cracked by the ghost messenger invited by Uncle Jiu, and Shi Shaojian was completely killed. In the end, Shi Jian completely broke off with Uncle Jiu and attacked the three of them personally.

Qin Jiuyang, who knew the plot, although could not stop the development of the plot, could eliminate Shi Shaojian, the scourge, in advance, so that Shi Jian could not refine him into a human corpse.

The human corpse is more powerful than the corpse demon. It is a monster of Yi Ren Yi Shi. It has the flexibility of a human, and the invulnerability and infinite strength of a zombie.

"Junior brother, would it be wrong to kill him? After all, his father is our master uncle."Qiu Sheng was a little worried.

There was nothing wrong with teaching Shi Shaojian a lesson, but if he was killed, it would be strange if Shi Shaojian didn't go crazy.

"There is nothing wrong with that. Do you think that Master asked you to splash him with water, which is not killing him? Don't worry, I will take responsibility for any problems."Qin Jiuyang said in a resounding voice.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Junior Brother." Qiu Sheng nodded heavily.

"I will listen to you, Junior Brother." Wencai echoed.


Then, Qin Jiuyang kicked the door of the private room open and forced his way in with three people.

On the bed,

Shi Shaojian was pressing on the naked body of a woman, biting through her neck and sucking her blood.

Obviously, Shi Shaojian was satisfied and killed her to suck her blood, which was worse than a beast.

Seeing Qin Jiuyang and the other two suddenly breaking in, Shi Shaojian panicked instantly, and didn't even bother to put on his clothes and pants, and turned around and rushed out the window.


Qin Jiuyang waved his right hand and the talisman paper shot out.


The talisman paper exploded, Shi Shaojian screamed and fell to the ground

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother Jiuyang, I am your senior brother Shi Shaojian, please let me go, please, let me go, I don’t want to, but if I don’t suck blood, I will feel uncomfortable all over."

Shi Shaojian knelt on the ground, his mouth full of blood, begging

"Since you are in pain, I will help you get rid of it. Qin Jiuyang drew out his peach wood sword.

"No!! You can’t kill me, my father is the eldest senior brother of Maoshan, your great uncle!!"

"If you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go, even your master Lin Fengjiao can't protect you."

Shi Shaojian threatened Qin Jiuyang in fear.

He didn't know where he had let Qin Jiuyang's attention, and he was caught on the spot.

His father was not around, and with his strength facing Qin Jiuyang, he had no choice but to beg for mercy.

"You dare to threaten me when you are about to die? Do you really think I am afraid of your father?" Qin Jiuyang smiled contemptuously and waved the peach wood sword in his hand.


The sword flashed and instantly cut Shi Shaojian's throat.

After killing Shi Shaojian, Qin Jiuyang took out the yellow talisman and burned his body together, so that Shi Jian could not refine him into a human corpse.


The corpse made a sound like firecrackers in the flames, and the corpse oil splashed.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai frowned and felt heavy in their hearts.

""Let's go. Do you still feel sorry for Shi Shaojian?" Qin Jiuyang said to the two of them.

The two of them didn't see Shi Shaojian's corpse. If they had seen it, they would definitely give him a thumbs up for his foresight.

And burning Shi Shaojian was also for Shi Shaojian's good, so that he wouldn't be tortured by his father after his death, right?

At the same time, in the charity cemetery, in Shi Jian's room.

Shi Jian sat cross-legged in front of a table with disheveled hair and a gloomy face.

The table was covered with a yellow cloth, on which were placed an incense burner, a gold ingot candle, fragrant talisman paper, and three upside-down bowls stacked into a triangle.

In front of the bowls, there was a scarecrow.



Suddenly, the scarecrow exploded, and the three upside-down bowls shattered.

Shi Jian, who was sitting cross-legged practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, and a raging fire burst out of his eyes.

"Who!! Who is it!!"

"Who killed my son, ahhhhhh!!!"

""Shaojian, my son, you died so tragically!!!"

Shi Jian stood up, raised his hands to the sky, and roared hysterically.

Lightning flashed all over his body, and the yellow talismans, cloth talismans, etc. hanging in the house were all exploded by his roar.

At this time, Shi Jian picked up the Bagua mirror on the table, made a seal and chanted a spell, and the scene of Qin Jiuyang killing Shi Shaojian with a sword appeared in the mirror.


"Qin Jiuyang!!!"

"Damn you little bastards, and Lin Fengjiao, I want you to pay with blood!!"


Shi Jian was covered with terrifying lightning.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The house exploded again, the chairs and stools were all blown up, and even the table was broken into pieces.

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