"Big Brother!!!!"

At this moment, the group of Maoshan disciples who had left earlier appeared together.

Seeing Shi Jian being beaten to death on the spot, they all rushed up.

"His internal organs are shattered, he is already dead, there is no hope for him." One of them had red eyes, full of grief and indignation.

"The eldest brother is dead!!"

"What!? The eldest brother is dead!?"

"Qin Jiuyang, you are so bold that you dare to betray your master and ancestors and kill your own master uncle!!"A true disciple pointed at Qin Jiuyang and roared.

Suddenly, everyone was on edge and wanted to kill Qin Jiuyang to clean up the sect.

""Brothers, calm down. This is not what you think." Uncle Jiu quickly stood up and said.

He knew that killing Shi Jian would be difficult to explain. After all, no matter what, Shi Jian was their Maoshan's true senior brother. But not killing Shi Jian was not an option. If they didn't kill Shi Jian, Shi Jian would kill them.

"Second Brother, how can you calm us down? Look at the good disciple you taught. If he dared to kill our eldest brother today, will he dare to kill our eldest brother someday?���?

Also, Second Brother, you are also involved in this matter.

In addition to the First Brother, we also heard that he killed the Fifth Brother Yin Tiansheng!"

"Yes, we came back this time just to ask about the Fifth Junior Brother, but we didn't expect to see the tragic death of the First Junior Brother."

"Second Senior Brother, if you hand over this child, let us take him back to Maoshan to be punished, and you will still be our Second Senior Brother."

Everyone attacked Uncle Jiu in unison, looking righteous and awe-inspiring, as if they were going to kill their own relatives for the sake of justice.

"It was indeed me who killed Yin Tiansheng. I asked A Wei from the police station to shoot him in the head."Qin Jiuyang said solemnly

""Okay, okay, as long as you dare to admit it, Second Senior Brother, you also heard it, this beast, not only killed Fifth Junior Brother, but also killed Senior Senior Brother!!" A true disciple looked at Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng and Wencai fiercely,"You two bastards, such a big thing happened, Jiuyang didn’t tell you, and you also hid it from your master."

Before Qin Jiuyang and others came back, he heard that Fifth Junior Brother appeared in Yihong Courtyard, and it seemed that something unpleasant had happened.

Originally, he wanted to deal with Fifth Junior Brother’s affairs after solving Shi Jian’s matter. Now it’s okay, there is no need to deal with it, because Fifth Junior Brother is dead.


Uncle Jiu said to everyone seriously:"My fellow junior brothers, there must be some misunderstandings. I know Jiuyang’s character and temper. He will not kill Fifth Junior Brother for no reason.

For example, this time, it was the Senior Senior Brother who practiced evil magic himself, and joined forces with the evil cultivator Wu Xingyun of the Bloodthirsty Sect, wanting to kill us to avenge his son.……"

Then, Uncle Jiu explained the whole story.

"I can testify that it is true."

Mao Shanming also stood up and said with a serious face:"Including the killing of the fifth brother by the nephew Jiuyang, it was also because the fifth brother practiced evil magic and wanted to kill people and refine ghosts.

If you don't believe it, you can go to the police station to investigate. The body is still in the police station."

After speaking, Mao Shanming muttered in a low voice, even if Qin Jiuyang had no reason and killed people at will, you all together are no match for him, and you still want to take him back to Maoshan to be punished.

"What are you mumbling about?"

"Nothing, nothing, hehe." Mao Shanming smiled awkwardly.

"Qin Jiuyang, is it really as they say? You tell us yourself. A middle-aged man with a serious face looked at Qin Jiuyang.

"Even so, the eldest and fifth brothers should be punished by the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall. When will it be the turn of a young man to kill someone privately? According to the iron law of Maoshan, he should be expelled from Maoshan and his cultivation should be abolished."

Another middle-aged man spoke.

Qin Jiuyang knew this man. He was Shi Jian's lackey. He usually flattered Shi Jian. He was his fourth uncle.

Now that Shi Jian was dead, wouldn't this lackey take the opportunity to avenge his master?

""Old thing!"

Qin Jiuyang changed his position and rushed in front of this person in the blink of an eye.

He grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air. With a gloomy face, he said coldly:"You try to destroy my cultivation."

He didn't care about uncles and aunts, or about insubordination. He didn't have the strength before, but now he has the strength. Should he still endure this?

"Qin Jiuyang, you are so bold!!"

"Qin Jiuyang, why don’t you let your fourth uncle go? Do you really want to be expelled from Maoshan?"

"Second Brother, please try to persuade him, otherwise he will not be able to turn back."

"Jiuyang, let him go."Uncle Jiu said


Qin Jiuyang nodded.

He threw the man to the ground with all his strength.

"With a"bang", the man's internal organs were shaken, his brain was dizzy, and he fainted on the spot.

"What a cruel method!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Qin Jiuyang with some fear.

"Second Senior Brother, we have brought the bodies of the First Senior Brother and the Fifth Senior Brother back to Mount Mao. We will report the details to the sect truthfully. A middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples stood up, bowed, and said to Uncle Jiu politely.

"Thank you, Third Junior Brother." Uncle Jiu nodded.

"It should be Junior Brother Jiuyang. I didn't expect that his strength would grow to such a terrifying level that he could kill the eldest senior brother with one punch.

Don't worry, we Maoshan will not wrongly accuse any disciple. If it is true as you said, Junior Brother Jiuyang, you have done nothing wrong.

As for the fourth junior brother, he was outspoken and brought trouble upon himself. I hope he can learn a lesson this time."

As soon as these words came out, everyone remembered that Qin Jiuyang had just killed the eldest senior brother Shi Jian with one punch, and they actually openly attacked Qin Jiuyang.

The most crucial thing is that before killing the eldest senior brother Shi Jian, Qin Jiuyang also killed an evil cultivator in the late stage of the Nether Realm.

This strength is simply too terrifying. Even if they unite, they may not be able to deal with Qin Jiuyang.

Looking at the unconscious fourth senior brother, the few people who had just yelled at Uncle Jiu to hand over Qin Jiuyang had cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Second Senior Brother, Junior Brother Jiuyang, goodbye."

Third Senior Uncle clasped his fists to the two of them, then took Shi Jian's body and the rest of the senior brothers and left immediately.

This time they followed Shi Jian down the mountain to kill the Watanabe Ghost King, and such a big thing happened.

This matter is no longer something they can handle.

They must return to Maoshan immediately and report to Maoshan.

As for how Maoshan will deal with Qin Jiuyang and Uncle Jiu, it has nothing to do with them.

"Jiuyang, you did a good job. If you hadn't used thunderous means to teach Fourth Junior Brother a lesson, they would probably still be nagging."Uncle Jiu said to Qin Jiuyang with great appreciation.

Many times, as a master, he was not convenient to take action or to speak out.

But Qin Jiuyang knew how to judge the situation and understood how to solve the problem in an instant without his hint.

"Yes, especially the fourth brother, he taught me a good lesson. It was he who asked the criminal law elder to expel me from Maoshan. Maoshan Ming was indignant.

""Okay, let's go back to the charity cemetery first. After the battle just now, everyone is tired, and I also need to retreat to recover my spiritual energy." Uncle Jiu said to everyone.

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