Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 132: Double-horned blood lion

"Skill acquisition! Weakness analysis!"

Luo Yikong used the system authority to select a player skill to inherit, and then looked at a high-level vampire and a giant lion with blood-colored hair and two horns in the arena. For a moment, the weaknesses of the vampire and the beast were completely exposed to Luo Yikong.

The battle has entered a fierce stage. The high-level vampire is a level 60 existence, with a strength of level 60 ten people. The two-horned blood lion is also a level not much different from that of the vampire. The vampire obviously has a lot of hunting experience. With a laser sword in one hand and a special pistol in the hand, he actually suppressed the two-horned blood lion as big as a small truck.

"After the war thousands of years ago, some plants and animals in this world died due to the dramatic changes in the world. Even if they didn't die, they mutated due to the blood clan virus. That monster is also a product of the virus. It is very ferocious and violent, but it is still no match for experienced hunters." Loris took a sip of the black tea brewed with a certain amount of blood crystal sugar in her hand and explained to Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong put down the black tea without any strange blood additives in his hand and turned to look at Chen Linlin beside him...

"What do you think?" Luo Yikong asked calmly. In fact, Luo Yikong had already seen the outcome, but Luo Yikong wanted to see what kind of answer Chen Linlin could give him.

"It won't be long before that blood clan will lose." Chen Linlin said the answer in her heart.


"It seems that the vampire is suppressing the monster, but in fact the monster is not injured. Although the laser sword can cut through the monster's defense, it is only a superficial injury. If you look closely, you will find that the vampire's steps are erratic and his sword is unstable. He can only rely on the special pistol in his other hand to suppress it. It is obvious that he is physically exhausted and is recovering. But the monster has been protecting its vital points and waiting for the opportunity to attack." Chen Linlin analyzed calmly. Many people did not notice the details that Chen Linlin saw.

"Very good." Luo Yikong nodded with satisfaction. Chen Linlin's actual combat analysis is very good. You must know that it is a battle between beings that are much stronger than Chen Linlin herself. Chen Linlin can still analyze it calmly. If it becomes stronger in time, it may be a fighting monster in this world.

The result is just as Chen Linlin expected. The double-horned blood lion seized the opportunity and pounced on it, directly injuring the vampire. In addition, it was physically exhausted and could only become the food of the monster in the end. The entire arena was boiling again, with some cheering and others yelling.

"Unfortunately, according to the rules of the arena, the young vampire cannot use vampire mimicry, otherwise he would not necessarily lose." Lolis was not angry because she guessed wrong. After all, if it was not an opponent of the same level as her, she would not bother to analyze the details.

"Vampire mimicry... the ability to transform a human body into a monster?" Luo Yikong had also fought with vampires before, and naturally saw that move. It looked like a virus outbreak that went out of control and made irreversible changes to the body.

"The vampire virus will change due to the genes in the infected body. Each vampire mimicry is different, but the genes are similar, and the changes will also be similar. Although this mimicry will greatly increase the strength, it will cause irreversible changes to the body due to the virus going out of control and losing reason, and completely turning into a monster. So for us vampires, the virus in the body will not erupt unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Have you ever had a virus outbreak in your body?" Luo Yikong asked curiously, and Lolis held up a finger.

"It broke out once, and swallowed up half of the world's lives a thousand years ago... But I'm different from those blood races, I can recover." Loris said calmly, while Luo Yikong couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. Chen Linlin beside Luo Yikong was confused because she couldn't hear clearly because of the influence of unknown forces.

Luo Yikong looked at Loris beside him, and couldn't help but start to think, if he swallowed up such a powerful virus mother like Loris, how powerful would he become? However, this idea was quickly dispelled by Luo Yikong. After all, on the one hand, Luo Yikong couldn't beat her, and on the other hand, Luo Yikong and Loris were allies now.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The two-horned blood lion ate up the corpse of the blood race, and the injuries on its body were immediately recovered under the effect of the virus, and it also gained a certain evolution, and its body became much stronger...

The two-horned blood lion roared and immediately pounced on Luo Yikong and the other two in the VIP seat, but the expected energy defense shield was not turned on, which also made Loris and Luo Yikong frown, and both knew that someone was deliberately trying to harm them.

Chen Linlin was so frightened that her face turned pale. She even forgot to run away for a moment. Although Lolis looked very unhappy, she did not make a move, because she also wanted to see Luo Yikong's strength. In this situation, Luo Yikong could not help but make a move.

"These guys!" Luo Yikong also knew what Lolis was thinking, but Luo Yikong's current level was 180. Although he could fully suppress the two-horned blood lion, it was impossible to kill it in one shot.

Luo Yikong knew that it was not enough to suppress the two-horned blood lion. If he wanted to make Lolis and the others afraid, he had to show that unfathomable feeling, and he had to kill the monster in one shot. Although Luo Yikong could use the world manifestation to suppress it, that kind of power could only help Luo Yikong fight against the rules of the other world, and could not kill the enemy.

"Help me get rid of that monster..." Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying in his body for help. Only Xuanyuan Luoying, a higher plane being, could do this.

"This witch is still watching, so I'll help you once!"

Maybe Xuanyuan Luoying really disliked Luo Lisi. Luo Yikong had planned to beg Xuanyuan Luoying like a big boss, but he didn't expect Xuanyuan Luoying to agree so quickly this time.

The mountain collapsed in front of him, but he didn't expect Xuanyuan Luoying to agree so quickly this time.

The giant beast rushed towards Luo Yikong with a fishy wind. Luo Lisi was ready to retreat. After all, she didn't want her clothes to be dirty.

Almost everyone thought that Luo Yikong and others were dead. After all, there was no energy defense shield to protect them. Facing such a powerful beast, even the guards around them would not have time to react.

The clothes on Luo Yikong's body fluttered up, and a blue light flashed in Luo Yikong's cold eyes...

"I'll give you a death!"

As the word "death" fell, everyone saw an invisible force instantly acting on the double-horned blood lion, and then the blood lion's body began to twist and deform, and was quickly squeezed into a ball of meat in front of that mysterious force... and then exploded in the air...


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