"Ding! All players are not allowed to attack any NPC in this world within 24 hours, otherwise they will be directly deprived of the system permanently!"

A system announcement appeared in front of all players that day. All players looked at the announcement, stunned for a moment, and began to discuss. Originally, the armies of various countries had already pressed forward and headed straight for the Spark Base, but now they all fell silent.

The system is very important to every player, especially after experiencing the end of this world, the system is the foundation for their strength, and no one wants to lose the system forever. Moreover, after the appearance of the space-time gate, players can travel through time and space, and the power they gain can also be brought back to the real world, which can help improve the overall strength of each country.

After the system announcement was released, no player would be stupid enough to take action against the NPC in this world within 24 hours. Even though they heard about the sacrifice of three million players in the Spark Base, many people were indignant, but no one chose to take action now, just waiting for the 24-hour countdown to pass.

The system announcement was so coincidental that many people speculated that there was a supreme being watching and controlling everything behind the scenes.

The most uneasy people in the face of all this were the top leaders of various countries. After all, the dirty water had been spilled. If they attacked now, they would lose the system. Without the system, they would not only be unable to defeat the Spark Base, but also suffer heavy losses. However, if they did not fight, they were also uneasy about the existence behind the system delaying for 24 hours. After their discussion, they finally decided to launch the attack after 24 hours. After all, the public opinion among the players now was that they had the upper hand.

In this long-planned righteous expedition, only the Great Shu Empire remained neutral, because the Great Shu Empire knew far more secrets than any other country.

When Luo Yikong arrived at the Spark Base, he found that a large-scale advance team was ready to go, and a large number of mecha tanks were being transported to the surface. There was no player inside the Spark Base, but it was a busy scene. They were not busy with post-disaster construction, but busy with an upcoming war.

Because the top leaders of the Fire Seed Base had all fled, and Lao Hui had performed well after the Nine Nightmares, and with the help of those hidden bosses in the black market who had been helped by Lao Hui before and Lao Hui's former reputation, Lao Hui is now the actual leader of the Fire Seed Base. Although Lao Hui doesn't like these troublesome things, he has to bear them.

In the past, Luo Yikong saw Lao Hui easily, but now it is not so easy to see him. Fortunately, Lao Hui made special arrangements and had already arranged Bai Shuoyue to wait for Luo Yikong, so he brought Luo Yikong to Lao Hui.

"It seems that we will have some trouble meeting in the future." Luo Yikong glanced back at the two soldiers at the door and sighed helplessly.

"When everything is over, I will retire. Enjoy life well. I haven't enjoyed it well in the first half of my life." Lao Hui smiled slightly.

"Want to drink today? I brought it specially for you." Luo Yikong took out a small bottle of wine from the system backpack and asked Lao Hui, and the latter shook his head.

"No, I don't want to drink anymore."

"Lao Hui, you've changed." Luo Yikong looked Lao Hui up and down and found that the guy was no longer the messy one before. He had shaved his beard and his clothes were very neat. He looked heroic and majestic, as if he was a commander on the battlefield. He was completely different from the drunk and sloppy middle-aged uncle. He looked more than 20 years younger.

"It's not that I've changed... I just went back..."

"How long do you have?" Luo Yikong found a seat next to Lao Hui and sat down. He noticed the black blood on Lao Hui's neck and Lao Hui's strange behavior, and knew that Lao Hui didn't have much time left. Luo Yikong also knew that Lao Hui liked to hide some things. If he didn't say it directly, Lao Hui would not tell the truth.

"I should have died in the Nine Nightmares, but you took my place. I still have one year left in my life, and I plan to keep it until the arrival of the City of God." Lao Hui has made preparations. Although he is a human from a higher civilization world, his body has been transformed and his lifespan has reached an incredible level, but after so many years of erosion by the Genesis virus, he has already reached his limit.

"One year?"

"I hope you can give me a chance to die as a hero, which can make up for my regret. In my original world, I was a sinner who caused the destruction of civilization, but I didn't expect to end up in this world and do something that made them regard me as a hero. In my world, my tombstone may be covered with garbage and despised by people, but at least in this world... my monument will be built in the future, and people will no longer hate and humiliate me when they mention me, but glory and pride. Instead of dying quietly after a year, I want to bloom again at the end of my life." Lao Hui looked at Luo Yikong in front of him, with a hint of expectation and relief in his eyes.

"Hmm..." Luo Yikong nodded. He agreed to Lao Hui's wish. After all, Lao Hui's body had been damaged too badly and there was no way he could recover.

"Thank you..."

"No, there is no need to thank me. It is your decision that makes me admire you. You are a hero, and you are also my first friend in this world, the first person to accept me." Although Luo Yikong usually dislikes Lao Hui's sloppy appearance, he still admires Lao Hui as a person and regards him as his soulmate.

"I am very touched... But after you control this world, it is better to be ruthless. In addition, we have found the evidence, which contains information about the Great Shu Empire..."

"It doesn't matter, just announce it! Among the three million players, 800,000 are players of the Great Shu Empire. Since you have done these things and cooperated with them, you have to take this responsibility. This is respect for the dead and those ordinary lives!" Luo Yikong sighed. The sun and the moon change, and the dynasties rise and fall, just like an old man, all kinds of diseases come out when he is old. The Great Shu Empire is already sick and has not much time left... It is not something that one or two people can change. However, Luo Yikong believes that at the moment when the big tree falls, new buds will be reborn again.

"How can a boat without water be crossed?" Luo Yikong shook his head and slowly stood up...

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