Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 169: How is life?

"No! With their control over the water droplets, they cannot stop it once it starts, and the level of civilization in this world cannot stop it at all. Although they cannot use the water droplets to distort the entire galaxy space, the power should be the worst It can destroy all life on the entire planet in an instant! Even the second-level civilization cannot avoid the fate of destruction!" Xuanyuan Luoying's expression was solemn, although she knew that the power of this water drop was not enough. To the point of destroying the entire planet, but its power is enough to destroy all life on the surface of the planet.

Luo Yikong looked at Lao Hui, whose expression was equally ugly, because he also knew what kind of weapon it was...

"Have you calculated the central strike position of the divine city?"

"It's calculated."

"Prepare a fighter jet! Send me the target location! Also, after I leave, everything here will be managed by Bai Fei!"

The Bai Fei mentioned by Lao Hui is a well-known figure in the original advance team, with good moral character and ability. If you want to choose a suitable successor for the Fire Base, Bai Fei is the best choice.

After hearing Lao Hui's words, everyone present understood what he meant. They had all heard the legend of Lao Hui. Many of the people present had even grown up listening to Lao Hui's stories in the dark underground fire base. Although the top management of the Fire Base went out of their way to eliminate the influence of Lao Hui, the light was still so bright in the darkness. Even if the fuel was exhausted and extinguished, the light still remained in everyone's heart.

No one tried to stop Lao Hui, because they knew that in this world, if there was anyone who could stop the extinction disaster, it would be that person from the past.

"These mortals always think of a hero who has sacrificed for them, in the name of a hero, in exchange for the life of a strong man and the hope of survival. How many worlds and how many so-called heroes have lost their lives because of these false names? Unexpectedly Luo Hui will also be troubled by these false reputations." Xuanyuan Luoying smiled coldly. Fame is nothing but a shackle. If you want to stand at the top of the world, you must give up everything that can be a shackle.

If there is a chance to return to the top, Xuanyuan Luoying at this moment will even kill Luo Yikong without any politeness. She does have some trivial feelings for Luo Yikong, but those are just shackles to Xuanyuan Luoying. She would cut off when necessary. She usually seems to be trying her best for Luo Yikong, but in fact she is just trying to keep herself alive. After all, she and Luo Yikong are now one entity.

"False name... He doesn't care about it for a long time. He just wants to have one less regret... Let's go! Send him on his last journey..." Luo Yikong knew that Lao Hui could endure the strange looks from others for more than ten years, which shows that Lao Hui can This person no longer cares about the so-called reputation. Hiding for so many years, on the one hand, to protect Bai Shuoyue, and on the other hand, just for this moment.

Lao Hui looked at Luo Yikong, but the latter just nodded calmly and walked out with Lao Hui...

15 minutes until "Water Drop" strikes...

A drop of silver water compressed the terrifying energy in it, and the original dazzling light was much dimmed, but it still glowed with that faint light. It broke away from the shackles of the divine city and slowly fell towards the earthy yellow planet below. It was really like A drop of water falls casually... But if someone observes carefully, they will find that the space within a few meters of the water drop is distorted by the small silver water drop...

The tail of the fighter jet spit out flames, turning into a stream of light that penetrated the sky, leaving a long light and shadow in the night sky, as if dividing the night sky...

This fighter is the most advanced air and space fighter in the Fire Base. It has the ability to fight in space, and its speed reaches an astonishing speed of Mach 15. However, the manufacturing materials are very demanding. After twenty years of hiding, and most of the budget secrets of the Fire Base are used for the biological weapon of Nine Nightmares, there are only 15 such fighters in the entire Fire Base, which is really rare. Pitiful.

Luo Yikong was sitting in the driver's seat, and Lao Hui was in charge of driving. After all, driving a fighter plane was still too difficult for Luo Yikong, and he had never been exposed to it.

"I didn't expect that in the end... you would actually be my farewell person..." Lao Hui laughed at himself bitterly. In his life, when he became a hero, everyone paid attention to him, and he was responded to by hundreds of people. When he became a sinner, he was spurned by thousands of people. But now he can be by his side. Luo Yikong was the only one.

"Do you have any regrets this time?" Luo Yikong asked.

"there is none left……"

Lao Hui shook his head, and Luo Yikong was silent after hearing this...

The fighter plane flew at full speed at Mach 15 and soon arrived at the expected location where the "water droplet" would fall. The moment the "water droplet" comes into contact with the earth or any material in this world, the terrifying power will explode... ...enough to wipe out all life on the entire planet. Even the Genesis virus cannot survive...

The fighter plane slowly descended and finally landed smoothly. Luo Yikong and Lao Hui climbed out of it. They both looked at the time, and there were still five minutes left...

"Let's take a sip!" Lao Hui took out a small bottle of wine from his pocket, took a sip and handed it to Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong took the wine and took a sip, but the plain taste was a little bitter, that was water...

"How is it?" Lao Hui smiled faintly and looked at Luo Yikong.

"It's a bit bitter..." Luo Yikong answered truthfully.

"But what I tasted was...sweet...even though it was only slightly sweet." After Lao Hui finished speaking, he took another sip. At this last moment, he was satisfied...

"It's enough to meet a friend like you in life... Luo Yikong, how is my life?" Lao Hui did not call Luo Yikong a kid, but called out Luo Yikong's name for the first time...

The sky was already white, and in that wilderness, the first ray of sunlight of the new day broke through the darkness, shining out from behind Lao Hui, becoming clearer and clearer... dazzling... The dawn has arrived...

"Too dazzling..." Luo Yikong replied calmly, and Lao Hui smiled freely, he had already received an evaluation, an answer.

It was indeed too dazzling. Even after experiencing so much, seeing through the essence of human beings, and believing that human beings are not worth saving, he still adhered to his original intention, the noblest humanity, and unswervingly saved the human beings in a strange world. He does not belong to any force, but to human beings. From hero to sinner, and then to hero, his life is too dazzling.

"I don't care about the evaluation of thousands of people, but you Luo Yikong are different! Satisfied! Satisfied!" Lao Hui laughed and drank the "wine" in his hand...

The wine of life is finished...

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