Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 178: Total Annihilation

"Xiao Zheng! Look, this is the fighter model I made!" A boy holding a flying model, carefully opened the door, walked into the room, and whispered to another boy of five or six years old who was pretending to sleep on the bed, but his face revealed an excitement.

The boy called Xiao Zheng turned on the bedside lamp and saw his brother holding an assembled fighter model to show off in front of him...


"Humph! In the future, I will definitely make a fighter plane that flies into the sky, faster and higher than any fighter plane in this world!" The brother had a proud expression on his face, with that pure dream.

"Then I will be responsible for driving these planes in the future, flying into the sky, and bringing down those stars as gifts for you, brother!"

"Okay! Then it's settled, this fighter plane... and the fighter planes in the future will be handed over to you." The elder brother handed the fighter plane model in his hand to Xiaozheng, but at this moment, a piercing air defense alarm sounded in the dark night...


"Roar, roar, roar!!!"


A missile landed on the giant wing and exploded violently, but even the missile that could destroy a building in an instant could hardly hurt the behemoth.

A look at the behemoth with anger and hatred, and fear hidden in those emotions. The owner of the look drove the fighter plane and hid under the raging of the giant wing, but the teammates behind him were not so lucky. Two fighter planes were blown up by the giant wing.

During the genetic war twenty years ago, he had seen the corrupt wings that covered the sky and the sun. At that time, he was just a little boy and survived the disaster by chance. But his brother, all his relatives... friends... all turned into pus in that disaster...

Steel can corrode, let alone the human body...

He survived, and for twenty years he was struggling in the dark underground fire, and he also lost his dream. He used to be for the blue sky, to fly higher, but now it is just for revenge... With that insignificant fire, it turned into a raging fire and burned the city to ashes...

A laser was fired from the fighter plane, piercing through the behemoth hidden in the poisonous cloud. Although the laser successfully penetrated the opponent's defense, its power was very limited...

The flames at the tail of the fighter plane became thicker, and the fighter plane burst into full speed, turning into a stream of light, and plunged into Into the poisonous cloud covering the green rot...

The fighter broke through the blockade of the poisonous cloud, and he saw the real appearance of the behemoth for the first time. The dark green scales were arranged neatly, the scales were smooth and thick, and the body was as heavy and huge as a mountain. Every breath was like thunder, spitting out the green poisonous gas, and the scarlet eyes with the evil red light stared at the intruder...

It was a dark green two-legged dragon, and the fighter was as small as a mosquito in front of it... But that was the last scene he saw...


An explosion occurred in the poisonous cloud, indicating that another fighter was destroyed, but explosions happened all the time in this battlefield, so it did not attract anyone's attention.

"Hit! Hit me hard!"

An old man wearing heavy protective armor roared, letting the poisonous cloud that could corrode steel pour down and hit the heavy protective armor on his body.

Facing such a corrosive poisonous cloud, the ground weapons that can be used are very limited. Even these people must be fully armed to fight in such an environment.

The old man is the commander of this ground death squad, and it is not strange for the old man to fight in the Spark Base. The number of people in the Spark Base is small, but it is always facing the threat of the City of God. It must ensure sufficient combat effectiveness. If the veterans do not want to retire, they can stay according to their personal wishes.

This old man is a veteran who has experienced the human gene war. At that time, he was just entering middle age. The cruel war took away everything from him... including years...

Now he is gray-haired, old and dim, and there is only one life left... He does not want to die of old age. If there is a place to rest, he only hopes to be on the battlefield.

Hearing the old man's words, the people around him quickly replenished energy and ammunition, and locked onto the huge monster in the sky again...


The powerful firepower on the ground instantly poured into the sky, and fell into the poisonous cloud where the green rot was hiding, causing a series of explosions...


A dragon head as big as a mountain rushed out of the poisonous cloud and bit a star frame to pieces. With the destruction of this last fighter, it announced the complete destruction of the air force of the Fire Seed Base.

The green rot flapped the huge wings behind it. At that moment, the raging wind with rot raged the earth. Many ground anti-aircraft tanks and missile vehicles were lifted into the sky by the raging wind without any resistance. In just a moment, the firepower output on the ground stopped abruptly...


"Commander! All the interception forces have been completely destroyed!"

"I know..." Luo Yikong nodded. He also knew the result. This is a war, and it is bound to have sacrifices. Luo Yikong just minimized the loss. Those sacrifices were destined to be abandoned from the beginning.

"In the past, you would never treat human lives as chess pieces." Xuanyuan Luoying was a little surprised at Luo Yikong's indifference at this moment.

"That is their wish, and it is precisely because I care about the humans in this world that I want to minimize the losses. I used to be just an ordinary person, so I wanted to save what I saw in front of me, but now I am not saving the present, but the future." Luo Yikong answered Xuanyuan Luoying calmly, without any guilt or discomfort in his heart. After all, any guilt is to deny oneself, and denying one's heart means that oneself or one's heart is wrong.

"That's right, since you have walked this road barefoot, why bother about the mud on your feet from walking?" Xuanyuan Luoying said with a chuckle. The current Luo Yikong made her much more satisfied than before.

"This is the time of life and death for the world, not only this world, but also my original world. I will not let extra emotions affect me." Luo Yikong knew very well that many players and NPCs, as well as the future of the two worlds, were in his hands. The more this happened, the more Luo Yikong had to be rational and calm.

"Commander! Green Rot is flying at full speed towards the expected location! It is estimated that it will reach the target location in 1 hour!"

"I understand! After the green rot pupates, send someone to block it immediately!"


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