Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 205: Fighting for the Virus Planet

"The virus planet is close to the orbit of Zhongtian Star and is expected to collide with Zhongtian Star in 8 hours!"

The information that the virus planet is about to collide with Zhongtian Star spread throughout Zhongtian Star from the mouths of surviving players in an instant, and the power of the Spark Base could not cover it up at all.

Both the players and the people of the Spark Base looked up at the growing black planet in the sky, waiting for the arrival of the end of the world.

The level of civilization in this world is not strong enough to destroy an entire planet. In the absence of planet-destroying weapons, everyone knows that the end of the world is coming. For a time, all the previous struggles with the City of God became somewhat futile. In the eyes of many people, their war with the City of God is over. Although they have won, they still cannot escape the fate of destruction.

People began to cherish the time at hand. They have accepted their fate. Even under the constraints of Luo Yikong's system, there are still cases of player riots. Luo Yikong can only deprive those players of their systems and then order the Spark Base to suppress them. It is easy to unify forces, but it is difficult to unify people's hearts. Especially in this situation of imminent destruction, the dark side of some people's hearts has been fully released.

Luo Yikong looked at the black star above his head, which was larger than the sun. At this time when everyone was crazy, Luo Yikong's heart was rarely calm, as if the chaos and turmoil in the world could not shake Luo Yikong's heart.

"Commander! The inspection is complete! The fighter can be started at any time!" A soldier ran to Luo Yikong to report, and Luo Yikong nodded slightly.

This time, Luo Yikong will be alone, because facing the virus planet, no matter how many players go or how much air force is used, it will be useless. If there is one person who can stop a moving virus planet, it can only be Luo Yikong.


The fighter plane was full of soldiers from the Spark Base. These people were here to send Luo Yikong, the commander, on his last journey, because the virus planet devours everything and there is no return. Although there are millions of troops, in the end, only the commander can face it alone. In fact, these soldiers feel guilty.

"Everyone, things have come to this point, and it has already affected the survival of this world. I don't blame you, you have tried your best. If there is a future, we will meet again!"

Luo Yikong turned around and glanced at the people in the Spark Base, then entered the cockpit of the fighter and extracted the players' experience and skills in fighter driving... For a moment, Luo Yikong's eyes were clear, like an ace pilot who had experienced many battles...

Luo Yikong's action this time was the only way to win. Only by eliminating Ye Luofan, Luo Yikong could truly transform into a god and destroy the virus planet.

The aerospace fighter of the Spark Base can allow Luo Yikong to reach the virus planet and intercept the virus planet outside Zhongtian Star.


The fighter plane slowly took off, and then a large amount of blue flames spurted out of the tail, and suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the night sky...

On the hillside not far from this ground base, a white-haired girl watched all this calmly...

"It's time for us to act..."


The fighter plane flew out of the atmosphere of Zhongtian Star at full speed, which had a great impact on the driver's body. Ordinary people might have fainted long ago, but Luo Yikong was not an ordinary person.

After leaving Zhongtian Star, Luo Yikong noticed the virus planet at first sight. It used to be the immigrant planet of Zhongtian Star, but after experiencing the virus disaster, the artificial atmosphere on it has become very thin.

As Luo Yikong kept approaching, he saw that the virus planet was full of black mud-like things surging wildly, like a black ocean with life.

Luo Yikong soon found a small open space on the virus planet, and the inner city of the city of gods stayed there, as if waiting for Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong started to land the fighter plane without any obstacles. He jumped out of the fighter plane after it landed completely.

"Where are your men?" Luo Yikong asked, looking at the back of the figure in front of him. The bloodstains on the ground explained a lot.

"Kill them all! Become part of my power. For me, if humans are unwilling to surrender, then all will perish without leaving a single one. Speaking of which, the so-called advanced humans in the city of gods are just monsters that I deliberately created to bring about the genetic war that happened before." Ye Luofan turned around and looked at Luo Yikong in front of him with cold eyes...

"Is your planet your last resort?"

"That's right. Luo Yikong, I've been waiting for you. I didn't expect you to dare to come. I admit that I'm not as good as you in single combat. When the two sides fought, your players and the scum of the Spark Base destroyed my Big plan! But now, it won't happen... because at this moment, I will become the world! "

Ye Luofan's face showed madness, and the earth began to shake violently for a while. A large amount of "black mud" seemed to have life and was attracted to Ye Luofan, but the "black mud" was like the sea, and instantly swallowed Ye Luofan...

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The earth was still shaking violently, and it was getting stronger and stronger. The entire virus planet began to boil violently. The large and small meteorites that were hit by the gravity of the virus planet all fell into the surging "black mud" and stopped moving...

"Luo Yikong! The whole planet is my body. The land you are standing on is part of me! What can you do to me?!" Ye Luofan's voice spread throughout the virus planet, revealing endless madness.

"What justice triumphs over evil? What destiny, you and I must have a fight? These are too boring! I only know one thing, you are blocking my way!"


The surrounding "black mud" all rushed towards Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong did not dodge, allowing the "black mud" to swallow him up...

Luo Yikong's existence itself is a powerful virus mother body, with the talent of swallowing planets. From the moment that virus planet tried to swallow Luo Yikong, Luo Yikong felt that he was connected to this virus planet. Ye Luofan intended to turn the entire virus planet into his body in this way.

"How could it be? How can you be more perfect than me? How can you compete with me for the entire virus planet?"

Ye Luofan was horrified, even though he was now part of the "black mud" and his expression could not be seen...

"Come on! Let's see who can hold on to the end!"

Luo Yikong and Ye Luofan's two consciousnesses were madly fighting for the virus planet. The "black mud" on the planet began to devour and collide with each other, killing each other, and transforming part of the other party into their own...

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