Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 211: Falling Stars

"Bai Ran, what are you doing? Run quickly!"

The "black mud" that emerged from nowhere swallowed everything around it. People witnessed the cruelty of the "black mud" and ran away like crazy. Among the people who ran away, a girl was out of tune with the people around her. She moved towards the direction of the "black mud", ignoring the shouts of the people behind her. There was no fear in her eyes, only a kind of vicissitudes and confusion...

Suddenly a man rushed over and grabbed the girl's hand, and that man was the girl's boyfriend...

"What are you crazy about!? Bai Ran! Damn it! Didn't the city of gods say they would shelter us? Why didn't they come?!"

The man pulled the girl's hand and wanted to take her away, but the girl stood there in a daze. No matter how hard the man tried, she didn't move at all...

"This life is about to end! These consciousnesses are obviously dead, but they still think they are still alive..." There was no emotion in the girl's eyes. The deep eyes were like a bottomless black hole, which made the man shudder.

" are not Bai Ran, who are you?"

"I think...therefore I am...My name is...Luo Yikong!"

Instantly, the "black mud" surged like a flood, completely swallowing the two...

For more than three hundred years, Luo Yikong, except for a short period of awakening, was trapped in the consciousness and memory of these 1.6 billion people most of the time, just like dreaming, but different from dreaming, experiencing the lives of these 1.6 billion people from infancy to the end of life from beginning to end. He could not change, and could only experience it according to the life path of those people.

Luo Yikong collapsed, went crazy, lost, and even thought about self-destruction, but was dissuaded by a voice, and that voice was Xuanyuan Luoying. In the end, Luo Yikong lost his past memories and past feelings in that seemingly endless reincarnation...The only thing he insisted on was to be sure of his existence, because Luo Yikong knew that once he was lost, Luo Yikong would never wake up again...

Those consciousnesses have all merged into Luo Yikong's consciousness, making all of Luo Yikong's methods ineffective unless he wiped himself out. In that endless reincarnation, the only thing left for Luo Yikong is persistence.

"Ying, how many times has this happened?" Luo Yikong asked the voice. He would ask this question every time his reincarnation ended.

"This is the th time..."



Restarting the calendar for 320 years, Virus Planet...

"Get the highest order from the Spark Council, Xingjin, and the Expedition Fleet, allowing the testing of star-destroying weapons on Virus Planet to destroy the virus life that is about to be born on Virus Planet!"

Yanhuang Star has been studying Virus Planet for many years and learned that unprecedented virus creatures are about to be born on Virus Planet. In order to avoid the occurrence of a world-destroying disaster, the three major departments of Yanhuang Star quickly passed the War Act to annihilate Virus Planet.

On this day, the scene of Virus Planet was watched by everyone on Yanhuang Star in a live broadcast...

Eight battleships on Yanhuang Star have gathered near Virus Planet. Of course, with the technological level of these eight battleships, they have not yet reached the level of destroying the planet with one shot. The way they destroyed the virus planet was through the scientific research space station built on the orbit of the virus planet many years ago. The space station was the backup to prevent the mutation of the virus planet.

"Attention, warships! Fire!"

With the commander's order, the beams of light fired by the eight warships bombarded the space station, but the space station burst into a dazzling light, combining the eight beams of light into one, bombarding the weakest position of the virus planet, penetrating the black mud surface, and directly hitting the center of the earth...


The core of the virus planet was hit, and the planet began to expand instantly. Many cracks appeared on it, and an explosion occurred in just a few seconds.

Because the virus planet is relatively close to Yanhuang Star, the fragments of the virus planet after the explosion turned into a large number of meteorites, falling towards Yanhuang Star like rain.

However, Yanhuang Star had already prepared for it. The planetary orbit energy defense shield was instantly opened, covering the entire planet and blocking those meteorites out.

"So beautiful!"

People on the surface looked at the starry sky and could still see the unprecedented, large-scale meteor shower...

Many people looked at the meteor showers that kept flashing across the sky and made their own wishes in their hearts. The battle of the city of gods has ended for 320 years. The turmoil caused by the fusion of the two worlds has been smoothed out by time. Although there are still apocalyptic creatures in the wilderness outside the city, it is still in a semi-apocalyptic state, but everyone lives with hope and is no longer threatened by death. After all, after the two worlds merge into one, players have the ability to revive infinitely.

The rules of this world have long been modified, and now it is completely a virtual world.

Among the thousands of meteorites, one of the inconspicuous meteorites penetrated the planet's orbital energy defense shield and fell towards the Yanhuang Star.

The friction with the atmosphere caused a raging flame on the meteorite, and this insignificant meteorite broke through the planet's defense without attracting anyone's attention.

In a waste recycling station somewhere on Yanhuang Star, a girl in a white dress sat cross-legged on a waste mountain, looking up at the meteor shower in the starry sky and making a wish to it...

"God bless! I hope I can get high marks in the player combat theory test and go to the Star Ember Academy in China City to study! Please! Please! I don't want to inherit my grandfather's garbage dump and die alone!"

The girl prayed, and at this time the light in the sky became stronger and stronger. Just when the girl was confused, a meteorite with blazing flames passed over her head and flew not far outside the recycling station...


There was a loud noise, a dazzling light burst out, and the shock wave released by the meteorite impact directly knocked the girl to the ground...

The dazzling light disappeared in just a few seconds, and a deep crater was formed where the meteorite hit, with billowing steam rising...

The meteorite lay quietly in the deep crater. A few minutes passed. Because the temperature of the meteorite's surface began to drop, the meteorite also began to turn dark.

A night breeze blew by, and a crack appeared on the meteorite. Then the crack continued to expand, and a human hand poked out of it. The hand looked white and tender, as if it were carefully carved from beautiful jade...

It seems so incredible that there is a person in the meteorite...

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