"Captain, this mission has exceeded what we can handle. To deal with biological weapons, we need the support of mechas and a large number of armored troops. Otherwise, let's contact the headquarters first!" A heavily armed man said to Bai Shuoyue suggested that although they didn't know what level this biological weapon was, as long as it was an extremely powerful existence, they simply couldn't get enough of it.

Bai Shuoyue nodded and began to try to contact the headquarters, but soon they found that the communicator was interfered with and could not contact the outside world at all.

"There is something in this area that affects the communicator. Even if we can communicate, we can only exist in this area and cannot contact the outside at all." Bai Shuoyue shook her head. She found that the communication in the team was normal, but it was impossible. Contact the outside.

Luo Yikong, who was standing aside, naturally knew that this situation was because they were in a copy. As long as they did not clear the level, everyone would be restricted by the laws of the world and would not be able to contact the outside world at all. Even if someone wants to leave now, it is impossible because the laws of the world will not let them leave. Death in the dungeon may have no death penalty for the players, but for the native people in this world, death is really death. They don't think this is a dungeon, at most it is a high-risk special area.

"Who is your identity?" Bai Shuoyue asked the caller in the communicator. She didn't understand that there were biological weapons in this base. Even the Fire Base didn't know about it, so how did the caller know about it.

"You will naturally know when you reach the depths, but now you have no possibility of leaving. A large number of zombies have already poured in from the entrance when you first entered."

Luo Yikong was shocked when he heard the being in the communicator said that a large number of zombies had blocked their retreat. This was definitely the influence of the rules of the world.

"Ho ho ho!!!"

The roars of a large number of zombies came from the passage behind them. Only then did everyone realize that the existence on the other side of the communicator could monitor the entire 09 missile base, but was now trapped for some reason.

"Blow up the back passage!"

At this time, Bai Shuoyue decisively issued the order. Now they don't know how many zombies there are and whether there are any evolved zombies. It is very unwise to prematurely consume combat power before they have entered the depths of the 09 missile base. Anyway, the exit is not necessarily the same as the original route, so Bai Shuoyue simply chose to blow it up.


The demolition crews were left behind to carry out blasting. Bai Shuoyue's team of 100 people continued to move forward, advancing through a narrow passage that could only allow four people to pass at the same time. The team of 100 people seemed a bit crowded and couldn't let go.

Due to being abandoned for many years, most of the facilities in the base have lost energy and become paralyzed. Only a few necessary facilities continue to operate relying on backup energy.


With the sound of the explosion coming from behind, everyone knew that the blasting had been completed, and the passage must have been blocked.

Everyone walked through the narrow passage and came to a huge lifting platform. This lifting platform was obviously built to transport some large items. It was more than enough to accommodate a team of 100 people.

Bai Shuoyue restarted the lifting platform manually, entered the key, and then a loud noise came. The huge lifting platform began to slowly descend. The steel cables splashed sparks in the darkness due to constant friction.

"There seems to be someone there!" At this time, a team member discovered something climbing quickly on the wall above. The climbing speed was like a spider, which looked very strange.

spider man

Race: zombie

Level: 21

Life: 800/800

Physical strength:∞/∞

Strength: 13

Spirit: 0

Agility: 23

Resistance: 9

Skills: Corrosive Spider Silk, Deadly Swoop

Talents: Tireless Dead (unlimited stamina bonus), scent tracking, spider crawling, black spider venom...

Introduction: During the period of genetic warfare, Kamishiro attempted to create powerful mass-produced zombies to infiltrate and attack ground resistance forces. The poor man infected with the Genesis virus became a guinea pig, and was fused with the genes of a black poisonous spider by Shen Cheng, turning him into a half-human, half-spider zombie.

"It's there too!"

"Not just one person!"

"Everyone, be careful! That's not a human being!"

As the system fed back the information about the monster to Luo Yikong, Luo Yikong also knew that the one speeding through the wall above was a special man-made zombie that was much stronger than ordinary zombies. And more and more spider-men crawled out of the ventilation ducts between the walls above.

After twenty years of hiding in the Fire Base, although they had simulated battles with zombies countless times in the base, everyone was stunned when they faced a swarm of zombies for the first time, and it was composed of a group of zombies they had never seen before. After a moment, he reacted and opened fire immediately.

“Da da da da da!!!”

The intensive sound of gunfire made Luo Yikong's eardrums hurt. The guns in each person's hands were spitting out tongues of fire, shooting at the spider-men on the wall above. In order to cope with the next mission, everyone prepared enough bullets before the mission, but the bullets were limited after all. Luo Yikong knew very well that if there were another wave of zombies, they would have to fight hand-to-hand.

Although the rifles at the Spark Base were not as high-tech as the ones at the City of God, their power far exceeded that of the rifles in Luo Yikong's original world. Their powerful penetrating power allowed them to effectively kill some evolved zombies.

The bullets hit the spiders, splashing a string of blood. The mutant spiders roared and fell from above, landing on the platform, bloody and bloody...

At this time, Luo Yikong could roughly see the spiders' appearance. The human eyes had disappeared, replaced by compound eyes that were so dense that it made people's scalps numb. The mouth was directly split to the roots of the ears, and the mouth was full of sharp teeth. The front end was the spider's iconic two large fangs. And each spider's abdomen was as big as if it was pregnant. In order to adapt to the rapid crawling, the hands and legs had been deformed and covered with black hair. The human hands and feet could only be seen in that little shadow.

"Is this still a human?"

That was a huge psychological shock to Luo Yikong and everyone present. They thought zombies looked very anti-human, but this artificial zombie was truly anti-human. Luo Yikong didn't know what kind of pain those guys went through during the transformation experiment. Maybe zombies couldn't feel pain and fear, but the behavior of desecrating the corpses of their own kind was really unacceptable.

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