Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 226 Long Wangfan

"I don't know what the situation is like on the main body side. I guess the main body has known the upcoming crisis!" Long Wangfan thought deeply. The golden pupils are fundamentally different from those of humans. They look like the legendary dragon pupils. However, in this world, there are legendary creatures like giant dragons.

At the beginning, Luo Yikong split a large number of clones because he was a Tao and could not leave that world, so he needed a large number of clones to hide in various worlds. On the one hand, it was to find the traces of Luo Yiling, and on the other hand, it was to annex other worlds. But now this Nether Dragon World, a pseudo-secondary civilization world, is about to invade Luo Yikong's world. Why is it called pseudo-secondary? Because the biological gene technology barely reaches the level of second-level civilization, and other aspects are not strong.

Long Wangfan has already started planning in his mind. If this world launches an invasion, he will cooperate with Luo Yikong, the main body, to launch a wave of counter-invasion, and maybe he can even annex this world.

"It seems that the longer the time drags on, the more beneficial it will be to the world of the original body. I have to work hard to improve my power and status in this world. In total, one day in the original Daotian world is equivalent to seven days here, so there is not much time left for the original body. Fortunately, they are not very thorough in their research on space technology, and it takes time to connect the world channel." Long Wangfan knew very well what it meant once the world channel was successfully connected. It meant a comprehensive plane invasion. At that time, the rules of the two worlds collided, and the worlds would become extremely chaotic. By then, it would not only be a confrontation between the civilizations of the two worlds, but a life-and-death struggle between the wills of the two worlds. Luo Yikong himself is the Daotian world and the will of the Daotian world.

Long Wangfan walked down from the arena, with the same expression on his face as the original body. This clone had no emotions except for the purpose...

"Brother..." A dragon girl with golden hair, pointed ears and dragon horns handed Long Wangfan a towel, her eyes full of complex emotions.

This dragon girl was born in this world with Long Wangfan. When the flesh and blood separated from the original Luo Yikong parasitized the body of the dragon pregnant woman, she did not choose to kill the child inside. So strictly speaking, this dragon girl is the sister of Long Wangfan's clone.

Long Wangfan took the towel made of the hair of the native creature of this world, the hairy dragon. This towel is snow-white and soft, and has a strange fragrance.

Long Wangfan wiped the blood off his face, and then handed the towel in his hand to the dragon girl beside him...

Long Wangfan walked in front with an indifferent face, while the dragon girl followed behind Long Wangfan all the time, lowering her head, and even seeing Long Wangfan's shadow in front of her, she didn't dare to step on it...

"Who is that person following Long Wangfan?"

"It's Long Yunxi, a waste who only dares to hide behind her brother." A female dragon sneered. This world advocates personal force. Long Wangfan's personal strength has been recognized, but Long Yunxi is different. He was born weak and sickly, and his combat power is almost close to nothing. Naturally, he was not recognized by the people around him.

"Be quiet, don't let Long Wangfan hear you, Long Yunxi is his sister after all."

People on both sides of the road were whispering, but these words were still heard by Long Yunxi. Feeling the eyes of the people around her, Long Yunxi felt as if she was being tortured. In this world, the weak have no care to survive, and it would be a humiliation to live. If those people hadn't considered her brother Long Wangfan, I'm afraid she would have been tortured to death.

But even so, Long Yunxi's feelings for Long Wangfan are very complicated, with jealousy, fear, and some other emotions. From childhood to adulthood, although Long Wangfan took care of her, that indifferent brother was like a mountain that made her breathless. She wanted to climb over that mountain and surpass that mountain, but she always found that the mountain seemed to have no peak.

"Brother, what I need is not to hide in your shadow all the time, but to surpass you and climb over your mountain! I don't want to be a weakling!" Long Yunxi followed Long Wangfan and clenched her fists. It was the first time she mustered up the courage to step on Long Wangfan's shadow, with a firm look in her eyes...

"Sister, you should run for the position of the hymn priestess!" Long Wangfan, who was walking in front, suddenly said, and this froze Long Yunxi's feet that had just been raised.

In this world where personal strength is the most important, the hymn priestess is the only path for the bottom-level people to get rid of the class without relying on personal strength. Although the power is not great, the status is extremely high. As one of Luo Yikong's clones, Long Wangfan started to lay out the layout just when this world was born. He did not let Long Yunxi become stronger, protected her behind him, and let her study music all the time, in fact, for the identity of the hymn priestess, after all, this is beneficial to the main body's overall strategy.

The so-called hymn priestess is to use the unique instruments of this world, with a soft voice, to compose moving music. As long as she gains the faith of this world, that is, the recognition of the so-called "Dragon God", she can obtain the identity of the hymn priestess. Because the requirement must be female, Long Wangfan is not easy to make a move.

"Brother, you..."

"You are old enough, don't worry, I will fully support you." Long Wangfan turned around and smiled slightly. At that moment, Long Yunxi was stunned, because this was the first time that Long Wangfan smiled since he was born, and it was so beautiful...

Long Yunxi didn't know that her thoughts were completely grasped by Long Wangfan. After all, Long Wangfan was the original body separated from Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong's original body was the will of 1.6 billion people. What life of those 1.6 billion people had they not experienced? That smile was just a deliberate smile from Long Wangfan.

The sun shone on the scales on Long Yunxi's shoulders. Facing Long Wangfan's gaze, Long Yunxi nodded...

As Luo Yikong's clone, Long Wangfan had no feelings at all. Even if he had his own personality, he always had only one purpose, which was to do everything for the original body. Even if he had to use and betray his relatives in this world, Long Wangfan would not hesitate at all.

"For the original body, I have to climb to a higher position in this world! In this way, when that day comes, my original body and I can defeat this world, but I have to be careful of the supreme existence in this world, although I don't know who it is for the time being." Long Wangfan thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time looked towards the direction where the sun rises in this world, his eyes seemed to penetrate the endless void...

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