Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 229 The Will of the Blood Moon World

The name "blood clan" was originally just a code name in the Blood Moon World. In that world, humans were divided into two major camps, and one of the camps obtained the alien virus and successfully created a group of super soldiers. Because they feed on flesh and blood and are afraid of sunlight, they are called "blood clan".

These blood clan troops are led by Loris, the original mother, and carry out decapitation operations on the battlefield or behind the enemy, which makes the enemy terrified.

After the war, those soldiers who became blood clans because of the alien blood virus also became unstable factors in the peacetime era, and were ordered to be cleared out by the top leaders. The person responsible for clearing out the past comrades was the original mother, the strongest blood clan, and the leader of all blood clans... Loris.

Faced with this order, Loris did not resist. She cleared out the hidden blood clans all over the world. After killing one, she would immediately go to the next area.

Until the end, a group of blood clans fled to the hospital where a relative of Loris was, and the top leaders at that time bombed the hospital in order to eliminate Loris and the last blood clan.

"I don't like the name Loris, because it's stained with blood... But now I've picked it up again, and let it become the nightmare of all humans in this world!" That day, Loris watched her loved ones take their last breath beside her on the ruins, and she left only endless hatred to this world.

Loris, the original mother of the alien blood virus, lost control, and the alien blood virus in her body broke out, devouring most of the creatures in that world and destroying the human civilization that was once extremely strong.

After the human civilization was destroyed, all the blood clans under her rule inherited the technology left by human civilization, making the blood moon the eternal sun of that world and maintaining the rule over humans.

Until one day, an alien being from another world accidentally met a little girl, and gave her his swordsmanship and system, allowing the girl to raise the banner of rebellion. The little girl was named Chen Linlin, who destroyed the blood clan civilization single-handedly, and the battle with the blood god at that time also made her pay the price of her life.

However, the legend of Chen Linlin and the mysterious outsider has been circulating in this world...

Blood Moon World...New Era 1751...1751 years after the blood race civilization was destroyed, a space crack appeared in an uninhabited suburb somewhere, and then a young boy in white walked out of it... And that boy was Luo Yikong...

"I am the Heavenly Dao of the Daotian World. I cannot leave the original world for too long, otherwise the rules of the world will be chaotic and even collapse. Although the time flow of this world is only equivalent to one day in the Daotian World, I still have to hurry up."

Luo Yikong has no emotions, but there seems to be a voice in his heart that keeps calling him. From that moment on, Luo Yikong knew that his original heart was above the will of the world. Even if he had no emotions, he still had his original heart, so Luo Yikong must come to this world in person.

All living beings in the world are bound by fate, and fate has cause and effect, which can transcend time. Luo Yikong is here to end the cause and effect of the past.

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky. The blood moon that once occupied most of the sky has become distant. It seems to be as big as a glass bead in the sky, and the disappeared sun has returned. The barren land thousands of years ago is now covered with various plants.

In Luo Yikong's eyes, both humans and blood races are actually right. They are just chess pieces arranged by the world for reincarnation. The seemingly beautiful scenery and future are just returning to the original point.


A thunder tore the sky apart. Luo Yikong seemed to sense something. He suddenly raised his head and saw that the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Those dark clouds condensed above the sky to form a huge eye... That was the manifestation of the will of this world, the way of heaven in this world...

Luo Yikong felt a pressure crushing him, as if the whole world wanted to be an enemy of Luo Yikong and wanted to crush Luo Yikong.

"The will of this world? You should calm down!" Luo Yikong activated the world manifestation of the administrator system authority, and then stretched out his hand to the sky.

In an instant, the sun pierced through the thick clouds, and beams of light shone out from them. A closer look revealed that it was a big hand condensed by light, holding down from high in the sky with the momentum of holding mountains and rivers, and instantly crushed the eye of the world condensed by the dark clouds...

"You are the Heavenly Dao of this world, but I am also the Heavenly Dao of another world, and I am stronger! Don't worry, I won't swallow you, I'm just here to do something. A thousand years ago, you also saw me, didn't you?"

Luo Yikong said calmly to the sky, and this world seemed to understand Luo Yikong's words. The sense of oppression began to disappear, and the sky began to return to a clear state.

Luo Yikong's world Daotian world originally merged two worlds, and the system's world manifestation authority allowed the world to descend briefly, allowing Luo Yikong to avoid the disadvantageous situation of the home field. Originally, the Blood God Loris and Chen Linlin were the two major fighting forces in this world, but unfortunately they were abandoned, resulting in this world being completely easily controlled by Luo Yikong, and he could only be obedient if he couldn't beat them.

Luo Yikong cut through space and walked directly in. That space led to his destination this time, the location of the Sword Intent Stone of this world.

The so-called Sword Intention Stone is the sword mark left on a boulder by Luo Yikong when he left this world, which was left for Chen Linlin to comprehend the sword intention. After Chen Linlin rose to power, she regarded the boulder as her most important treasure. After Chen Linlin died, her body was cremated, and the Sword Intention Stone became the treasure of this world, and was kept in the city center of Xinji City (the original location of Yongye City), the largest human city in this world.

Perhaps because they did not want to cultivate another Lolis or Chen Linlin, under the special suppression of the will of this world, there has never been a god or a master like Chen Linlin.

The development trend of this world has also abandoned the previous biological evolution and personal combat limits, and has been mainly based on interstellar exploration. The personal combat effectiveness of this world has been infinitely diluted, and people prefer to solve all disputes with large-scale legion combat and heavy firepower suppression. In this world, those who still pursue personal strength and personal limits are called "ancient warriors" by them, and now such existences are about to disappear in the long river of history like Chen Linlin.

Luo Yikong knew very well that this was the choice of the times, and also the choice of the world... The will of this world did not want the birth of any more gods, or powerful beings who were above all rules.

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