The morning sun shines on Luo Yikong's cold face. Luo Yikong stands in front of the podium in the classroom, looking at the 25 students below. Among these students, there are blood clans who inherit the blood of gods, travelers from unknown worlds, and superpowers who suddenly awaken rare superpowers. Without exception, these are all gods in the future world.

A world can only give birth to one god, but Luo Yikong is different. In the future, his world will soon annex and merge many worlds, and naturally more than one god will be born. These people will be powerful helpers of this world in the future. Even if one day they are gone, each of them can stand on their own.

After Luo Yikong destroyed the sword stone in the blood moon world, he returned to his original Daotian world. No one in that blood moon world can comprehend the sword intent left by Luo Yikong and Chen Linlin, and their personal combat effectiveness will be eliminated by the rules of that world. Luo Yikong's move can be regarded as completely cutting off the unstable cause and effect.

"My name is Luo Yikong, and I am your teacher. I believe you already know my name before you report. Unlike other teachers, I am still young and have no achievements. The only thing that can be called an achievement is the assessment before serving as Xingjin Academy. However, it is normal for you to yearn for achievements and glory at your age. You will understand it later."

"Tsk! You look the same age as us, why do you teach us? You have only a few achievements to show off, and you still have the nerve to say that..." A student who looked careless muttered in a low voice. This student was named Xing Yan. In addition to being a player, he was also a superpower. After Luo Yikong pointed out the route for superpower awakening, Xing Yan was hit by a truck when he went out. Although he was seriously injured and recuperated for a period of time, he awakened a superpower... space travel...

Of course, this is Xing Yan's secret. After all, the matter of superpowers has not been fully announced in this world, and Xing Yan naturally did not say it, but Xing Yan did not know that Luo Yikong already knew it clearly.

Perhaps because Xing Yan said bad things about Luo Yikong, Xing Yan felt a cold gaze locked on him. Xing Yan raised his head and saw Ji Xueer staring at him with murderous intent in her scarlet eyes in front of him, which made Xing Yan swallow his saliva.

"First, let's talk about the first lesson, the development of players and the history of the Daotian world..." Luo Yikong picked up the textbook and began to talk about it. This history was recorded from the first player who came to this world.


Ji Xueer's eyes accidentally glanced out the window, but she saw a girl in a red dress sitting on the branch outside the window with an umbrella in her hand. The girl's eyes were as bright as rubies, her skin was as white as jade, her eyes were as charming as silk, and there was a faint smile on her face. She looked like she was only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, but her whole body revealed a temperament of a superior.

Loris was about to make a bluffing gesture, but at this moment a piece of chalk flew towards Loris like a bullet and hit Loris' forehead directly...


With only a loud bang, Loris flew out like a cannonball, but because the classroom was previously isolated from the sound by Luo Yikong using the world rules, Loris did not cause much noise.

"Mom..." Ji Xueer was completely stunned when she saw Loris being hit by something. That was the Blood God of the Blood Moon World! There was only one person in this world who could do this.

Ji Xueer looked at Luo Yikong who was still lecturing on the podium. Luo Yikong still had an expressionless look, as if what had just happened had nothing to do with him.

Ji Xueer looked at Luo Yikong with a very complicated look. She and Loris still had an emotional connection, but Luo Yikong only had a genetic connection with her. Luo Yikong had no feelings for her at all, and even her birth, Luo Yikong was initially unaware of it.

Luo Yikong has no feelings now. Everything he does is based on this world first. For example, although Luo Yikong accepted the blood clan, he restricted the spread and development of the blood clan. Although in this world, their blood clan is also a part of the human race, there is still a gap between them and humans.

Both Luo Lisi and Ji Xueer hope that Luo Yikong will release the world's restrictions on the blood clan, but they all know that this is impossible. After all, a long life is something that almost everyone yearns for.

Ji Xueer has heard her mother Luo Lisi say many things about Luo Yikong, including that Luo Yikong has always believed that it is wrong to evolve from humans to blood clan. In Luo Yikong's eyes, human evolution does not lie in the flesh.

In Ji Xueer's eyes, Luo Yikong is very powerful and great. Although this power and greatness are not known to most people, she is still proud and does not allow anyone to tarnish it. But on the other hand, Ji Xueer does not know what Luo Yikong's true feelings are for her. After all, Luo Yikong is now a person without feelings.

After that day, she talked a lot with Luo Keying. She also knew that Luo Keying was Luo Yikong's clone and inherited Luo Yikong's feelings and past memories, so she wanted to ask Luo Keying what she thought. But that guy...

Ji Xueer couldn't help but cover her head when she thought of the scene where Luo Keying emptied her wallet. She was supposed to comfort her that day, but she ended up with an empty wallet. It would be terrible if Luo Yikong took back his feelings and inherited Luo Keying's personality. Every time Ji Xueer thought about it, she felt terrible.

Each class in Xingjin Academy is equipped with a teacher. It is precisely because of this that teachers and players are required to be all-round during the assessment. A day's course passed quickly. Luo Yikong only explained some combat theory to them. After all, if it was a life-and-death battle, they were not good enough. Their so-called actual combat relied on the infinite resurrection of the players in this world. If there were really people who had experienced a life-and-death battle, Ji Xueer might be the only one among them.

Ji Xueer was originally a slave in the Blood Moon World. She had seen the dirtiness and cruelty at the bottom of that world, but later she met Lolis and was transformed into a vampire by Lolis. When she was a human, she was worried about being killed by the blood clan. When she became a blood clan, she was worried about being killed by humans. If it weren't for Lolis's protection, Ji Xue'er would have died long ago. But it was precisely because of all this that Ji Xue'er was the one in Luo Yikong's heart who was most likely to become a god.

Luo Yikong looked at Ji Xue'er, and the girl also felt Luo Yikong's gaze and lowered her head...

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