Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 243 Heart-Linking Necklace

The phantom of the Dragon God was still lying on the ground, his eyes slightly closed, and he looked like he was dying. Facing Long Qiushui's singing, perhaps the Dragon God was in no mood to pay attention. Others could not see it, but Long Wangfan knew that the so-called Dragon God was already dying.


"I'm still okay! Please give me another chance! Please give me another chance!" Long Qiushui was a little out of control when she heard that she was eliminated, but in order to maintain the image of the witch and prevent Long Qiushui from making a fool of herself again, the nearby guards simply forced her to leave.

"Next! Long Bingbing!"

Hearing her name being called, the white-haired dragon girl named Long Bingbing walked to the center of the altar, just like her name, the whole person was cold.

Every witch candidate has the support of the world's major forces behind him, and every witch who is supported to the top looks glamorous on the surface, but in fact she is just a tool of those major forces. The purpose of getting to the top is to provide benefits to the forces behind them.

Both Long Qiushui and Long Bingbing have the support of big forces behind them, but these two big forces are afraid of being caught by the other party, so they did not assassinate Long Yunxi in Longhai City. On the other hand, it may be that they simply did not take Long Yunxi seriously. After all, it has always been Long Wangfan who has supported Long Yunxi. If it were not for Long Wangfan, Long Yunxi might have died long ago.

"Maybe my whole life is for this moment..."

Long Bingbing sighed, took off the bone harp on his back, sat cross-legged, placed the bone harp on his legs, began to play, and sang softly...

The breeze passed by Long Wangfan's cold and handsome face. In the slightly sad music, Long Wangfan unconsciously closed his eyes... Everyone was immersed in it, as if they could feel the emotions of the player... From the initial ignorance and yearning for life, to meeting the unforgettable person in a lifetime, to the climax of the music and singing, and experiencing the separation of life and death...

"This... the original body!"

Everyone closed their eyes, as if they saw the most important person in their lives. Long Yunxi saw Long Wangfan, and Long Wangfan saw his original body Luo Yikong...

"No! Don't!"

Seeing a sharp sword piercing through Luo Yikong's chest, Long Wangfan woke up suddenly. Although he had no emotions, as a clone, the meaning of his life was Luo Yikong. For him, Luo Yikong, the original body, was the most important.

"Forget love and hate... Love and separation..."

As Long Bingbing sang the last part, the music stopped and a tear slid down Long Bingbing's cheek...

"It's amazing! Even I fell into it! This Daotian world in the original body is probably not as simple as music. I'm afraid it must have at least an S-level or higher confusing skill." Long Wangfan expressed his recognition of Long Bingbing's performance. After all, Long Bingbing was the only one in this world who could make him fall into the illusion for so long.

Many people woke up from their dreams, but their cheeks were wet with tears. Long Wangfan still looked cold because he had no emotions, but he didn't fall so deeply.

The virtual image of the Dragon God in front of Long Bingbing slowly opened his eyes, which showed that Long Bingbing had won the recognition of the Dragon God...

"Everyone! I'm not a virgin anymore!" Long Bingbing suddenly turned around and looked at everyone and said, which was beyond everyone's expectations, including Long Wangfan.

"Long Bingbing! This is a sacred festival! Do you know what you are talking about?" At this time, Long Bingbing's guard leader stood up and shouted under the altar.

"Of course I know, I just want to expose the true face of your Longling Tower in front of everyone! You killed the person I love most, I am..."

Before Long Bingbing finished speaking, a beam of light descended from the sky. In the beam of light, Long Bingbing was instantly evaporated before she even had time to scream. After the light disappeared, only the black mark on the ground was left where Long Bingbing had stood.

"Witch candidate Long Bingbing blasphemed the sacred hymn festival and has now been killed by the great Dragon God!" The priest announced loudly to everyone, immediately quieting the originally chaotic scene.

Everyone thought it was the Dragon God showing his power, but in fact Long Wangfan knew that it was the biological warship Leviathan in the sky that made a move, which instantly turned Long Bingbing into ashes. The Dragon God still looked dying, and closed his eyes again after Long Bingbing died.

Seeing Long Bingbing turned to ashes in an instant, Long Yunxi's body trembled uncontrollably. She turned around and glanced at Long Wangfan below, who nodded to her...

"Next! Long Yunxi!"

Hearing the priest calling her name, Long Yunxi walked up with a firm look...

Long Yunxi's instrument is a harp woven with dragon bones and special green vines. The harp is very light and only half the height of Long Yunxi, so it can be easily picked up...

Long Yunxi began to play it together, accompanied by her soft voice. The melody is like the water flowing under the bridge, ordinary but also beautiful, as if it can purify people's hearts and enter a state of selflessness.

This is in line with Long Yunxi's personality, as gentle as water. This kind of ordinariness may be yearned by many people and like this kind of quiet life, but for those who are unwilling to be ordinary, ordinary is the abyss, and they will not yearn for the abyss.

Long Wangfan looked at the virtual image of the Dragon God. Sure enough, the Dragon God still had his eyes slightly closed and was unmoved...

"Main body... it's time for you to make a move..." Long Wangfan sighed deeply. Just in case, when Luo Yikong assigned Luo Lisi to come to this world, he also brought his own backup.

At this time, no one noticed that the necklace on Long Yunxi's neck suddenly flashed, but it quickly returned to normal. Then Long Yunxi seemed to see herself entering a dark place. In the darkness, she saw a handsome white-haired boy sitting cross-legged, and there was a guqin on his legs...

"Who are you?" Long Yunxi asked the boy, but the boy did not answer her, but began to play with a blank expression.

From the outside, Long Wangfan saw that Long Yunxi's pupils suddenly turned golden, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly changed, as if he had changed a person.

"The Heart-to-Heart Necklace works!"

Heart-to-Heart Necklace (Right Heart)

Quality: Epic

Introduction: The Heart-to-Heart Necklace is divided into two hearts, right and left. When the effect is activated, it can allow the wearer to communicate with each other for 3 minutes. (Note: This is a one-time prop.)

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