Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 252: Mileganos

The world of Long Ming admires personal strength very much, not to mention that Long Wangfan has not used any genetic medicine, nor has he undergone any special transformation of his body. He has reached this point entirely by challenging his own limits and through constant fighting, so let They respected Long Wangfan particularly.

Now Long Yunxi has become the Song Priestess, and Long Wangfan is Long Yunxi's elder brother. This also allows Long Wangfan to raise his status to another level based on that foundation. Now he not only has status and strength, but also has a chanting witch sister who represents the will of the Dragon God. Even the elders of the Dragon Order Tower in front of him do not dare to have any contempt for Long Wangfan. In the eyes of many Dragon people, Long Wangfan is already a winner in life.

"Mr. Long Wangfan, and Lady Psalm Witch, this is not the place to talk. Please follow me into the ship for a chat."

"That's fine." Long Wangfan nodded and followed the elder of Longling Tower, who was also the captain of this fleet, towards Leviathan's mouth, while Long Yunxi followed closely beside Long Wangfan. .

There are bifurcations in Leviathan's esophagus. One leads to the stomach where Leviathan consumes everything and turns it into nutrients and energy. The other leads to the control areas, combat areas, and accommodation areas throughout Leviathan's body. . Although Leviathan is a living creature, it was developed towards a battleship when it was born, so some parts of its internal structure are designed to be exactly the same as a battleship.

There was no strange taste in Leviathan's mouth. As he walked all the way into Leviathan's body, all Long Wangfan saw were sticky flesh and blood passages. The picture looked very strange, but for people in this world But he has become accustomed to it.

There is a parasitic insect on both sides of the passage. While this insect absorbs the nutrients from Leviathan's body, it also emits light, illuminating the passage along the way.

Long Wangfan and Long Yunxi followed the old man to Leviathan's brain room, which is also the control center of the biological battleship Leviathan. In this spacious space, there are many dragon people busy, and in the center of this space is a transparent glass jar container. There is a huge brain in the container, with many tubes inserted on the brain.

You cannot see the outside situation when you are in this space, but people inside can share the outside vision and all aspects of Leviathan's perception by connecting to Leviathan's brain, and control it. If a planet-class main ship in Daotian World wants to explode into full combat effectiveness, it requires at least 2,500 personnel in various positions. But the biological battleship is different. If you think your brain is powerful enough, you can control the entire biological battleship Leviathan by yourself, but almost everyone who has this idea will have their heads explode. If you want to control Leviathan, you need at least a hundred people's brains to be connected synchronously, and the division of labor between each person's control is clear. Compared to the human battleships in Daotian World, Leviathan does not require so many manpower.

"Mr. Long Wangfan, and Lady Psalm Witch, maybe I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm really sorry. I am one of the elders of the Dragon Order Tower, and I am also the commander of this fleet. My name is Mileganos. !”

"Miller? You are from the Guanglong clan."

Legend has it that the dragons in this world were all created by the Dragon God, and the original ancestors of the dragons were creatures called dragons. The Five Dragons of the World were created by the Dragon God. In the territory of the Five Dragons of the World, there were five powerful dragon clans. In the territory of the World Dragons with the power of light was the Light Dragon Clan, with Miller in front of their names. It means light in ancient dragon language. Looking for the source of Long Wangfan's surname Long, it should be a clan ruled by a world dragon with the power of time and space. Now that endless years have passed, both Long and Miller are already one of the popular surnames in this Longming world.

"That's right. But I invited you two here today just to get to know the young heroes and make friends." Milganos said with a slight smile.

Long Wangfan naturally knew what Mileganos meant. How could a dignified elder of the Dragon Order Tower, a strong man of the older generation, make friends with a young junior like them? Miliganos just wants to use himself and Long Yunxi, and wants to have a good relationship with him and Long Yunxi. After all, one is a well-known strong man among the younger generation, and the other is the new chanting witch. Whichever force in the underworld gets it will be directly empowered.

"I have heard of the reputation of Elder Milganos when I was a child. I'm afraid it's too high to reach!" Long Wangfan's expression was dull, even though the man in front of him was one of the top figures in Long Ming World. .

"We dragon people respect the strong. Mr. Long Wangfan is already as strong as me at a young age. In addition, Mr. Long Wangfan's sister is also a chanting witch. She is worthy of it, completely worthy of it. Speaking of dragons Mr. Wangfan doesn’t have a spouse yet! My daughter Miller Lilith is stunningly beautiful. She has admired Mr. Long Wangfan for many years. I have heard about Mr. Long Wangfan’s deeds before. If you don’t dislike it, I would like to have my daughter. Leave it to you, Mr. Long Wangfan.”

Although Long Wangfan showed no expression on the surface, he was secretly laughing in his heart. The old guy Milganos directly used the beauty trap. In this world, the status of women is not very high. Miliganos wants to bind himself and Long Yunxi to him through a daughter. It's a pity that Long Wangfan's real body, Luo Yikong, has experienced 1.6 billion life cycles. As a clone, Long Wangfan is naturally not a hot-blooded young man, so he will not be fooled.

"Brother..." Long Yunxi looked at Long Wangfan. She didn't know why she didn't want Long Wangfan to agree. Maybe she and Long Wangfan had always been dependent on each other, or maybe she only wanted Long Wangfan to protect her alone. She didn't want Long Wangfan to suddenly have a strange woman around him.

"Lord Millerganos, Dragon Skeleton City is still in crisis. We should talk about this matter later. We should focus on the overall situation. As for Miss Miller Lilith, I will visit her in the future."

"That's right." Millerganos smiled awkwardly, but couldn't help sneering in his heart. Long Wangfan looked young, but he was actually cunning. Long Wangfan didn't accept it, nor did he directly refuse to hurt their relationship. Instead, he kept him hanging. Millerganos knew this very well, but he couldn't do anything about it. After all, he needed Long Wangfan and Long Yunxi's identity as the hymn witch to help him gain more status and power.

Long Yunxi saw Luo Yikong saying that he would meet Miss Miller Lilith in the future, and his heart was immediately lifted...

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