Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 265: Return in Triumph

In Keer City, the buildings here are made of plants and special building materials, just like most buildings in the Dragon Nether World. Unlike the common high-strength concrete buildings in the Daotian World, the buildings in the Dragon Nether World look more like huge plants than buildings.

The power of biotechnology makes the civilization of the Dragon Nether World seem to be completely integrated with nature. Even the "Longling Tower Branch", the tallest building in Keer City, looks like a spiral tower that is wide at the bottom and pointed at the top, reaching into the sky. There are many plants and green trees on the tower.

On a sunny morning, a long but whale-like sound came from the sky. The sound spread throughout the city, causing the dragon people in the city to raise their heads and see a huge monster that looks like a snake or a whale poking out from the clouds in the sky, and a large shadow began to cover the urban area of ​​Keer City.

Facing the huge monster, the dragon residents of Keer City were not panicked, but were happy because they all knew who was back.

A black-haired dragon man stood in the brain control area of ​​Leviathan. By connecting to Leviathan's brain and sharing vision, the black-haired dragon man could see everything below.

Many dragon soldiers, including officers of high military rank, stood respectfully behind the young black-haired dragon man, their eyes full of respect and admiration.

The black-haired young dragon man was one of Luo Yikong's clones, Long Wangfan, and this was the moment of his triumphant return.

Although Long Wangfan was young at this time, his reputation had spread throughout the Dragon Netherworld. In one day, he concentrated most of the biological weapons and biological warships in the Dragon Netherworld, turned the tide, raided the rear of human players, and conquered more than a hundred large cities in a row. It was fast and fierce, and did not give the players any chance to react. By the time the players reacted, the players on the front line had already been caught in the middle.

In the eyes of many people, the players paid a heavy price, but both the original Luo Yikong and the clone Long Wangfan knew that the players did not suffer any major losses except for the loss of some warships and ground troops. Under Luo Yikong's means, even if the space-time gate was destroyed, the dead players would be resurrected, and after a wave of fighting, the fleets in various places immediately evacuated after finding something wrong, and the losses were not that great. Instead, Luo Yikong collected a wave of data on the biological weapons in the Dragon Nether World.

In the eyes of the players, although those cities have been lost, the losses are not great. At least when they fought in their place in the Dragon Nether World, the players did not feel bad at all. In the eyes of the dragon people in the Dragon Nether World, they won a great victory and hit the players hard.

Although Luo Yikong was worried about Long Wangfan's body being exposed before, he is not worried at all now. Unless Long Wangfan is exposed automatically, they don't know that the hero of their Dragon Nether World is just a clone of the enemy at this moment.

Leviathan stopped by the tower of Cole City, and under the tower stood a dragon soldier in golden armor, who was specially here to welcome Long Wangfan's triumphant return...

With the support of the dragon officers, Long Wangfan, wearing a black exoskeleton armor and looking majestic, walked out and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The dragons who regarded Long Wangfan as a hero sprinkled petals of blessings on him, and some were happy and some were unhappy when they saw this scene...

Among those who welcomed Long Wangfan, in addition to his sister Long Yunxi, there were also several elders of Longling Tower. Without exception, they all had gloomy faces, but they were helpless...

"Brother, congratulations on your triumphant return!" Long Yunxi, a hymn witch wearing gorgeous clothes and holding a dragon crystal staff, walked up to Long Wangfan and congratulated him. Because there were too many outsiders here, in order to maintain the image of the hymn witch, Long Yunxi could not show too much excitement.

Long Wangfan nodded, still with a cold look, but no one thought that Long Wangfan was disrespectful to the Holy Song Witch. On the one hand, Long Wangfan was a hero who turned the tide, and on the other hand, he was now the brother of the Holy Song Witch.

"Brother, you must be tired after returning from this expedition with a great victory! Lord Long Xingtian also wants to see you."

"Lord Long Xingtian? Well, then please lead the way, Lord Holy Song Witch!" In front of the public, Long Wangfan still called Long Yunxi Lord Holy Song Witch, after all, the Holy Song Witch still has a special status in the hearts of the people in this world.

Long Wangfan did not stop at all, followed Long Yunxi into the tower, and went to the floor and room where Long Xingtian was in the tower. In the folk of Longming World, Long Xingtian is a legendary figure, an illusory existence, but for the senior executives of Longling Tower, Long Xingtian has always been ruling the entire Longming World from behind. They also know that Long Xingtian is the god of this world, and they dare not resist all of Long Xingtian's orders.

When Long Xingtian summoned Long Wangfan, even though the high-level officials of Longling Tower were resentful, they did not dare to stop him.

"Wangfan! Wangfan! You really didn't disappoint me!" Seeing Long Wangfan coming, the god Long Xingtian couldn't help laughing. In his opinion, this was not only a great victory, but also a slap in Luo Yikong's face.

"It's just a small contribution, not worth mentioning."

"This is no small achievement. Luo Yikong, the god of the Daotian world, is already seriously injured. He hasn't made any move yet, so it's estimated that he is almost dead. Next, you can make your move boldly. If Luo Yikong dares to show up, as long as he is in our world, he is not to be feared." Although Long Xingtian said that he was not to be feared, he was still very afraid of Luo Yikong's fighting ability. At least in his world, Luo Yikong could fight him back and forth.

Hearing this, although Long Wangfan didn't show anything on his face, he couldn't help but complain in his heart. If Luo Yikong really went all out, he, Long Xingtian, couldn't stand by him and talk to him now.

"Lord Long Xingtian, this is not a long-term solution. As long as we don't break into the Daotian world, we can't weaken Luo Yikong, and this will be a dead end."

"This is also..." Long Xingtian frowned. He also knew that if he didn't occupy or destroy Luo Yikong's world, he would never be able to do anything to Luo Yikong. However, if he launched an invasion of Luo Yikong's plane, Long Xingtian did not think that he would be able to contain Luo Yikong, even though his civilization was stronger than that of Luo Yikong's world.

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