Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 296 Sky Star Expeditionary Fleet Academy

After Shen Tian met Luo Yikong, he left Tianqiong Star and returned to Yanhuang Star on the same day. Although traces of Zerg were found on Tianqiong Star, the pace of life on Tianqiong Star was still so quiet and slow, and all news about Zerg was blocked, as if nothing had happened.

The dead tree sprouted new buds, and Luo Yikong and Jiuyan lived on Tianqiong Star for a few months. Nothing unusual happened during these months. It's just that a few months may be very long for others, but for Luo Yikong, it's just a blink of an eye.

Hundreds of years have passed, and these few months are nothing...

The Tianqiong Star Expedition Fleet Academy is about to start school, and Luo Yikong has also reported to the Tianqiong Star Expedition Fleet Academy. As for Jiuyan, Luo Yikong asked her to study in the player beginner class in order to make her better integrate into the life of this world.

As soon as Luo Yikong entered the Sky Star Expedition Fleet, he noticed that when passing by, there were always some people who focused their attention on him. On the one hand, it was because Luo Yikong's appearance was too outstanding, and on the other hand, everyone knew that Luo Yikong was the first in the entire Sky Star exam.

However, Luo Yikong would not have too many intersections with those people. After all, he was just a passer-by in his life.

The people of the Sky Star Expedition Academy obviously knew that Luo Yikong rejected the Yanhuang Star Jin Academy. The staff of the reporting office were even more respectful to Luo Yikong. After all, in their eyes, Luo Yikong was a genius-level figure, and he was quite individual.

"Please make way! Make way!"

At this time, a dragon man with a pair of dragon horns hurriedly ran past Luo Yikong, but because a student maliciously stretched his foot and tripped him, he fell heavily to the ground, and the things in his hands fell to the ground.

Because the dragon man was not a human, he did not have a system. Although Luo Yikong merged and absorbed the Dragon Nether World, there were still quite a few people among humans who hated the alien race.

Luo Yikong squatted down and picked up the pendant on the ground. The pendant seemed a bit old for this era. It should be worth a lot of money in an antique shop. There was a small photo in the pendant, and the person in the photo was Long Yunxi.

Luo Yikong didn't know whether Long Yunxi accepted that Long Wangfan was a part of him. Anyway, he and Long Yunxi had no contact for more than two hundred years. Not only Long Yunxi, but also Luo Lisi and others. Luo Yikong had no contact. In short, because Long Yunxi managed the dragon civilization, that civilization has now been completely integrated into the Daotian world.

"Who is Long Yunxi to you?" Luo Yikong asked the dragon girl holding the pendant, and the dragon girl looked up and saw Luo Yikong and was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses and blushed.

"The Holy Song Witch is my sister, how come?"

"First of all, a sister would not call her sister the Holy Song Witch. Besides, Long Yunxi only has one brother, Long Wangfan, and has no sister. I know this."

"How do you know this?" The dragon girl was very surprised that Luo Yikong knew this. After all, how could a human know so much about the Holy Song Witch of their dragon people?

"The Holy Song Witch is a big figure among you dragon people. It is normal for us humans to pay attention to her." Luo Yikong explained. Luo Yikong couldn't say that he had an avatar who was her brother!

"The Holy Song Witch is my benefactor. It is also because of her that I can come here to study as a dragon student." The dragon girl seemed very proud when she mentioned Long Yunxi. After Long Xingtian fell, Long Yunxi has become the new leader and belief of the dragon civilization.

Long Yunxi broke the old system, providing opportunities for the lower-level dragons to rise, and imitated the tripartite parliament system of human players to establish a new Dragon Order Tower. As for the dragon civilians, she advocates equality for all, regardless of their status, and everyone has equal personality.

Long Yunxi has now become a saint of the dragon civilization, the most perfect hymn priestess in history, and is worshipped by the entire dragon civilization.

"Although I am a human, I have also worshipped the hymn priestess for a long time." Luo Yikong lied without blushing or beating his heart.

"Great! If all humans were like you, it would be great. They all say that our hymn priestess is just a name for nothing, and it's all blown up by us, but we all know that without the hymn priestess, we wouldn't be where we are today. My name is Long Li. Since you think the hymn priestess is so great, then we are friends!" The dragon girl named Long Li showed Luo Yikong an innocent and brilliant smile.

Luo Yikong looked at the dragon girl in front of him. There were many things about her that were similar to Long Yunxi, such as her innocence, but there were also many things that were different, such as that smile...

Long Yunxi rarely smiled. Luo Yikong knew this from Long Wangfan's memory. Most of the time, Long Yunxi looked inferior and sad.

Luo Yikong reached out and touched the two horns on Long Li's head. The latter was so scared that he took several steps back, holding his head with both hands, looking like he was being teased. That look was indeed a bit cute...

"My name is Luo Yikong." Luo Yikong introduced himself very briefly. For Luo Yikong, this brief introduction was enough.

"Luo Yikong, you are the top scholar of Tianqiong Star! The top scholar of Tianqiong Star!" Long Li widened her big watery eyes. Although she had heard of Luo Yikong, she had never seen what he looked like. Now that she saw him in person, she was even more shocked. After all, he was so handsome.

"Yes." Luo Yikong nodded slightly.

"Too amazing! If it were me, I would definitely not be as amazing as you! You are so amazing, but you are still so nice, unlike some humans... Humph!" Long Li thought of some unhappy things and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"No, I am indeed not worth mentioning. I just see more and know more than some people." Luo Yikong shook his head. After all, Luo Yikong was also a person who came during the Battle of the City of Gods. Calculating the time, Luo Yikong is already more than 500 years old.

"I heard that some human geniuses are very humble. Yikong, you are indeed so humble." Long Li called Luo Yikong Yikong very affectionately at this time. After all, no matter what era, people first look at the face and then the inner qualities, and Luo Yikong has both.

"..." Luo Yikong did not continue. Although he was just writing casually at the time, if he continued, he would be suspected of showing off.

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