Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 302 Fleet Battle Simulation

A letter was sent directly to the tripartite council of Yanhuang Star as quickly as possible. Although this letter was completely anonymous, it was highly valued by the tripartite council. Some senior officials of the tripartite council knew that this letter was sent by Luo Yikong. Came here.

After receiving this letter, the tripartite council held an emergency meeting overnight and decided to allocate manpower from the expedition fleet to explore the depths of the Sky Dome Star.

One day after receiving Luo Yikong's letter, a report from the Sky Planet Disaster Monitoring Center also came...

Before it is determined that the entire planet may fall, the tripartite council will not issue an evacuation order for the Sky Vault Star. All actions must wait for the results of the investigation to come out.

Luo Yikong himself had no intention of taking action directly. After all, Luo Yikong didn't know whether the Zerg tribe also had a supreme being. If he showed up rashly, he might be counterattacked by the opponent. On the other hand, if it is a war without the intervention of gods, Luo Yikong will hardly intervene. The strength of a civilization cannot only rely on one powerful god.

Luo Yikong had secretly ordered a large number of alien species to come to the vicinity of the Sky Dome Galaxy in order to prevent emergencies in the Sky Dome Star. The expedition fleet also knew about this situation and also began to dispatch a large number of fleets to garrison the Sky Dome Galaxy.

At this time, on the sky star, Luo Yikong was like a chess player, secretly watching all this...

Luo Yikong's time at the Tianqiongxing Expedition Fleet Academy was like a vacation. The intensity of training might be hell for others, but for Luo Yikong, it was completely childish. In terms of theoretical knowledge, almost all instructors are now afraid of Luo Yikong coughing. Luo Yikong looks like a teacher who approves homework, while those instructors are students.

I don't know what they would think after learning that Luo Yikong served as a teacher at Yanhuang Xingjin College more than two hundred years ago. After all, all of Luo Yikong's former students are now powerful men.

So Hank looked at Luo Yikong with a strange look in his eyes, and when he was fully investigating Luo Yikong's information, he received a warning from Yanhuang Star. It was obvious that Luo Yikong's identity was definitely not simple.

However, Hank did not give up and tried to find clues from Luo Yikong, but it was difficult for him to accept that Luo Yikong was a character from the Battle of the Divine City more than five hundred years ago. Hank is more willing to believe that the guy named Luo Yikong from more than five hundred years ago is the ancestor of the current Luo Yikong.

"Now you are about to enter a large-scale fleet combat dungeon. However, this dungeon can only be set to be cleared by one person. As a commander, one person will lead all NPCs to victory in order to succeed in the assessment!" The instructor pointed at the light door behind him. Said, and this dungeon is different from some dungeons in the wild. This dungeon can only be officially opened by the tripartite council to cultivate some outstanding commanders.

"That's it..." Luo Yikong's thoughts couldn't help but go back to the time of the human-dragon war. At that time, Luo Yikong copied a large amount of battlefield data in order to copy that war through virtual rules and use it for himself. The Daotian World cultivates outstanding command talents.

At the instructor's request, everyone walked in, and Luo Yikong also followed everyone through the light curtain. When he opened his eyes, he was already in the command seat of the main ship's control center...

"Sir Commander! The opponent's fleet is five times ours!"

Luo Yikong reported in the heart of a soldier. Luo Yikong looked forward and saw the dozen biological battleships Leviathan continuously firing destructive beams, bombarding the fleet's energy defense shield...

"This was that time..." Luo Yikong was very familiar with this scene. It was the time when the plane war broke out with Long Ming World more than two hundred years ago. Although the war did not last long, the fighting was unusual. Intense, both worlds are almost at full strength.

"Are we surrounded?" Luo Yikong asked the NPC beside him, and the latter shook his head.

"But Commander, we have been entangled by each other, and it will be very difficult to escape!"

"This is simple. Let half of the capital ships detonate the nuclear reactor and die together with the opponent. The remaining half can use this to escape the opponent's attack limit, and then fly kites to carry out ultra-long-distance fire strikes!"

"But Commander..."

"Facing an enemy five times my size, if I am not careful, my whole army will be wiped out. According to my method, there may be a glimmer of hope! Execute the order! Soldier!" Luo Yikong looked coldly at the soldier NPC beside him, and the latter could only Excuting an order.


"As long as we win..." Luo Yikong murmured. He used to care about the gains and losses in the process and would never do anything at the expense of others. However, Luo Yikong later discovered that all he needs to do is win. As long as you achieve the result you want, the process doesn't matter.

Under Luo Yikong's order, several capital ships opened their energy defense shields and rushed towards the enemy fleet at full speed under strong firepower. This trip was destined to go without return.

Luo Yikong commanded the fleet and evacuated directly without looking back, keeping distance from the enemy fleet...


Those capital ships exploded in the enemy fleet group, a huge fireball rose from the other side, and the terrifying energy shock wave lifted everything around them. The few Leviathans that were relatively close were blown into countless pieces on the spot. Although the other Leviathans were also severely injured, they could recover as before in less than a minute due to their own visible recovery ability. After all, this is Advantages of Biological Warships.

However, after the self-destruction attack, overwhelming lasers and missiles followed, and the remaining human fleet had already escaped beyond their visual range. It was difficult for them to use Leviathan to strike across visual range. This was the fatal flaw of the biological warship Leviathan. Biological warships do not have the precise enemy locking ability of human warships. After all, warships of various civilizations have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Under the command of Luo Yikong, the remaining fleets fought while running, not giving the Leviathans a chance to recover. Soon all the Leviathan ships were destroyed by Luo Yikong's fleet...

"Ding! You have passed the level! The clearance time is 29 minutes and 53 seconds!"

Luo Yikong looked at the clearance time. For a large-scale fleet battle, this is already a lightning speed, although this is only a virtual simulation of a fleet battle between first-level civilizations. Today, both human civilization and dragon civilization are already second-level civilizations, different from before. In addition, the battlefield changes rapidly, which cannot be simulated by virtual rules. Therefore, even if he commanded the fleet to defeat an enemy that is five times larger than himself within half an hour, Luo Yikong did not feel it was so great.

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