"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The entire space station began to shake violently, waking up some of the space station personnel who were originally sleeping...

"What's going on?!"

"Star Destroyer! Who activated the Star Destroyer?!"

The space station staff quickly climbed out of the hibernation cabin, but found that all the doors around were sealed and they were all locked here.

"Sophia! Sophia!!!"

A middle-aged man shouted, and soon a projection of a little blonde girl appeared in front of the man, and that girl was the artificial intelligence of this space station...

"Sophia! What's going on?! I order you to stop the activation of the Star Destroyer immediately!" The middle-aged man ordered the artificial intelligence. Because they were in hibernation, they didn't know what happened in the Sky Galaxy Starport and Sky Star.

"Sorry, you don't have this authority. The other party successfully entered the key, so he is currently the highest authority in this space station." The artificial intelligence named Sophia shook his head and answered in a cold voice.

"Who? Is it someone from Yanhuang Star? No, if it was Yanhuang Star, they would have notified us in advance!"

"The other party is not from the tripartite council of Yanhuang Star, but a civilian."

"Civilian?! It's over!" The middle-aged man's first reaction was that it was a terrorist. The star destroyer cannon was so powerful that it could be called a nuclear weapon of this era. Once it was launched, the responsibility would be enough to shoot him a hundred times.

"Smash the door!!!"

"MD! I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison!"

The awakened staff did not intend to sit and wait for death. They seemed to pick up the things around them and wanted to force the door. But all this was in vain. After all, the space station was not made of paper. All facilities, including every door, were designed according to the highest requirements.

Outside the space station, the outer shell of the space station began to fall off. Affected by the gravity of Tianmen Star, the outer shell began to fall into the sea of ​​fire on Tianmen Star. As the outer shell completely fell off, the long gun barrel hidden in the space station was exposed...

"They actually disguised the several kilometers long gun barrel as the energy propulsion runway of this space station!" When Loris saw the gun barrel of the star destroyer, she couldn't help but be shocked. The energy propulsion runway is specially used to accelerate some spacecraft. This space station is too close to Tianmen Star. Under the influence of its strong gravity, many spacecraft may not be able to get up to the initial speed, so this runway is needed to help.

Destroying Tianqi Star is also a last resort. If it is delayed, the Zerg army may invade this world in an all-round way. Luo Yikong knows those guys in the tripartite council. It is the limit for them to block Tianqi Star and turn a blind eye to the alien species. If they are asked to destroy Tianqi Star, I am afraid that his students in the council will not agree, so this time Luo Yikong also intends to cut the Gordian knot, because there is no time to hesitate.

Luo Yikong adjusted the muzzle, locked the Star Destroyer on the Sky Star, and then pressed the button...

Instantly, the energy of the star was extracted into the space station, and then all concentrated on the Star Destroyer. The energy consumed at this time can allow the entire Sky Star to be used for a hundred years...


A beam of light penetrated the void universe. The light was more dazzling than the light of Tianmen Star. The meteorites along the way were directly turned into powder, and it took at least five minutes for the beam to reach the Sky Star...

"Success... But the Tripartite Council will definitely destroy you... Do you want to go with me?" Luo Yikong looked at the projection of the artificial intelligence "Sophia" beside him, but after all, Sophia was destroyed because of his use of the Star Destroyer.

"Why? Sophia did not make any mistakes..." Artificial intelligence Sophia looked at Luo Yikong puzzled.

"You did not make a mistake, but the Tripartite Council needs an artificial intelligence that made a mistake. They simply cannot bear the public resentment caused by the destruction of a Sky Star. But destroying Sky Star is also what must be done to save this world. The Tripartite Council can blame all this on the Zerg, and everyone else can be blameless, but the artificial intelligence that manages the Star Destroyer must be destroyed." Luo Yikong explained to Sophia in front of him.

"I don't understand... Is it because Sophia is not human?" Sophia shook her head and asked in a tone without any emotional fluctuations.

"Humans always expect others to make sacrifices..." Luo Yikong knew that the Tripartite Council would definitely let Sophia take the blame, and artificial intelligence that made mistakes would be destroyed. The Tripartite Council would never admit that they could not save Sky Star, but would only say that after their heroic battles, Sky Star was still not saved and was destroyed by the Star Destroyer, and the Star Destroyer was activated by the artificial intelligence controlled by the Zerg.

Over the years, Luo Yikong has already figured out the nature of the Tripartite Council. Luo Yikong doesn't like the Tripartite Council very much, but for the stability of this world, the Tripartite Council must exist. It is for this reason that Luo Yikong trains his students, hoping that they can change the Tripartite Council one day in the future.

"According to the third article of artificial intelligence, if humans need us to make sacrifices, we will sacrifice voluntarily." Sophia said this with a firm look in her eyes. Luo Yikong seemed to see some emotions in the emotionless eyes of artificial intelligence.

"Is this the path you choose?" Luo Yikong shook his head. Even though Sophia knew that she was about to be destroyed, she did not intend to follow Luo Yikong away, because this was the meaning of her being artificial intelligence.

"Let's go! Why are you talking so much to a broken artificial intelligence? She is just a tool. You are just like talking to a wrench." Loris said impatiently after seeing Luo Yikong and Sophia talking so much. She didn't understand Luo Yikong. After Luo Yikong lost his emotions, all his actions were purposeful. Luo Yikong had no emotions for living people. She didn't believe that Luo Yikong would have emotions for an artificial intelligence.

"Nothing... I just feel that sometimes, I am actually the same as them..."

"They?" Loris frowned slightly.

"Well, those artificial intelligences. The things they manage are set by humans, and the scope of management is often just a certain area, and the largest is just a planet. And am I also like an artificial intelligence, managing the world without any emotions? I just feel very sad..." Luo Yikong shook his head. He, who had no emotions, had this strange feeling for the first time.

Loris didn't say anything, but walked over and hugged Luo Yikong directly...

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