"Let's talk alone." Luo Yikong pushed Long Yunxi away with a cold expression.

"All of you retreat!" Long Yunxi wiped away his tears, restored his majestic appearance, and issued orders to the dragon people around him.

They did not dare to resist Long Yunxi's orders, and soon only Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi were left in the hall...

"Brother, I..."


Luo Yikong slapped Long Yunxi in the face. For a moment, Long Yunxi felt the burning sensation on his face and was stunned...

"Hey! You kid..."

Luo Yikong's action confused the Dragon God consciousness and Xuanyuan Luoying in his body. Luo Yikong knew that Long Wangfan's feelings affected him. At that moment, Luo Yikong felt a little angry. Even after more than two hundred years, Long Wangfan's feelings were not completely erased.

"Long Yunxi, stop deceiving yourself. Is it so ridiculous to pursue the answer for more than two hundred years? Just because it cannot be changed, do you have to choose to accept it? I tell you, Luo Yikong will always be Luo Yikong, and it is impossible to be Long Wangfan, and I will never be your brother." Luo Yikong said in a cold tone, and the preaching look and tone were exactly the same as the figure in Long Yunxi's memory...

"But what can I do? Kill you?" Long Yunxi smiled miserably...

"Then try to kill me! If one day, you can become stronger than me, your brother will come back."

"Being stronger than you, this is an impossible thing to accomplish!" Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong, smiled bitterly and shook his head...

"If you see the impossible If you just give up on things that have been completed, and don't even try hard, then what qualifications do you have to succeed? It seems that your feelings for your brother are just like this. "

Luo Yikong glanced at Long Yunxi coldly, then turned and left...

"Luo Yikong! I will defeat you! No matter how many years it takes, I will fight to defeat you!!!" Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong's departing back, and finally summoned up the courage and shouted hoarsely...

"I'm waiting..."

Luo Yikong didn't look back. Why did he wake up Long Yunxi? Half of the reason was because of the feelings for Long Wangfan that remained in Luo Yikong's body, and the other half was because Luo Yikong needed a strong Long Yunxi, not a cowardly Long Yunxi.

At present, Long Yunxi is also regarded as a god-level combat force in Luo Yikong's Daotian world. Luo Yikong will not let her give up like that...

"Why do you do this? If you openly become her brother, can't you integrate the two races of humans and dragons? And that silly girl will definitely be devoted to you." Xuanyuan Luoying asked in confusion. After all, this is an opportunity that came to her door, but Luo Yikong woke her up with a slap.

"I don't know. Maybe compared to the Long Yunxi who succumbed to reality, I like the Long Yunxi who was still with Long Wangfan and never afraid or retreated even when facing my pursuit!" Luo Yikong recalled that time. At that moment, Long Yunxi was really similar to Luo Yiling...

"You are not parasitized by brain worms, right?"

"Brain worms? Not to the point of..."


Luo Yikong went to the rest area of ​​the spacecraft. The road was unobstructed. Those dragons did not dare to stop Luo Yikong. After all, they all heard their hymn witch call Luo Yikong brother. In the Dragon Civilization, the brother of the hymn priestess Long Yunxi is the hero Long Wangfan during the human-dragon war, and Long Wangfan has been confirmed to have died, so the identity of Luo Yikong's brother is a bit ambiguous.

Along the way, those dragons looked at Luo Yikong with a strange look, but Luo Yikong didn't care. Five hundred years ago, he didn't care about the eyes of the world.

In the rest area, Luo Yikong saw acquaintances. In addition to Luo Lisi, Jiu Yan and Long Li were also here.

Luo Yikong investigated Long Li's identity through his system and found that Long Li was one of the candidates for the next hymn priestess. Although she was only a candidate, she still occupied an important position in the Dragon Civilization. If Long Yunxi retired and Long Li stood out from the hymn festival, she would be the next hymn priestess.

Long Yunxi wanted to become stronger, and one day she would abandon this worldly shackles, and all this would fall on Long Li. Long Li has lived with Long Yunxi since she could remember, and has been trained by Long Yunxi since she was a child, so it is normal to have a photo pendant of Long Yunxi.

It has to be said that fate is really magical. Luo Yikong did not expect that in the past two hundred years, he would change to a remote planet and meet Long Li who is related to Long Yunxi.

After Luo Yikong knew Long Li's identity, in order to prevent the situation on Tianqiong Star from changing, he asked his student Shen Tian to inform Long Yunxi of the Dragon Civilization after leaving Tianqiong Star. After all, Long Li is not a player and cannot be resurrected. If he dies on Tianqiong Star, it will be a big trouble.

When the disaster on Tianqiong Star occurred, Jiuyan received Luo Yikong's order to protect Long Li. Fortunately, before Tianqiong Star was destroyed, Jiuyan and Long Li successfully escaped through Long Yunxi's spaceship.

"You are back..." Jiuyan walked in front of Luo Yikong and said in a childish voice without any emotion...

"Yes, I'm back." Luo Yikong nodded.

"Wow! How did you get on Lord Yun Xi's spaceship?! I thought you were dead." Long Li ran over, looked Luo Yikong up and down, and found that Luo Yikong was not injured.

"I just happen to know your Lord Long Yunxi."

"You're just bragging! How could Lord Long Yunxi come into contact with humans so easily? Lord Long Yunxi must have seen you and saved you along the way. It doesn't matter, Lord Long Yunxi is so kind." Long Li said proudly. He had been with Long Yunxi since he was a child, and had only come into contact with a few humans, but Luo Yikong was definitely not one of them.

Loris sat aside, drinking black tea without saying a word, looking like she was enjoying the show...

"Lord Yunxi!"

Long Li looked behind Luo Yikong, suddenly waved and shouted, Luo Yikong turned around and saw Long Yunxi walking towards him, followed by two dragon soldiers. It seemed that Long Yunxi had sorted out his mood and adjusted his mentality...

"Mr. Luo Yikong." Long Yunxi came to Luo Yikong, pinched her skirt, and saluted gently. This scene stunned everyone around. Loris was completely confused, not understanding why Long Yunxi changed so quickly, and Long Li was completely stunned. Because it was the first time she saw Long Yunxi salute someone, a human being, and so respectful.

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