Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 320 Heading to Dragon Star

Luo Yikong can modify his own information in the human civilization universe because the information database of human civilization is bound to each player's system, but the dragon civilization is different. They have their own unique way of recording, and they want to To settle down in the dragon civilization, you still have to register honestly and be a law-abiding citizen.

"Do you have a history of living in the dragon civilization universe for ten years? Do you have any recommendations from other dragons? If you don't have these, you can't enter Longming Star." A dragon at the registration office looked up at Luo Yikong and asked.

"None of them." Luo Yikong shook his head.

"If you don't have any, then you can't enter. After all, you humans also know that your home star, Yanhuang Star, is not easily accessible, let alone our Long Ming Star. If you are just traveling, you can transfer to the next place. ”

Luo Yikong did not speak, but took out a folding fan from the system backpack and handed it over. The folding fan looked very simple, with the pattern of the dragon god painted on it, and a gemstone inlaid on the handle. It's not a simple gemstone, but a dragon crystal.

"Hold on!"

The registration dragon man's expression suddenly changed, and he left in a panic. After a while, he brought a more experienced dragon man over. The dragon man didn't say anything more, but took out a lighting tool and shined it at the dragon crystal at the handle of the fan. In an instant, a projection of a dragon girl wearing gorgeous clothes and a beautiful and majestic appearance appeared in front of everyone...

"Song Miko-sama!"

"'s the Song Miko-sama!"

For a time, all the dragons in the entire registration hall knelt down when they saw the projection. Although the projection of Long Yunxi didn't say a word, it made all the dragons worship... …

"That little girl is doing well..." The dragon god consciousness in Luo Yikong's body commented. Although it was just a simple sentence, it expressed his approval of Long Yunxi.

"Can I enter Longming Star?"

"Of course, distinguished guest!"

The dragon man who didn't want to register Luo Yikong just now was completely bowed and respectful. If he didn't have this thing from Long Yunxi and wanted those dragon men to respect a human, I'm afraid It is very difficult.

Those dragon people did not dare to neglect Luo Yikong. The person in charge of Longming Star Port prepared a Leviathan biological warship for Luo Yikong as quickly as possible and escorted Luo Yikong to Longming Star. The other dragons who went to Longming Star were all ordinary civilian biological spacecrafts. Just for Luo Yikong, Longming Star Port used a biological battleship Leviathan. This kind of high-profile method made Luo Yikong very Not adaptable.

"I have a headache..." Luo Yikong was in Leviathan's body and sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Xuanyuan Luoying asked curiously.

"Originally I just wanted to come to Long Mingxing quietly to have a look, but now I must have caught the attention of that girl Long Yunxi." Luo Yikong likes to hide among the crowd, and does not like people like Long Yunxi and the tripartite council. Like, being sucked into the whirlpool of high-level officials.

"Did you really come to Long Mingxing just to take a look?" Xuanyuan Luoying immediately expressed doubts. In her eyes, every behavior of Luo Yikong had a strong purpose.

"It's true." Luo Yikong nodded sincerely.

The biological nest of Longmingxing Dragon Skeleton City, the so-called biological nest is equivalent to the airport of human civilization. It is a place where biological spaceships and warships take off and land, as well as for supplies.

As the Leviathan landed in the biological nest of Dragon Skeleton City, a group of fully armed dragon soldiers were already standing below. At the same time, a large number of strike weapons had locked onto the Leviathan where Luo Yikong was located, to prevent any accidents from happening.

"That girl Long Yunxi is a god herself. Although she was created by a god-making machine, she still needs the protection of these miscellaneous fish?" Xuanyuan Luoying couldn't help but said when she saw the battle below.

"You have to look good, understand." Luo Yikong knew Long Yunxi's combat power. The only ones who could kill her in the Daotian world were Luo Yikong and Lolis. These guards were just for public display. It is just an armed defense force, and this is how it is when meeting important human representatives.

Luo Yikong walked down from Leviathan and saw that Long Yunxi had been waiting for a long time. The hymn witch of the dragon civilization had been waiting for a human for a long time. No one would believe it if he told her.

Because Long Yunxi received the news at the last moment, the area had been cleared urgently, so only Long Yunxi's personal guards witnessed this scene.

"There is no need to engage in such a big battle." Luo Yikong looked at Long Yunxi expressionlessly. Others may feel rude, but Long Yunxi has become accustomed to it. After all, whether it is Long Wangfan or Luo Yikong , are all like this.

"It happened suddenly, and today is a special day, so these guards have to follow me out." Long Yunxi explained to Luo Yikong, and she also knew that Luo Yikong didn't like to create such a big battle.

"Special day?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"Dragon civilization and human civilization issued a joint statement on the Star Project and visited each other's top leaders. Dragon Skeleton City is currently receiving representatives of the tripartite parliament of human civilization. For this reason, we have also specially invited human chefs to prepare a dinner. You want Together?" Long Yunxi asked with a slight smile. It is precisely because of this cooperation that the disputes between humans and dragons have decreased a lot.

"Did you come here suddenly?" Luo Yikong asked looking at Long Yunxi in front of him.


"You should focus on the big things. This star group plan is very important to both sides. But who is the representative of the Tripartite Council?"

"Jiang Ling, the chairman of the Tripartite Council, your student."

When Long Yunxi said this name, Luo Yikong couldn't help but think of his infatuated student. When he came down from the virus planet, the first person he saw was also her.

"If it's her, then I won't go." Luo Yikong shook his head.

"Why? She will be very happy to see you." Long Yunxi was a little puzzled.

"You dragon people have different concepts from us humans, and your life span is longer than that of humans. You don't understand how my student feels when I, a person who will never grow old, go to see my old student. She may be very happy, but it is more of a regret and sadness. What's more, I know this girl Jiang Ling, she doesn't want me to see her old appearance." Although Luo Yikong has no feelings, he knows what the people around him think...

"Then do you want me to tell her that you have been here?"

"No..." Luo Yikong shook his head.

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