Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 323: Entering the Mothership

"My name is Mo Dong, nicknamed Mo Lao Da, you can just call me Mo Lao Da! My research field is artificial intelligence!" Mo Lao Da introduced himself. No one would have thought that this rough-looking bearded man was actually an expert in artificial intelligence.

This huge mothership concentrates all aspects of science and technology of a civilization. It is precisely because of this that the tripartite council will send experts from various fields. Luo Yikong himself is not an expert, and he can come here only because of Long Yunxi's support.

"All visiting experts please gather at the designated location!"

"Let's go to gather first!"

The order to gather came from the radio. Facing Luo Yikong's proposal, everyone nodded and went to the designated location to gather...

When the mothership was discovered, human civilization had already scanned it preliminarily and did not find any life reaction. As for the exploration of the mothership, it was only maintained in a few areas on the surface. Although the mothership had crashed, some internal systems were still operating normally, making it difficult for the investigation team to move forward.

During the gathering, the main person in charge explained the safety issues and precautions to everyone. Experts in which fields were assigned to which parts of the investigation had been assigned, but most of them were in the outer area. After all, the danger in the inner area had not been eliminated and was not allowed to enter for the time being.

After the gathering, Luo Yikong saw a group of people wearing heavy protective clothing, looking at the mothership with sadness in their eyes, and some even burst into tears. There were heavy troops of the expedition fleet around those people. Many passers-by were curious, but they did not dare to approach easily.

Luo Yikong also knew who those people were. Those people were the human survivors who fled to Tianqiong Star from another world. Judging from their performance, the mothership should belong to their civilization, but they failed.

"Hey! Don't go over there!"

Seeing Luo Yikong suddenly walk over there, Ye Qing was immediately shocked. Those guys were obviously people who were protected by the key protection. Luo Yikong approached like this, wasn't he afraid of being thrown into the small black room?

The moment Luo Yikong approached, the soldiers of the expedition fleet who were responsible for protecting the group of people immediately raised their guns and locked onto Luo Yikong. Not only those soldiers, but even the drones patrolling nearby in the sky also locked onto Luo Yikong in an instant.

"Please don't get any closer! Return to your post! Otherwise we will take action!" The leading soldier stared at Luo Yikong with a bad look, and the latter opened the system backpack...


Seeing Luo Yikong open the system backpack, everyone was also shocked and almost opened fire, but when they saw that Luo Yikong took out an identity card, they were slightly relieved.

"I am the head of the Dragon Civilization's investigation team this time. I am here to take over this group of people. Where is the head of the human investigation team?"

When Luo Yikong said this, the soldiers of the expedition fleet did not react for a while. A human being was the head of the Dragon Civilization's investigation team. This was too magical! It was just like seeing a ghost in broad daylight!

"Teacher Luo, long time no see." An old man walked out of the crowd with a smile. Although he was wearing a heavy protective suit, Luo Yikong recognized him. He was his student Shen Tian, ​​who was also the head of the secret bureau of the Tripartite Council.

"You are not dead yet?" When Luo Yikong saw Shen Tian, ​​the first sentence he said made Shen Tian speechless. Is the greeting so special?

"I should have a few years to live!" Shen Tian did not dare to have any opinions about Luo Yikong. If it were someone else, he would have cursed.

Luo Yikong looked at the humans from the outside world and did not say much. No one knew what he was thinking...

"I really didn't expect you to come, but with you, Teacher Luo, some of the secrets of the mothership should be solved!" Shen Tian did not expect Luo Yikong to come as the head of the Dragon Civilization Investigation Team, which shows that Luo Yikong also has a terrifying network of contacts in the Dragon Civilization. Of course, Shen Tian did not know the relationship between Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi.

"I don't know much about the things of the outer civilizations. As for this mothership, I probably know less than those people." Luo Yikong pointed to the group of people behind Shen Tian, ​​who were the alien world humans that Shen Tian had taken away from the Sky Star.

"It seems that you know everything, teacher." Shen Tian glanced at Ye Qing and Boss Mo behind Luo Yikong, as well as the dragon people, and didn't say much.

"I want to enter the core area of ​​the mothership to investigate." Facing Shen Tian, ​​Luo Yikong did not hide his purpose and directly stated his purpose.

"Since the teacher wants to go, then go!" Shen Tian also agreed very straightforwardly. After all, even if he didn't agree, it would be easy for Luo Yikong to enter with his ability.

"I will also take them with me." Luo Yikong pointed to Ye Qing and others behind him, and Shen Tian could only nod and agree.

"Do you need guards?"

"Yes, let's go with them!" Luo Yikong pointed to the humans from the outer world who were protected by the soldiers of the expeditionary fleet, which made Shen Tian's mouth twitch, but when he saw that Luo Yikong was accompanied by Ye Qing and Boss Mo, he endured it, otherwise he would really suspect that Luo Yikong was biased towards the dragon civilization.

"Can they? Do you want to..." Shen Tian was still a little worried, but he was interrupted by Luo Yikong's hand when he was halfway through speaking...

"Don't worry, they were soldiers once."

Luo Yikong naturally knew the identity of those humans from the outside world. Judging from the way they looked at the mothership, they must have served on that mothership.

"Okay! Then they will be handed over to you, teacher, but teacher, you have to ensure their safety!" Shen Tian couldn't help but remind him, after all, these people are very important to the tripartite council.

"Don't worry."

Seeing Luo Yikong's assurance, Shen Tian no longer hesitated and muttered a few words in front of the humans from the outside world, then waved his hand and removed all the expedition fleet soldiers...

"Set off!"

As Luo Yikong walked towards the entrance of the mothership, everyone followed closely...

When he entered the mothership from the entrance, Ye Qing couldn't suppress his curiosity and ran up to ask Luo Yikong about something...

"Brother Luo, why did that old man call you teacher! You look so young." When Ye Qing saw Shen Tian calling this young teacher Luo Yikong, the contrast made Ye Qing feel like he was dreaming, and Shen Tian He seems to have extra respect for Luo Yi...

"Because I taught him for a while, I am considered his teacher." Luo Yikong said nonchalantly.

"Brother Luo, awesome!"

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