Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 325: Unknown Civilization

"Even if you put all your efforts into it, you still failed, and you didn't even save the last spark..." Luo Yikong looked at Mu Linqiu who was walking in front of him. It was because he had experienced the destruction of civilization that Luo Yikong knew that he hoped that the human civilization of this world could survive even more than the humans of this world.

"The spark was not extinguished... but it was re-burned in this world... Although the mothership was severely damaged, there should still be artificial intelligence in it. We have to go to the core of the mothership and reawaken the artificial intelligence!" Mu Linqiu looked at the darkness around him and judged that the artificial intelligence should be in a dormant state. After all, the mothership was severely damaged and there was little energy left. In this case, in addition to maintaining the operation of some necessary facilities, the artificial intelligence would enter a dormant state in order to save energy.

It was pitch black around him, but fortunately, everyone's protective clothing had a lighting system, so they didn't have to grope their way around.

However, after entering the mothership, one thing seemed very strange. According to the report from the nearby human observation station, this mothership emerged from the black hole named "Black Sun" a few days ago, and after accelerating to escape the gravity of the black hole, it opened the space tunnel and appeared on Changhe A Star. Logically speaking, not much time has passed, but the interior of the mothership is already covered with dust.

"By the way, you came to this world twenty years ago, so according to normal circumstances, this mothership should have arrived in this world twenty years ago. Is there a possibility that something happened to the mothership in that space tunnel, so that it was connected to the location of the black hole, although it resisted the terrifying pull of the black hole and did not become a particle, but it stayed in the black hole for twenty years." Luo Yikong expressed his guess. After all, the time and space in the black hole are extremely chaotic, and there is a possibility that there is a connection between space and space. It is not impossible that the other end of the space tunnel left by the advanced civilization is connected to the black hole.

"Perhaps we can only know everything if we find the artificial intelligence of the Yuhuo... and I want to know where everyone in the Yuhuo has gone." Although Mu Linqiu knew that the possibility of people in the Yuhuo surviving was very low, he wanted to see everyone alive and dead.

Luo Yikong and others came all the way, without even a corpse. The people in the Yuhuo seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, but the oxygen system and temperature system and other life-sustaining systems in the Yuhuo were still operating normally.

Ye Qing and others followed behind Luo Yikong, quietly listening to the conversation between Luo Yikong and Mu Linqiu. Although they didn't say a word, they were already very shocked. They didn't expect that Mu Linqiu and his friends had experienced so much, and even the civilization they once had was gone.

Along the way, when everyone encountered a closed door, they immediately used lasers to forcibly cut out an entrance. With Mu Linqiu leading the way, everyone was not afraid of getting lost in this huge mothership. After walking for four hours, everyone reached the control center of the mothership.

Unlike other areas, some instruments here are still operating normally, glowing faintly. In front of the control center is the projection of the mothership, and in the projection, the mothership is heading towards an unknown star field...

"This is the route map recorded by the Yuhuo..." Mu Linqiu introduced to everyone.

Luo Yikong looked along the route map and found that the planet where the Yuhuo first departed was a beautiful blue planet... That planet should be the home planet of humans in another world...

Mu Linqiu walked to the control console and used his authority to wake up the dormant artificial intelligence. As Mu Linqiu's identity was successfully verified, the originally dim control center instantly lit up.

"Startup successful!"

Soon, a projection of a little girl with long black hair in a dress appeared in front of everyone, and the projection of that girl was the artificial intelligence of the Yuhuo.

"Now telling the time, hours have passed since leaving the mother planet! In the past hours, the Yuhuo has encountered the Zerg crisis, the space-time turbulence crisis, the unknown civilization crisis, and the black hole crisis. The ship has been severely damaged and the energy is only 9%. It can't continue to sail! Please send maintenance personnel to repair it!" The girl looked at everyone and said in a mechanical voice. Although it was the language of another human civilization, Luo Yikong could still understand it under the translation of the virtual system.

"Zero, where are all the people on the Yuhuo?" Mu Linqiu asked anxiously. After all, what he wanted to know most now was where the hundreds of thousands of people on the Yuhuo went.

"They are still in the ship..."

"Still here? What do you mean?" Mu Linqiu's face changed, looking at the control center covered with thick dust, he suddenly felt a little creepy.

"What's going on? Is there a video?" Luo Yikong frowned and asked the artificial intelligence named "Zero". Soon a video was projected in front of everyone...

In that picture, Luo Yikong saw the Remnant Fire encountering a fleet of unknown civilization in a dark plane space tunnel. The entire fleet was completely transparent, and only the Remnant Fire's several tentative attacks caused some ripples on it...

Then everyone saw a transparent red light flying from it, scanning the Remnant Fire. All the humans on the Remnant Fire that were scanned turned into a pile of dust on the ground in that instant.

"That's the Recombiner!!!"

At this time, Xuanyuan Luoying and the Dragon God consciousness in Luo Yikong's body shouted at the same time. It was obvious that the two knew what this thing was...

"What is that?" Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying and Dragon God's consciousness inside his body.

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"Just like the name of that thing, it reorganizes the structure of life. That thing was created by the civilization that was once ruled by the virtual god. There is a powerful data network connected to the reorganization machine. The moment the light sweeps through, any The bodies of the creatures will be wiped out, and their consciousness will be cleaned and retained in the data network. Then, through the transformation of the higher civilization, they will be projected from the virtual data into the real world and materialized, becoming that civilization that is powerful and powerful. A loyal warrior. And this kind of existence that can come to reality and virtual networks is not bound by the general laws of physics. In other words, with your current technology, even if all the firepower is poured out, the opponent will not be harmed. "Xuanyuan. Luo Ying finished with a somewhat solemn expression. This kind of thing is not only a nemesis for most living things, but also has a great restraining effect on the conscious life of the Xuanyuan Luo Ying Emperor Star Universe.

"Lord Holy God is right, technology is actually the use of the rules of the world, just like cooking. Junior civilizations can only use fire, so they can only cook food, but advanced civilizations already know many methods and are much more skilled. Tools, so that rich dishes can be made, the recombination machine has the technology to utilize virtual rules, and virtual rules are even more difficult for lower civilizations to master. Judging from that fleet, it is most likely a seven. A super advanced civilization, and it may be a civilization that escaped into the gap between time and space in the era of the Virtual God. Maybe they were unlucky and happened to run into it, or it may be one of the remains of an advanced civilization in their world. The plane space tunnel is actually a trap left by that civilization, just waiting for others to come in. But I am still worried about one thing, that is, the mothership has not been destroyed. Is it because the plane is not interested? Because that civilization left something there...such as positioning!"

Hearing what the Dragon God said, Luo Yikong's heart suddenly sank. For himself in a lower civilization, higher civilizations are simply incomprehensible existences, just like bugs cannot understand humans. If that advanced civilization really left a method on it, then even Luo Yikong would have a hard time finding it.

"Can you check it again?" Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying and Dragon God Consciousness. These two are existences from advanced civilizations, and they may have ways to deal with it.

"You think too highly of us. Now that old guy and I can't protect ourselves. We can only maintain our existence because of you as a carrier. It would have been possible in the heyday, but it can't be done now. And this mothership has arrived. Your world has been around for a few days, and even if you destroy it now, it will be useless. You can only pray that the other party is not interested in this mothership at all, and just treats the mothership as garbage and does not leave anything on it. Although a seventh-level civilization attacks a second-level human civilization, it may only take less than a minute to destroy your entire human civilization, and it is completely a dimensionality reduction attack, and it is not even qualified to resist." Luo Ying said with some gloating that she really hoped that the seventh-level civilization could come to this world, so Luo Yikong would have to go to her Emperor Star Universe.

"Be prepared for the worst in everything. If the time comes, what should I do?" Luo Yikong wanted to ask Xuanyuan Luoying and Dragon God Consciousness for their opinions.

"There are two ways. The first is to speed up the flow of time in this world. Although people living in this world feel that time has not changed, this can buy you more time for development. Second, go to our emperor Star civilization, my civilization can give you protection, but from now on, your human civilization will be our subordinate civilization."

Luo Yikong frowned slightly. Doubling the time in this world means that Luo Yikong's world has twice as much development time, but the consumption per day is 1 world point. Even Luo Yikong consumes 1 world point. Sorry. As for going to the Emperor Star Civilization and asking for shelter and assistance, Luo Yikong would rather take the entire human civilization to wander. After all, once you kneel down, you are a slave, and it will be difficult to stand up.

Although Luo Yikong didn't know whether that advanced civilization had left any means on the Yuhuo, Luo Yikong never took chances. Although he didn't know when that advanced civilization would arrive, Luo Yikong planned to take action immediately after solving the Zerg crisis.

"That's not the Zerg... The Zerg don't have that kind of technology at all..." Mu Linqiu kept mumbling to himself, his eyes were red and swollen, and he was holding back tears. He couldn't accept that the last fire they had worked so hard to preserve was actually lost to a person. Unknown civilizations are easily extinguished... They try their best, but they are so vulnerable in the eyes of those civilizations...

Those who came to this world with Mu Linqiu were not much better. They looked at the thick dust on the ground around them in confusion. They could not believe that those were their compatriots and comrades...

"Everyone here is dead, why do you still maintain the life system of the mothership? Even if it is dormant?" Luo Yikong looked at "Zero" and asked, when everyone is dead, how do you maintain the life system? It has no meaning anymore and is just a waste of energy.

"According to Article 28 of the Artificial Intelligence Code, artificial intelligence is not allowed to shut down the life support system without the decision of the highest authority! And... I believe that there will be humans coming... to continue the fire... I believe in humans... I always believe..." The artificial intelligence "Zero" stared at Luo Yikong's lifeless eyes. One person and one artificial intelligence looked at each other without any emotion...

"Is this the emotion you gave birth to, or did someone teach you to say that?"

"According to the Artificial Intelligence Regulations, all artificial intelligences have logic locks, and all calculations and thinking are within the logic locks, so they will not have emotions like humans. This sentence was said by Admiral Cole, the captain of the Yuhuo mothership." Zero explained to Luo Yikong.

"So when the Remnant was attacked, did the other party leave any means on the Remnant?"

"Sorry! The other party's civilization is beyond Zero's understanding, and the other party's fleet is free from all known physical laws in the current human database. According to Zero's speculation, the other party is 71.39% likely to be a high-dimensional civilization. Human civilization needs to develop for at least 20,000 years before it can understand the existence of the other party's civilization, and Zero naturally cannot find out whether the other party has left any means."

"20,000 years..." Although Luo Yikong did not have any expression on his face, he felt a huge shadow covering him in his heart. A second-level human civilization needs to develop for at least 20,000 years to understand the existence of the seventh-level civilization, and that is just understanding, not confrontation.

Luo Yikong looked at the grief-stricken Mu Linqiu and others. He was not good at comforting people. He just stood by and planned to wait until Mu Linqiu was done with her grief, let this guy transfer the authority to him, and then take the artificial intelligence of the Remnant away. After all, Luo Yikong still had many things to ask her. Although this may make the Tripartite Council unhappy, after all, this artificial intelligence controls all the scientific and technological knowledge and databases of human civilization in another world, as well as historical culture.

However, the Tripartite Council can do nothing about Luo Yikong, after all, their authority to deprive players of their systems was granted by Luo Yikong.

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