Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 330: Setting Sail

"It is no longer the era of fighting with other civilizations or alien species. Now the two major civilizations are in a peaceful stage. Without war and death, everyone can eat enough, and these people must ensure their moral sublimation. Their so-called behavior seems selfless, but in fact it is the greatest selfishness. Our soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives, but they are unwilling to sacrifice their false and ugly morality." The old general did not tolerate the so-called human rights meeting, and directly scolded at the high-level meeting of the tripartite parliament.

"I agree with the old general's idea. Human rights are for people. Those guys don't see themselves as human beings. I mind sending a fleet directly to annihilate them with thunder!" Another senior official also agreed with the old general's idea. The senior official was the Minister of the Fire Security Department and had great power internally.

"Civilization is always developing and changing, but it is difficult to change the human heart... Humans will always judge people by appearance... They will always see only hypocrisy... Even if they may throw stones at this action, I agree! For human civilization!" A senior official sighed deeply and raised his hand to agree to this action.

The meeting lasted for one hour and twenty minutes, and finally 90% of the three-party council leaders agreed to send troops with the Dragon Civilization to attack the neutral zone. In order to prevent the action from being leaked, this meeting was kept completely confidential and not open to the public.

At the same time, the Dragon Star Third Fleet had fully assembled, and under the command of Zofuya, the contemporary and famous commander of the Dragon Civilization, it opened a space wormhole and headed to the cosmic border of the Dragon Civilization…

In this fleet, Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi went with the fleet, but Long Yunxi's whereabouts were kept secret, and only a few people in the fleet knew about it.

"Lord Luo Yikong, why do you have so many anti-intellectual human rights organizations in your human civilization! They are so annoying!" Long Li came to Luo Yikong with grievances, and she was holding a glass-like supercomputer in her hand. It was obvious that it was made by human civilization and sold to the Dragon Civilization.

"You entered the human star network again, and then got scolded?"

"I just think there is something wrong with them. If this continues, I am afraid it will trigger a wisdom crisis for the entire human civilization." Long Li pointed to her head and said, sometimes she herself could not imagine that those human beings who participated in the Human Rights Club were actually a second-level civilization race.

"Every human's thoughts are independent and also complex. Those people are only willing to believe what they believe, only willing to see what they want to see, and the world they want to change is only the world they want. Little do they know that the world will not change because of them, they will only be changed by the world. They use morality to restrain most people, not because of noble morality, but because of extreme selfishness." Luo Yikong explained to Long Li that although the dragon civilization and human civilization have exchanges, the dragon civilization does not have the concept of morality, and will not be kidnapped by morality. If someone kidnaps the dragons morally and talks to them about human rights, they will probably be beaten up.

"Li'er, you have lived in human civilization for a while, don't you understand these things?" Long Yunxi looked at Long Li and asked.

"Lord Long Yunxi, you don't know that when I went to human civilization 20 years ago, those humans were so bad, cheating and discriminating. At that time, only Lord Luo Yikong was willing to talk to me and treated me as a friend." Speaking of this, Long Li also looked aggrieved.

Long Yunxi initially sent Long Li to study at the Tianqiong Star Expedition Fleet Academy of human civilization because Tianqiong Star is at the border of human civilization and is relatively close to the dragon civilization. In addition, Long Li will lead the dragon civilization in the future, so Long Yunxi wants Long Li to understand humans better and learn various excellent tactics from humans. Finally, he decided to send Long Li to Tianqiong Star.

"It is normal that there are good and bad fruits in a pile of fruits." Long Yunxi smiled slightly. Although the human civilization and the dragon civilization had a war a hundred years ago, Long Yunxi did not have any prejudice against human civilization.

Luo Yikong looked at the smooth flesh walls inside Leviathan, and an idea came to his mind...

"Long Yunxi, are you interested in combining biological spaceships and warships with machinery? Otherwise, every time a human comes to your dragon civilization for tourism, he will be very uncomfortable with the interior of your biological spaceship."

"We have also had this idea of ​​integrating biology and machinery, but your human civilization is an expert in this area, but human civilization has always controlled the cutting-edge technology in this area and it is impossible to share it with us." Long Yunxi smiled bitterly. The two civilizations seem to be evenly matched, but in fact, human civilization has always been strong. Although the dragon civilization and human civilization share biological technology, human civilization has only released some technology for the sake of meaning.

Luo Yikong also understands the idea of ​​human civilization. After all, those who are not of my kind must have different hearts. Although human civilization and dragon civilization are currently in a peaceful stage, human civilization does not want dragon civilization to surpass itself, because in the same world, human civilization feels threatened by dragon civilization. This is true between countries, let alone two civilizations?

Because there are his own students in the tripartite council, and because there is a hymn witch Long Yunxi in the dragon civilization, otherwise the two civilizations would have fought long ago. But after a hundred years, the top leaders of both sides have changed, so can this peace still be maintained?

Whether it is human civilization or dragon civilization, Luo Yikong does not want them to disappear in the long river of history, so the way to maintain peace is that both sides have deterrent weapons and technology.

"Don't worry, I will help you in this matter. After all, in my eyes, whether it is human civilization or dragon civilization, they are the same."

"Thank you." Long Yunxi thanked Luo Yikong. She knew that Luo Yikong would probably do what he promised, and Long Yunxi also knew how much influence Luo Yikong had on human civilization, which was far beyond the three-party parliament.

"Lord Luo Yikong, you are such a good person!" Hearing that Luo Yikong would obtain the technology of biomechanical warships for the dragon civilization, Long Li was so excited that he almost jumped up, which meant that the human steel warship was no longer the only warship dominating this starry sky.

"Attention all ship personnel! Accelerating through the death asteroid belt ahead!"

At this time, a voice came into everyone's mind, and this was the communication method of the dragon civilization, brain wave communication...

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