"What's the situation with the human fleet?" Luo Yikong looked at Long Yunxi and asked, and the latter shook his head.

"Currently, affected by the black hole, all our communication methods have failed, and we can't contact our subordinate warships. But fortunately, although we can't contact, the distance between the joint fleets when entering the black hole is not very far, and now at least we can still see each other."

"Something is wrong. Even if all the navigators are missing, don't the people in the fleet look outside?" Xuanyuan Luoying's voice came into Luo Yikong's mind, and she expressed doubts about all this.

"What you mean is..."

"What Lord Shengshen means is that your fleet may not only be infiltrated, but may also be trapped. The purpose of killing the navigator is not to prevent them from seeing the black hole. After all, it is so big that other people in the fleet will see it, and it can't be concealed at all. So it may be to prevent the navigator from seeing a channel, a channel that goes directly to the gravitational area of ​​the black hole. From beginning to end, there is no problem with navigation, but you just traveled to a place in an instant." The Dragon God consciousness explained to Luo Yikong.

"Could it be... a wormhole!" Luo Yikong immediately thought that someone might know their route and arranged a super wormhole in advance. After killing the navigator, the wormhole instantly opened and appeared in front of them. The fleet sailing at superluminal speed passed through the huge wormhole without any warning.

"You have always forgotten one thing... Zerg also has its own technology and civilization..." The Dragon God's consciousness sighed. Zerg can learn and control other civilized races. They also have civilizations. Otherwise, how could they destroy a second-level human civilization in another world.

"But to create such a large wormhole, at least there must be a large starport or a large fleet. If it is a fleet, we will know it in advance. As for the starport, it does not exist all the way here." Luo Yikong still didn't understand how the Zerg created such a large wormhole in an instant.

"Don't understand other creatures and civilizations from your human perspective."

"But our fleet has the ability to travel at superluminal speeds and can completely escape the gravitational range of the black hole. They can't destroy us at all. So why do we have to do this?" Luo Yikong asked the Dragon God again, and this time Xuanyuan Luoying rushed to answer.

"The Zerg civilization does not have the ability to send you directly to the inside of the black hole, so it naturally cannot destroy you, but you must understand that their goal is not to destroy you, but to hold you back. It may only take you less than a few days to escape the black hole, but who knows how long it will take outside. Time and space under the influence of the black hole are chaotic. There are the hymn witches of the dragon civilization, some high-level people of human civilization, and you, Luo Yikong. It can be said that in the whole world, only the witch Lolis is a god-level combat force outside. Almost all the top combat forces in this world and the people who have a huge impact on civilization are here. If you disappear for fifty years... a hundred years... or perhaps even longer... for them, your meaning is equivalent to death."

Hearing Xuanyuan Luoying's Explanation, Luo Yikong's heart immediately sank, and he opened the administrator privilege system without hesitation and began to check the time outside... And Luo Yikong found that the time on the system was jumping very fast, one second here was directly equal to thousands of seconds outside...


Luo Yikong suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, which scared the serious-looking Long Yunxi, who ran over and supported Luo Yikong...

"Are you okay? Don't scare me!" Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong with a worried look, and Luo Yikong also knew why he was in this state...

"The Zerg has begun to invade..."

"How could it be..."

Luo Yikong's voice was not loud, so not many people heard it, but this news was undoubtedly a heavy bomb for Long Yunxi and the commander of the Dragon Civilization Fleet, Zofuya.

"Zero, when we escape from the black hole, how long will the external time pass?" Luo Yikong input the time here and the flow of time outside to Zero through the virtual keyboard of the projection, and let Zero calculate it. Almost at that moment, Zero's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong.

"Seventy-eight years, one month, twenty-one days, six hours, one minute, and thirty-six seconds will pass in the outside world..."

"Seventy-eight years! No! The entire civilization will be doomed by then!"

The rules in the black hole are extremely chaotic, and the degree of chaos in time and space is almost independent of this world. Luo Yikong cannot directly influence it, but he can influence the time outside through the administrator authority system, that is, spend world points to slow down the flow of time in the outside world.

Luo Yikong no longer hesitated and immediately contributed all his world points. The rest depends on whether the fleet can rush out of the black hole's influence range in the shortest time...

Luo Yikong connected to Leviathan's perspective and saw the situation outside. The fleet is now in the accretion disk area of ​​the black hole. The light here is very dazzling. Those are the lights that cannot escape the black hole, forming the dazzling accretion disk of the black hole. At first glance, people who don't know think that the fleet is in a sea of ​​clouds filled with dazzling light, until they see the deepest part of the sea of ​​clouds. The vast expanse of extreme darkness with nothing... is swallowing everything around, just like the abyss, giving people a sense of suffocation and oppression facing the darkness of the deep sea...

The huge joint fleet that can sweep across a large area of ​​the star field is now like a small fish swimming upstream, struggling hard, hoping not to be swallowed. It is too small...

Luo Yikong saw that the outer flame of a huge blue star in the distance was affected by the gravity of a huge black hole, being sucked out from the star, integrated into the accretion disk of the black hole, and swallowed by the black hole. In front of the black hole, it is only a matter of time for the star as big as the sun to be swallowed up. It is insignificant at all, and those tiny planets, because they have reached the Roche limit, are directly torn into pieces from a large number of fragments and become part of the accretion disk...

"The fleet has now accelerated to the escape velocity of the black hole!"

"Don't feel sorry for Leviathan! Keep accelerating! Quick!"


As commanders, Zofya and Long Yunxi knew that time was running out. If they got rid of the black hole earlier, it would mean that they could return to their civilization a few years earlier... They all knew that they were in the black hole, and time outside was flowing fast...

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