Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 34 Hundred-person-level biological weapons

"It's almost there! It's just ahead!" The woman's voice came from the communicator. From that voice, Luo Yikong could tell that the other party couldn't wait any longer.

In front of everyone was a steel door. According to the mark on the base map, behind the door was not the control room of the base, but a warehouse where some special things were stored.

Bai Shuoyue's signal was behind the door. In order to bring Bai Shuoyue back, they killed all the way here and there was no way back...


Accompanied by a loud noise, the steel door slowly opened, and a cold current with white mist attacked everyone. The cold current hit everyone, and everyone's combat uniform was covered with a layer of white frost...

As the door opened, everyone could see the situation inside clearly. Everything inside was covered with a thick layer of frost, just like a freezer. The human-shaped ice sculptures held guns and surrounded a giant monster that was more than ten meters high in the middle. Luo Yikong could even see the firm expressions of those people at the last moment when they reached out to wipe off the ice and snow on the face of the ice sculptures.

Surrounded by hundreds of ice sculptures was a giant monster shaped like a werewolf, but because the ice and snow covering its body were too thick, everyone couldn't see the specific appearance of the monster clearly.

"Judging from its size, it should be about a ten-man biological weapon, not too bad, and it was frozen, so it's not a big problem." Looking at the ice sculpture of the huge monster in front of him, Chen Liren also breathed a sigh of relief...

The surrounding facilities are still spewing cold air. After so many years, even if other areas of the base have been completely paralyzed, the energy supply here has not stopped, as if they are afraid that the monster will wake up.

"Captain! Behind that door!" After a soldier located Bai Shuoyue's specific position, two soldiers immediately ran over and cut the small door.


Under the cutting of the laser cutting equipment, the small steel door was cut off and fell heavily to the ground...


Bai Shuoyue fell to the ground and fell into a coma. Behind Bai Shuoyue was a platform covered by a layer of bulletproof glass. On the platform was a black sword made of countless fragments. The black sword pierced a corpse and penetrated directly into the heart, which was a fatal injury.

Luo Yikong approached the platform with curiosity. Through the bulletproof glass cover, he saw that the corpse pierced by the black sword seemed to have just died. The blood vessels on the body were clearly visible and the face was ruddy, as if it was still alive.

"She... is not human..."

Luo Yikong found that the woman on the platform had pointed ears, snow-white hair longer than her height, and closed her eyes as if she was sleeping. Her beauty could be said to be suffocating at a glance. It was not like something in the human world. Even if she died, the breath on her body still gave people a feeling of inviolability.

"Pull out the sword from the body!" The cold voice of the woman came from the communicator. Luo Yikong felt that pulling out the sword was definitely not a good thing.

"Why did you find me? Can't others do it?" Luo Yikong frowned and called the system in his heart to analyze the black sword and the body.

In a moment, the results of the analysis were fed back to Luo Yikong. Whether it was the sword or the body, they were all outside the rules of this world, that is, they did not belong to this world.

Just like the "other shore" in Luo Yiling's hand, it did not belong to this apocalyptic world. It seems that the secrets hidden in this apocalyptic world are much more than Luo Yikong imagined.

"Humph! If you don't pull it out, I will let you pull it out!"

As soon as the voice from the communicator fell, the warehouse outside stopped supplying cold air, and the temperature continued to rise in a short time...

Hundred-man-level biological weapons awakened!

"Not good!!!"

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The thick ice began to melt, and then the largest monster ice sculpture in the middle of the warehouse began to crack. The changes in the warehouse outside naturally attracted Chen Liren's attention...


"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, the thick ice on the huge monster exploded, and the hundred-man-level biological weapon that had been sleeping for twenty years made a deafening roar...

Death Howler (hundred-man-level BOSS)

Race: Biological Weapon

Level: 30

Life: /

Physical Strength: /

Strength: 136

Spirit: 34

Agility: 68

Resistance: 132

Skills: Howler Ultrasonic Wave, Death Tentacle Devouring, Super Speed ​​Dive, Tentacle Transfiguration, Drilling...

Talent: Biological Weapon, Unstable Evolution, Life Lock, Genetic Alienation...

Introduction: Biological weapon cultivated by Genesis virus combined with multiple biological genes. Although its own strength is powerful and terrifying, it is full of instability. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, even mechas will be easily torn apart by the monster.

As the hundred-man-level BOSS broke through the ice, Luo Yikong could see the monster clearly. The monster looked like multiple creatures stitched together, with a wolf head, a lizard-like body, and terrifying claws inherited from some unknown creature. Behind it were dense tentacles that kept wriggling. Those tentacles intertwined to form a pair of tentacle wings...

"Ten-man-level... No... It's really a hundred-man-level!" At this time, Chen Liren's tactical helmet also fed back the preliminary assessment level of the biological weapon to him through analysis.

Instantly, a large number of tentacles burst out from behind the monster, and those tentacles seemed to track automatically, locking onto everyone...

"Be careful!!!"

No matter how fast Luo Yikong was, the number of people he could save was very limited. At the first moment, Luo Yikong chose to rush to Chen Liren and Bai Shuoyue, waving the laser sword in his hand, and cut off all the red tentacles that attacked...

Others did not have the strength of Luo Yikong, and the attack was too sudden. Except for Luo Yikong, Chen Liren, and Bai Shuoyue, the entire team was wiped out in the blink of an eye...

After the tentacles penetrated the human body, a large amount of flesh and blood was swallowed by the Death Howler, leaving only a pool of blood and clothes...

"Take the captain and leave!" Luo Yikong was also frightened at this time, and shouted to Chen Liren.

Hundred-man level BOSS! It has the powerful destructive power to take away a hundred players in an instant, not to mention the dozens of ordinary soldiers, who are basically cannon fodder... not even cannon fodder...

From the moment Luo Yikong learned that this dungeon had become a hundred-man level, he had not thought about clearing it. After all, the gap between him and the hundred-man level was still too big. It was just because this was a dungeon that Luo Yikong was not punished for his death, but it was different for Chen Liren and the others. It was a pity for them to die here.

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