Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 348 Obstacles to Survival

After sending Boss Mo away, Ye Qing couldn't wait to take the chip from Luo Yikong's hand and began to test Artificial Intelligence Zero, and the results of the test shocked him...

"Oh my God! According to the test results, the computing power of this artificial intelligence is 360 times that of Yanhuang Star's super artificial intelligence Xing Li! What a pervert is this! This means that although this artificial intelligence is an intermediate super at the same level as Xing Li Artificial intelligence, but it surpasses Xingli by an era! Is that guy really just a level up?"

Ye Qing thought of Boss Mo. It must be that Boss Mo's old habit has returned. He must have noticed Zero's special characteristics, so he made Zero continue to become more perfect, so that Zero directly far surpassed Xing Li. Although intermediate artificial intelligence technology has not been fully popularized, and some artificial intelligences, even if they are upgraded to intermediate artificial intelligence, will only make certain improvements on the original basis, they will still be crushed by super artificial intelligences like Xingli, but Ye Qing did not expect There is also artificial intelligence that can surpass Xingli.

Luo Yikong was not surprised by Ye Qing's surprised performance. If Zero wasn't that powerful, he wouldn't have been able to copy the entire Yanhuang Star tripartite council's database.

"Okay, let's start the experiment!"

"Yeah!" Ye Qing nodded. To be on the safe side, he and Luo Yikong backed up all the confidential knowledge about human civilization that Zero had obtained, and then deleted all the information that Zero had.

After making preparations for the artificial intelligence, Ye Qing inserted two wire-like objects into the head of the brain worm. The brain worm, which was originally lying on the experimental table like a dead fish, began to struggle violently.

Luo Yikong was responsible for contacting the tripartite councils and asking them to open the signal transmission channel so that this experiment could be implemented normally...

Most of the signals in the area of ​​Luo Yikong and Ye Qing have been blocked, but Luo Yikong still found a signal route from the council.

In an instant, the consciousness signal of artificial intelligence was emitted from the research institute, continuously amplified through the signal station on Yanhuang Star, and finally transmitted directly to the Zerg battlefield by the human fleet.

The current knowledge of consciousness in human civilization is only at an infant level. If you want to transmit a human consciousness signal, you must first virtually digitize the consciousness. This is difficult to do, and the personnel are very strict. But artificial intelligence is different. They are virtual existences, so they can directly communicate with the insect mother through the brain worm disguised as the brain worm's consciousness.

After Luo Yikong and Ye Qing waited for about half an hour, a signal wave was received and deciphered through the emergency channel of the parliament...

Luo Yikong and Ye Qing turned on the communicator, and the next moment their projections appeared in the tripartite parliament meeting hall. At this moment, in the meeting hall, after all the human leaders received the news that they had successfully communicated with the Zerg Mother, even if they were too late, Come here, the projections are all present. Luo Yikong even saw the projections of Long Yunxi and several other dragons.

"The communication was successful! It was successful! Thank you so much, Brother Luo!" Ye Qing looked excited. Even he never thought that he could succeed at once. After all, this was just an idea of ​​his. This experiment was destined to happen. It has been recorded in history, and the fact that so many senior officials are present is the best proof.

From Ye Qing's point of view, whether his experiment can be passed by the tripartite parliament is a question. If it weren't for the mysterious and special existence of Luo Yikong, it is estimated that the parliament would still let him study those impractical weapons. Ye Qing also didn't expect that Luo Yikong would get the green light from the entire tripartite council just by contacting him through the communicator.

Snowflakes flashed continuously on the projection screen in the conference hall, and soon a synthetic voice without any emotion came, and that was the voice deciphered by the signal transmitted by Zero...

"You are preventing us from surviving."

The words that Zero communicated with the Insect Mother's consciousness came through the mechanical and cold voice, and these words immediately aroused the restlessness of everyone in the council.

From the perspective of humans and dragons, all this is too unreasonable. After all, we are the one being invaded. How can we hinder the survival of the Zerg? This is obviously the evil person who complained first!

"Ye Qing, ask him, how can we hinder their survival? Is there any room for relaxation within our acceptance range?" Council Chairman Jiang Ling looked at Ye Qing's projection and ordered, and Ye Qing immediately began to convey it to Zero. this problem.

About a few minutes later, another signal was deciphered...

"The average lifespan of the Zerg is only 8 months in your world, and the more powerful ones only last 10 years. Only through continuous reproduction can we break the curse on our genes and avoid the fate of extinction. In the process of reproduction, we need a lot of Resources... You are hindering our survival. You can threaten our survival, so we must all be eliminated! The existence of human civilization is the biggest obstacle to our survival!" The cold words came through the mechanical synthesized voice! , which immediately made Luo Yikong frown...

"The Zerg once broke out in our world, causing a very serious disaster. After that time, we exterminated most of the Zerg, and a small number of Zerg were also genetically modified by us, and their life span is extremely limited." Dragon God Consciousness said to Luo Yikong explained that the Zerg had their genes tampered with by advanced civilizations, so the lifespan limit also severely limited the development of the Zerg.

At that time, the idea of ​​the Dragon God's Dragon Clan Civilization was to shorten the lifespan of the Zerg, so that the Zerg would always work hard for reproduction and survival, leaving no time to develop and learn technology and civilization, and at the same time control the number of Zerg. However, it was unexpected that the Zerg with a shortened lifespan became more aggressive because of survival.

"If you don't reproduce, you will perish, and the resources you need to survive will come from our world to obtain?"

"If protecting everything we have affects your survival, then we are ready to fight to the death!"

"Our human civilization will not be destroyed by you bugs like another human civilization!"

The senior leaders of various departments in the conference hall shouted, some wanted to fight to the death, some wanted to take out the star destroyer to make the Zerg disappear into ashes, and some wanted to command the fleet to fight in person.

The existence of human civilization is the biggest obstacle to the survival of the Zerg! From the moment this sentence was said, there was no hope of easing.

However, the shouting and cursing in the conference hall at this moment could not be heard by the Zerg Mother, because the one who communicated directly with the Zerg Mother was the artificial intelligence zero.

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