"When I was young, I felt good being used by them, because I felt they needed me. Later, the Bai family was gone, and I gathered those members of the Bai family who were not valued by the family but were hunted by the parliament, and became their leader. At that time, I felt that they relied on me and could not leave me. Later, in those dark days, I realized... I was just a tool. They didn't really need me, but wanted me to achieve a certain goal for them. At first, I just wanted to be a good person like you!" Bai Shaoqian looked at Luo Yikong and suddenly said, which made Luo Yikong confused...

"I... a good person?" Luo Yikong no longer thought that he was the good person he used to be. After being said by Bai Shaoqian, he just felt a sense of ridiculousness. Luo Yikong was just an emotionless person. Yikong couldn't laugh...

"Well! I have seen your name, Luo Yikong, in the unofficial history and some novels about the Battle of the City of God in street bookstores since I was a child. When I first invaded the database of the Tripartite Council and saw your information, and learned that you really existed and were still alive, I was very happy, very happy! I long to become a great existence like you, leaving my own traces in history. Even if the Council did not record it, it would not affect your glory. I once asked the ancestor Bai Fei about you and heard his evaluation of you."

"What about my evaluation?"

"The ancestor Bai Fei said that he was a great man who hid in the city and appeared in times of crisis. I am not as good as him." Bai Shaoqian said Bai Fei's short evaluation. Although it was just a few simple words, it was very important. If he had not been lost in immortality and power, Bai Fei would still admire Luo Yikong very much. After all, the two had worked together and faced the City of God together.

"When did Bai Fei learn to flatter? It's a pity... I gave him five hundred years and left him a chance... He still stood on the opposite side of humans, otherwise we would have had a chance to face the Zerg together. In today's Daotian world, he is one of the few people who have experienced that era with me." Although Luo Yikong had no emotion on his face, he still felt a pity...

"Are the Zerg coming again?"

"Yes, then are you interested in going out with me to face the Zerg and save Yanhuang Star?" Luo Yikong stood up and stretched out his hand to Bai Shaoqian...

"I do!" Bai Shaoqian shook it without any hesitation.

"This is the gene potion of the Tripartite Council, which can increase lifespan to a certain extent... In theory, every citizen can only receive one at the age of twenty, because the second one will have no effect. You are a criminal and should not have this power, but we need you!" Luo Yikong handed the gene potion in his hand to Bai Shaoqian, and it is not a simple matter of drinking the gene potion, but also a professional instrument for transformation surgery.


An hour later, Luo Yikong took the Tripartite Council Express fighter and rushed back to the institute, and this time Luo Yikong brought back Bai Shaoqian.

At this time, Bai Shaoqian was no longer the middle-aged uncle. After the operation with genetic drugs, Bai Shaoqian had recovered to his former youth.

"Lord Luo Yikong, if you let me fight those things in the sky, I don't have that much ability." Bai Shaoqian looked up at the swarm of insects occupying the entire sky, and those swarms were frantically attacking the energy defense shield of Yanhuang Star.

"Of course not, come with me!"

Luo Yikong and Bai Shaoqian went to the underground research institute, Ye Qing's work area as quickly as possible...

"Awesome! I didn't expect you to really bring him here. This is the first time I've seen such a ruthless man alive!" Boss Mo looked at Bai Shaoqian with two big dark circles under his eyes. The next second, his body, which was already a little shaky, suddenly fell to the ground...

"Doctor! Doctor!!!"

Ye Qing shouted, and soon the professional medical team guarding outside rushed in and dragged Boss Mo away...

"Is he okay?"

"It's okay. He is too tired. Maybe he can temporarily relax when he sees you coming..." Luo Yikong explained, and at the same time Luo Yikong pointed to the screen showing zero situation on the side...

"I need your help with this."

"Huh? Artificial intelligence can actually be enslaved by the Zerg. There are still two hours left. The basic data of artificial intelligence will also be modified by the Zerg and become the artificial intelligence of the Zerg." Bai Shaoqian saw the problem at a glance, and felt very strange that the Zerg could enslave artificial intelligence.

"To tell you the truth, the computing power of this super artificial intelligence is 360 times that of the super artificial intelligence Xingli of Yanhuang Star. Once it is obtained by the Zerg, the consequences will be disastrous!" Ye Qing explained to Bai Shaoqian the seriousness of the matter, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"It seems that the matter is urgent. I want all the information on new network information technologies and the most advanced artificial intelligence information in the past 20 years. I must study it immediately! In addition, prepare ten military warship artificial intelligences for use on warships!" Bai Shaoqian ordered immediately.

"Learn on the spot! Is it in time?" Ye Qing was a little skeptical. After all, if cramming is useful at the last minute, why do we need to learn and accumulate?

"According to my calculations, it's in time! This is also a challenge for me!" Bai Shaoqian showed excitement. This may be a more difficult opponent than Yanhuang Star Li.

At the same time, a combat plan outside the energy defense shield was also put on the meeting table of the tripartite council...

"In order to avoid polluting the atmosphere of Yanhuang Star, I suggest using all hydrogen bombs to clean up the Zerg outside the energy defense shield, blow a gap, and take the initiative to attack!"

"No! Hydrogen bombs are our last chance to maintain human dignity after the energy defense shield is broken. Before the energy defense shield is broken, we must not take the initiative to attack and disrupt the plan. We must stay calm at this time! We still have seven days!"

"Calm down? Calm down and wait for death? Although players can be resurrected, Yanhuang Star is gone, and the entire star defense array will no longer exist. When the Zerg destroys all our resurrection points, humanity will be finished!"

The meeting hall of the tripartite council was noisy, and many high-level officials had their own ideas. Many of them wanted to turn passivity into initiative and rely on risky moves to win.

"Quiet! I declare that the original plan remains unchanged!" Jiang Ling shouted, and the majestic momentum made the entire meeting hall quiet.

"We on the Blood God Star also support this idea!" Ji Xueer, with many high-level blood clan members, also supported Jiang Ling's side and suppressed the discordant voices.

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