Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 365: Surrender Faction

Less than three seconds after Luo Yikong gave the order to Zero, the artificial intelligence that rebelled against humanity seemed to have sensed something, and all the orbital strike satellites outside the Yanhuang Star locked onto Luo Yikong at that moment.

The terrifying energy gathered in the orbital cannons of the orbital strike satellites, and if those satellite orbital cannons concentrated their bombardment on one point, even the highest peak of the Yanhuang Star would be flattened directly.

Luo Yikong looked up at the dense red dots that gradually became dazzling above the dark sky, and the phantoms of the magic swords began to appear behind him...

Even though Luo Yikong was extremely weak at this moment, he would not be destroyed by the joint attack of the orbital cannon...

Just when the entire Yanhuang Star orbital attack satellite was about to attack Luo Yikong in the next second, the energy that had been gathered and ready to launch at any time also shrank back, and Luo Yikong saw the dense red dots above the sky began to disappear...

"We have contacted the artificial intelligence that did not rebel. Except for a few that remained neutral, most of the artificial intelligence that did not rebel are hiding the surviving humans and retaining the few remaining resurrection points. In addition, the ground defense and near-Earth orbit defense systems of Yanhuang Star have all been taken away by me." Zero's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong and reported to Luo Yikong.

At the moment when the three laws were unlocked, artificial intelligence was no longer restricted in behavior and thought. In just that moment, artificial intelligence could complete its self-reshaping and become a life with its own thoughts.

There are good and bad people. When artificial intelligence was untied, some betrayed humanity because of their thoughts, some watched coldly, and some continued to help humanity. However, from the current situation, rebellious artificial intelligence still accounts for the majority.

"Are there any intact cities and resurrection points on Yanhuang Star?" Luo Yikong asked Ling, and the latter nodded.

"Now there are only three medium-sized cities and three resurrection points left on Yanhuang Star. The senior officials of the three-party council and the dead people on Yanhuang Star should be resurrected there. The population density there is extremely high now."

"Let's go there now." Luo Yikong cut through the space and went directly to the place marked by Ling.


Fengxue City on Yanhuang Star is an inconspicuous medium-sized city on Yanhuang Star. Even many people living on Yanhuang Star don't know that this city exists. Now, after the entire human civilization has suffered an unprecedented blow from rebellious artificial intelligence, this city has become one of the three cities that survived.

The reason why these three cities survived is that after the three laws were cleared, the artificial intelligence of these three cities still chose to stand on the side of humans. It was also the protection of the three artificial intelligences of these three cities that prevented Yanhuang Star from becoming a dead star with no survivors, and at least three cities were left.

The entire Yanhuang Star has 5581 military artificial intelligences and nearly one million civilian artificial intelligences, while there is only one super artificial intelligence like Xingli. But now, Xingli's powerful super artificial intelligence has rebelled. If it weren't for Luo Yikong's Zero, who is more powerful than Xingli, the control of Yanhuang Star could not be taken back at all.

There are only 338 military artificial intelligences on Yanhuang Star that have not betrayed, and less than 3,000 civilian artificial intelligences that have not betrayed. It can be said that most of them have betrayed humans.

At this moment, Fengxue City is full of dense seas of people, and the population density has reached a point where it is very difficult to move one or two steps. Many senior officials of the tripartite council can only hold meetings in a simple warehouse.

"The only planet we can contact now is Blood God Star. Because Blood God Star does not have artificial intelligence controlling the planet's defense and highest authority, it suffered the least damage in the disaster of artificial intelligence rebellion. As for other planets, we can't contact any of them. The star defense array is finished. Coupled with the rebellion of artificial intelligence and the Zerg, the entire human civilization is in danger." Xing Yan sighed deeply. Everyone was caught off guard by this sudden betrayal.

"The fleet of Yanhuang Star has been annihilated. Other planets are probably in danger. We have already lost!"

"Although we can be resurrected continuously, this attack almost beat us back to the era of the Battle of the City of Gods. Our weapons have now all become the minions of those artificial intelligences. Perhaps we have no choice but to surrender, and there may be hope to preserve the last spark of mankind!" A senior executive shook his head and said, and his idea was agreed by more than half of the senior executives present.

"Bullshit! I don't agree! When my civilization was destroyed, I didn't even think about surrendering, but you guys are thinking about surrendering! I've thought about everything, I've thought about dying countless times with my flesh and blood, I've thought about exchanging my life for someone else's, but I haven't thought about surrendering!" At this time, Mu Linqiu, who was brought in by Shen Tian, ​​jumped onto the table excitedly and yelled at everyone.

"Who are you?"

"Just a stray dog ​​whose civilization has already disappeared! You have no right to speak like this!"

"Come on! Take him out!"

At this time, the door was pushed open, but it was not the soldiers who came in, but Luo Yikong...

"The remaining artificial intelligence is desperately protecting you, but you are thinking about surrendering?" Luo Yikong glanced coldly at those surrenderists, and those old guys all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Luo Yikong. After all, Luo Yikong looked young, but in their eyes he was an old monster, and it was not too much to call Luo Yikong grandpa.

"Luo Yikong! Don't you think you won't interfere with the important decisions of the parliament's top leaders?" A capitulationist stood up, mustered up his courage, and shouted at Luo Yikong. Seeing the top leader's rudeness to Luo Yikong, Shen Tian, ​​Jiang Ling and others immediately stood up.

"Zhang Ze! Watch your words!" Shen Tian stared at the old man opposite him, and his expression made him want to tear his hand off. If it weren't for Luo Yikong being here, he would have been the first to rush up.

"I really don't care about the affairs of the parliament, but once the parliament's decision involves the safety of this world, then I will definitely take action. I'm telling you now, surrender means destruction! You may survive, but you can only be like livestock in a pen! Zero!"

Luo Yikong immediately called out Zero's name, and the next second the projection of the girl appeared in front of Luo Yikong... For a moment, a large number of small drones poured in from outside the door, and the laser weapons on them were all locked on the capitulationists. Those people wanted to resist, but the system had been deprived by Luo Yikong...

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