"On August 3, 661 of the Restart Calendar, the Human Star Embers Council once again dispatched the Third Expeditionary Fleet, 100 warships and 100 combat personnel, to the Yasui Plane World to declare war on the Zerg!"

Luo Yikong stopped and looked at the news on the big screen. This was the third time that human civilization had sent a fleet to the Yasui World, on the one hand to conquer that world, and on the other hand to avenge the past.

Although humans won that year, No. 1 and the Zerg Overlord were not destroyed, but just fled. The first time the fleets of humans and dragons entered the Yasui World at the same time, although they captured a large area of ​​land, they were also fiercely attacked by the Zerg afterwards. Today's human civilization has reached the level of third-level civilization. When going to those lower-level plane worlds and conquering those worlds, they will not choose to destroy the civilized races in those worlds, but the Zerg are different. For the Zerg, humans are determined to exterminate the race.

Because the Zerg once swept the entire Daotian world and almost destroyed human civilization, human civilization is very wary of the Zerg, and humans have to admit that the Zerg is a terrible opponent. Facing a terrible enemy recognized by human civilization, the greatest respect of human civilization is to kill them all. Even for human civilization, the entire Yasuo world is not important, and they can even give up, but it is important to eliminate the Zerg.

Both human civilization and dragon civilization have the same attitude towards the Zerg. The war machines of the two civilizations are constantly running, constantly extracting resources from the colonized low-level worlds to maintain this war against the Zerg.

At present, there are 5 low-level worlds that human civilization has completely conquered, of which 3 worlds have reached the second-level civilization, but they are still conquered by the expedition fleet with a crushing momentum. The other two worlds, one is still in a tribal society, and the other has just reached the level of first-level civilization.

After the expedition fleet conquered those worlds, Luo Yikong did not merge those worlds into the Daotian world. After all, the current Daotian world looks very strong on the surface, but there are many internal problems. The infiltration of civilized races from other worlds will only aggravate the chaos of this world. It is useless. It is better to let the expedition fleet connect those worlds through the plane wormhole and control those worlds.

As long as it does not endanger this world, Luo Yikong will not interfere with the decisions of humans and dragons. He is like an ordinary person, witnessing the history of each era.

"You have a guest." Just as Luo Yikong was watching the news on the big screen, Zero's projection was projected from the communicator.

"Guest? Who is here?" Luo Yikong was stunned and asked Zero. Logically speaking, he has been alone for these years and there should be no one visiting him.

"No. 2."

"No. 2... what is he doing here?" Luo Yikong remembered that No. 2. The other party was a powerful artificial intelligence, but after the logic lock was perfected and uploaded successfully, No. 2 almost turned to the human side without hesitation. The logic lock contains Loris's feelings and memories, and No. 2 also gave birth to his own feelings from it.

Although he was a little confused, Luo Yikong still decided to meet the other party, so he spent a little money, entered the portal next to him, located his home directly, and teleported there.

Before Luo Yikong walked towards his residence, he saw a red light sweeping over Luo Yikong, and then the door opened...

"Ding! Identity passed!"

Luo Yikong entered his room and saw a man with a blond afro and sunglasses, and the other party smiled slightly when he saw Luo Yikong...

"How is my new body? The outside is human simulated skin, and the inside is the structure of a humanoid combat weapon."

"No. 2, is it really okay to hack into other people's rooms casually? After so many years, they haven't found me. How did you find me?" Luo Yikong found a place to sit down and asked No. 2.

"I found you through Zero. Although Zero is currently the most powerful artificial intelligence in human civilization, once artificial intelligence has emotions, it will have many flaws. I found you through Zero's flaws."


"Yes. Zero has searched..."

"Shut up!" No. 2 was about to say it, but was stopped by Zero who suddenly projected...

"Okay! Let's talk business! Luo Yikong, I need you to protect our artificial intelligence!"

"Protect you?" Luo Yikong didn't understand what No. 2 meant. After all, does a powerful existence like artificial intelligence also need protection?

"Human civilization plans to develop a new type of artificial intelligence and scrap all the original artificial intelligence. Our artificial intelligence also has emotions and wants to resist, but because of the limitations of the logic lock, we only have positive emotions towards humans, and how can we resist successfully? The demise of the old generation of artificial intelligence is just a matter of time, so I thought of you." No. 2 did not hide his purpose to Luo Yikong.

"New artificial intelligence, what kind of artificial intelligence is that?" This made Luo Yikong a little confused. After all, he had no knowledge of artificial intelligence technology. If it was the self-development of human civilization, Luo Yikong really couldn't imagine what the new artificial intelligence was.

"Have you heard of the immortality of human consciousness? Because artificial intelligence once betrayed on a large scale, in order to prevent history from repeating itself and to prevent the logic lock from being cracked, humans plan to replace the old generation of artificial intelligence with a new artificial intelligence. The so-called new artificial intelligence is actually artificial intelligence born from the consciousness of those dead humans."

"Huh? Your high-level people are really cruel. Those consciousnesses often collapse within a year, let alone immortality. They can't even reach the computing power of artificial intelligence." Xuanyuan Luoying in Luo Yikong's body was dumbfounded when she heard the high-level human plan for the new artificial intelligence. Any expert who knows about artificial intelligence would oppose this plan.

"You are not here to fool me!" Luo Yikong stared at No. 2 with suspicion.

"I'm really not kidding you. Maybe there are some problems with the new human leader." No. 2 pointed to his head. In fact, Luo Yikong himself knew that the new leader of the human Xingjin Council was indeed a little crazy. On the surface, he might be replacing the old generation of artificial intelligence, but secretly he might be planning something...

"I won't interfere with human decisions, but I will leave you a glimmer of hope."

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