Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 403: Conscious Dream

After all, Luo Yikong has lived for such a long time and is not a young man. Long Yunxi has some good impressions of him, and Luo Yikong also knows it. But Luo Yikong was a little embarrassed for Long Yunxi. On the one hand, Luo Yikong was once her enemy, and Long Wangfan was even devoured by Luo Yikong. On the other hand, Long Wangfan is only a part of Luo Yikong, which means that Luo Yikong can become Long Wangfan, but Long Wangfan cannot become Luo Yikong.

Long Yunxi's long-term efforts are just to lead the dragon civilization to get rid of the control of Daotian World and Luo Yikong, defeat Luo Yikong, and recapture Long Wangfan. But as she got along with and came into contact with Luo Yikong, Long Yunxi discovered the shadow of Long Wangfan in Luo Yikong. When she came back to her senses, she found that she was really standing on the opposite side of Luo Yikong. I can't make this decision.

Luo Yikong's dream ink sword slashed out, bringing Long Yunxi into the dreamland. In just a few seconds, Long Yunxi experienced the life of a normal dragon. In the dream that Luo Yikong weaved for him, Long Yunxi and Long Wangfan grew old together and spent their lives together. Although there are still regrets, Long Yunxi is already very satisfied. He insists that the biggest regret is because it was just a dream.

Luo Yikong did not push Long Yunxi away, but instead reached out and patted Long Yunxi's back like a ghost. Although he did not say a word, he seemed to be comforting Long Yunxi. Luo Yikong has no feelings anymore, and even he doesn't know why he did this. Maybe it's because the feelings that Long Wangfan had at the beginning have not dissipated over time!

Long Yunxi seemed to vent her longing and pain over the years, crying loudly for a long time before she sobbed softly, while the clothes on Luo Yikong's chest had been wet with tears...

"The lady who is known as the greatest hymn witch in the history of dragon civilization still cries for so long?"

Hearing Luo Yikong's teasing words, Long Yunxi immediately raised his head and stared at Luo Yikong with a blushing face...

"You! Don't tell anyone!" Long Yunxi warned Luo Yikong, but she didn't know that her performance was clearly seen by Xuanyuan Luoying and Dragon God in Luo Yikong's body. Among them, Dragon God is the owner of all dragon people. Spiritual totem.

"If you keep holding me and someone sees it, don't blame me."

Hearing Luo Yikong's words, Long Yunxi looked panicked and quickly let go of Luo Yikong...

"You are so annoying! But... Luo Yikong..." Long Yunxi glanced at Luo Yikong, but hesitated...

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... I'm hungry." Long Yunxi puffed out his cheeks, looking angry.

"Are you hungry? Okay!" Luo Yikong squatted down, looked at the calm lake at his feet, and said softly: "Fish, fish! Who of you is willing to come and feed me, and in return, I will protect this place and keep it safe forever. ”

As soon as Luo Yikong finished speaking, the lake below his feet began to churn. Through the water surface, Luo Yikong saw a large number of fish rushing towards him...

"Too much... too much..."

"Can you talk to those fishes?" Long Yunxi felt very incredible about Luo Yikong's method. Even as a god, she couldn't do this. In comparison, maybe Luo Yikong is the best in this world. The only true god.

"I am the incarnation of this world. Everything in this world can feel my feelings and words and respond to me." Luo Yikong introduced to Long Yunxi that unlike most gods in the world, Luo Yikong is The gods of this world are also the way of heaven in this world.

"Then you are so capable and you still hide in Tibet?"

"I hide here and there because I don't want to affect human beings' choices, and I don't want human beings to rely on me all the time. More importantly, they are too annoying. But aren't you hungry now? Isn't there food?" Luo Yikong He stretched out his hand, grabbed a big fish, and then walked towards the shore through the waves...

In the Third Underground Research Institute of Yanhuang Star, Ye Qing, who once faced the rebellion of Zerg and artificial intelligence with Luo Yikong, is now a middle-aged man. Even with human genetic medicine to alleviate aging, his hair is still That's a lot of white hair.

At this moment, Ye Qing is leading an experiment on Yanhuang Star, and this technology is about consciousness enhancement.

"The experiment begins!"

There was a young man tied to the experimental table, and that young man was looking at everything around him with horrified eyes. Strictly speaking, that young man was not a real human being, but a "guinea pig" for Yanhuang Star, that is, a clone.

Due to certain genetic defects, such clones generally have a lifespan of only one year. Although human cloning technology violates human ethics, experiments on human cloning are still carried out secretly.

Following Ye Qing's order, the consciousness experiment on the young clone was immediately carried out. A current was input to the young clone through the connecting tube, and the young clone immediately passed out.

The people in charge of the experiment all around held their breath and waited quietly. After waiting for about ten minutes, the clone boy opened his eyes, but it was different from the panicked look in his eyes before. Full of vicissitudes and numbness...

"The experiment was successful! For 10 minutes and 12 seconds in the real world, the dream state of consciousness lasted for days!"

"Ten minutes in the real world, more than a hundred years in the conscious dream?" Ye Qing looked at the data and nodded with satisfaction. As long as this technology is perfected, it can not only train a group of recruits into experienced veterans in a few seconds, but also train a white man who knows nothing into a big man in the academic world.

In Ye Qing's eyes, this technology is definitely the greatest technology of this era after the technology of conscious immortality.

"If I completely copy the current civilization into the dream, can I push the civilization back hundreds of years in ten minutes?" This idea suddenly emerged in Ye Qing's mind. It must be said that Ye Qing's idea is really crazy. This is already predicting the future.

However, Ye Qing immediately realized that there are still many problems in copying civilization into conscious dreams for deduction. For example, the rules and knowledge input into the dream are all known knowledge to humans. Although human civilization has reached the third level of civilization, there are still many unknown problems that have not been solved. If it is input for deduction, perhaps a hundred years have passed, and the simulated civilization is standing still.

"Professor Ye Qing, the experiment was successful! Should we report it to the higher-ups?"

"Report it!"


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