"This is the decision of human civilization, and I alone cannot change it... For the dragon civilization, this is also a test."

"But I believe you already have a solution in mind, because you said that you alone cannot change it..." No. 2 smiled as if he saw through Luo Yikong.

"There is indeed a way to prevent the conflict between the two civilizations, that is, there is a crisis that the two civilizations have to face, just like the Zerg crisis in the past. But now in front of the two civilizations, the second-level civilization Zerg has no chance. If you want the two civilizations to unite, at least the other party must be a third-level civilization. And even if they unite, what's the problem? At most, it can only guarantee peace for a period of time. What about the next hundred years?" Luo Yikong knew that even if the two civilizations united for a while, they would fight sooner or later.

"Indeed." No. 2 nodded. He had read the history of the development of human civilization in the two worlds, and naturally knew this. Human desires are stronger than most civilized races, and they are aggressive.

"The only way to permanently resolve the conflict in the Daotian world is the complete fusion of the two civilizations, but humans will not accept it, and Long Yunxi will not agree to it. The two civilizations have missed the best historical opportunity to merge."

"Then are you planning to create an external threat?"

"It's not that I want to create it, but the external threat will come sooner or later. Before that, the dragon civilization and human civilization can't fight. At least before the Yasui world is settled, otherwise how do you think I will take a leisurely vacation here?" Luo Yikong knew that both human civilization and dragon civilization had left a shadow on the Zerg. After all, the Zerg crisis almost destroyed the two civilizations of humans and dragons. Even though the Zerg is strictly speaking only a 2.7-level civilization now, the two civilizations still attach great importance to it. Only the Zerg can make two third-level civilizations fight against a second-level civilization.

"A group of people outside are anxious and hot, but you are quiet and idle. Now the two civilizations are looking for you all over the world." No. 2 was also a little speechless about Luo Yikong. No matter how tense the situation outside was, Luo Yikong still lived his pastoral life here.

"If you want world peace, it's best not to be found by them."

"But Luo Yikong, you've lived for so long, haven't you had enough of this ordinary life?" No. 2 didn't have emotions for long, but he knew that a person with a long life should see through everything in this world and have no interest in most things.

"No. 2... I have been the highest commander of mankind... I have been an inconspicuous teacher... I have also been a student, and I have become an expert in virtual consciousness of dragon civilization... I have opened a coffee shop, worked as a laborer in the land reclamation team... I have even been a beggar, a cleaner, and a waste recycling station manager... My last job was a librarian, and I worked there for 16 years. I just want to tell you that it is precisely because life is too long that I want to experience it all. Just like on a long journey, I still remember to look at the beautiful scenery along the way." Luo Yikong's emotionless eyes are full of vicissitudes. In order to preserve his humanity and not be assimilated by the world, Luo Yikong can only let himself live like an ordinary person, go with the flow with the times, instead of a high god.

"People... are really complicated..."

"Kong!" This familiar shout came, Luo Yikong turned around and saw Long Yunxi jogging over. In these days, Long Yunxi has become more and more intimate with Luo Yikong, and even changed his name, although Xuanyuan Luoying in his body has always had opinions about Luo Yikong and quarreled every day.

"Oh! I didn't expect that the former hymn witch Long Yunxi is also here, you..." No. 2 looked at Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi and smiled evilly, and he seemed to know why Luo Yikong didn't want to leave.

"Humans and dragons can't reproduce normally, there is reproductive isolation, but for you, it's not a big problem." No. 2 explained to Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi seriously, and Luo Yikong directly raised his foot and kicked the other party into the ditch...

"Is he... Is he okay..." Long Yunxi asked with a blushing face, and at the same time she was wondering in her heart, is the relationship between her and Luo Yikong so obvious? Even a stranger can see it.

"It's okay, how could the Tin Man be in trouble?" Luo Yikong turned and walked towards the tree house, while Long Yunxi followed behind him.

"According to human emotions, that should be the most complicated love! Back then, the girl named Loris sacrificed herself for him, voluntarily perfected the logic lock, and saved the entire Daotian world. She was also in this mood! I also have that logic lock in my body. I can feel her emotions. I am happy for him, but also a little uncomfortable." No. 2 covered his heart. Although he had no heart, the part of the emotion that Loris left in the logic lock made him feel the feeling of having a heart.

No. 2 felt for a long time before crawling out of the ditch...

"This is where you live, in a very primitive style." No. 2 pushed open the door of the tree house and saw Luo Yikong sitting by the window, looking at the sea of ​​sunflowers, while Long Yunxi was pouring tea for him.

"You are now wanted by the human civilization. I guess the dragon civilization will also be looking for you. After all, you have a large amount of artificial intelligence in your hands. Do you want to stay here?" Luo Yikong turned his head and asked No. 2. In fact, Luo Yikong did not want No. 2 to do bad things, nor did he want him to run around and expose his whereabouts.

"Ah... He wants to stay too..." Long Yunxi was a little reluctant, and her eyes looked at No. 2 with a little "kindness".

"From the facial analysis, the former hymn priestess beside you doesn't seem to want me to stay. It is 100% possible that I will disturb the sweet world of the two of you." No. 2 shook her head, and Long Yunxi's eyes suddenly turned cold...

"You misunderstood... Long Yunxi and I are just friends. After all, I don't have any feelings, so how can I love?" Luo Yikong shook his head. Although Luo Yikong had said this to Long Yunxi, Long Yunxi seemed to have determined Luo Yikong. She always believed that Luo Yikong would get back his feelings one day.

"Although I don't know this gentleman, and he has a very ugly afro, he is a guest after all! I! I am willing for this guest to stay!" Long Yunxi stared at No. 2 and smiled and said. If that look could kill, No. 2 would have died countless times.

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