"How about Zero and I invade the combat network of human civilization?" No. 2 suggested to Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong shook his head.

"No. After the invasion, if human civilization discovers that something is wrong, it will immediately carry out manual control and combat, or establish an independent combat network. At most, you will just delay time. After human beings have experienced a betrayal by artificial intelligence, they have some concerns about artificial intelligence. Be on guard."

Luo Yikong knew that if artificial intelligence could really control everything in human civilization, then No. 2 would not have fled here. Neither he nor those artificial intelligences could protect themselves.

"Zero! Who is the top commander of the current First Fleet heading to conquer Blood God?"

"Luo Long..."

"Luo Long..." Luo Yikong had also heard of this name. He had experienced the Zerg war and was born at the time of the Sky Dome Star incident. Calculating time, he should have been 23 years old when he experienced the Zerg War, and by now, he should be over a hundred years old. For a human civilization that has reached the third level of civilization, being over one hundred years old is considered middle-aged at most...

"Zero! You immediately notify the Blood God Star, and I will go meet with the supreme commander of the First Fleet!"

"What about me?" At this time, No. 2 also jumped out. He also wanted to go do something with Luo Yikong.

"If you stay, you won't be able to help with this matter. Instead, you will be in the way." Luo Yikong said very ruthlessly, and No. 2 just sighed, not feeling disappointed or sad, but just feeling pity.

"Then I will help you take care of these flowers and plants here. If Long Yunxi comes back, I will notify you."

"Sorry to trouble you." Luo Yikong nodded, and then without hesitation, he directly opened the space...

In the deathly dark star field, as countless streams of light flashed past, a large-scale fleet appeared in this dead star field in the blink of an eye. This large-scale fleet has a black hole-class battleship as its flagship, 500 star-class battleships, and nearly 30,000 planet-class battleships.

Such a fleet is enough to sweep through all civilized universes and worlds below the third-level civilization, and this fleet sets out from the Yanhuang Galaxy, and its target is the Blood God Star.

At this moment, in the black hole-class battleship Evernight Conquest, Luo Long, the supreme commander of the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Fleet and the captain of the First Fleet, was listening to the report of his adjutant...

"The Blood God Star seemed to have noticed something, and did not agree to our fleet's request to advance through the star port, and urgently closed all the star gates of the star port. We can only reach it through continuous jumps, and it is expected to make two more jumps, at most We will arrive at the Blood God Star in ten minutes, and we are now waiting for the energy from the jump to be replenished. "

"The chairman of the council wants us to resolve the issue quickly. If the time is too long, there will be many accidents. In recent years, those vampires have been too good to the people at the bottom. Those who climbed up from below have all suffered more or less from the vampires. The favor. And there are some people who have died of old age and are not willing to enter the eternal network. They would rather spend less than one percent of the time to transform themselves into vampires through the alien blood virus. The time is too long. Those people will be unhappy, and we cannot give them a chance to react." Luo Long stared at the void universe ahead. The Parliament has always wanted to take away part of the power of the Vampire Clan, but the Vampire Clan has gained most of the grassroots support.

"Commander, I'm still a little confused. Why doesn't the Vampire Clan, which has powerful biotechnology, transform the alien blood virus so that its transformation success can reach 100%?" The adjutant was a little puzzled. After all, with the current Vampire Clan's technology, It's not difficult to do this.

"Because both humans and vampires have reached an agreement. If the probability of successful transformation reaches 100%, then the eternal network will lose its meaning. Not only that, human civilization is no longer human civilization, but vampire civilization. . Although on the surface, the vampires and we are all human beings, many of the people above do not see it that way. In the face of various desires, humans are so cruel to their own kind, not to mention the vampires. But these are all above? We’d better not get involved in the game and just carry out the orders!”


At this time, all the soldiers around Luo Long drew their guns, and Luo Long and his adjutant turned around at the same time, only to find that there was a handsome white-haired boy standing behind him... The boy's eyes were as dark as a deep pool. , the white hair flutters like a mortal immortal, not stained by the mortal world...

"Luo Yikong..." Luo Long recognized Luo Yikong at a glance. After all, he had seen that appearance countless times in the parliament's SS-level top-secret information...

"It's me." Luo Yikong nodded slightly. Even if he was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, his expression did not waver.

"Put down your weapons! This is a guest..." Luo Long waved his hand, and all the soldiers around him put down their firearms.

Luo Long knew Luo Yikong's identity, but the soldiers around him did not have enough authority and did not know who Luo Yikong was. They still stared at Luo Yikong who suddenly appeared here with vigilant eyes.

"Lord Luo Yikong, can you come with me to the conference room?" Luo Long invited Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong nodded and followed.

Luo Yikong followed Luo Long and left the battleship's command center and went to the battleship's internal conference room. Luo Long's adjutant and soldiers also wanted to come in, but they were all kicked out by Luo Long.

The door of the conference room was closed, and only Luo Yikong and Luo Long were left in the room. The latter took out a bottle of red wine that he had treasured for many years and two wine glasses from his system backpack, and poured them for Luo Yikong and himself...

"Lord Luo Yikong, I have long wanted to invite you, a legendary figure, to have a drink. Please!"

Luo Yikong nodded, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and there was a hint of bitterness in the fragrance...

"Lord Luo Yikong, you have been witnessing the development of mankind for more than 600 years. You must be very lonely! You have solved several crises of human civilization. , the students you brought up have left a brilliant mark in human civilization. This glass of wine, I toast you!" Luo Long said, and drank the wine in the glass...

"Do you know why I came to you?"

"Of course I know, Lord Luo Yikong came here to meet me, so there is only one thing... Blood God Star..." Luo Long pointed it out. After all, Luo Long thought he was just a small figure. Although he was the captain of the first fleet of the expedition fleet, he was already considered the highest-level commander of human civilization, but compared with Luo Yikong, he was nothing.

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