Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 426: Border Fleet

"I know. So the war between the two civilizations must not start. Once it starts, it will not be easy to stop." Luo Yikong knew that once the war between the two civilizations started, it would not end easily. Wars between civilizations of the same level are usually a fight to the death, after all, the other party is as powerful as their own and has the ability to destroy their own civilization.

Now Luo Yikong has arranged the human civilization, the dragon civilization, and the chess pieces of the Yasui world. Now he is waiting to secretly remove those seeds and the Nine Nightmares to use the God-making Machine to show their power in the Yasui world.

Luo Yikong knew that once he removed the third-level civilization behind the Daotian world, what he might face later might be a direct attack and invasion from the third-level civilization. Luo Yikong himself must also make plans early.

"Lord Long Yunxi, can you stay secretly?" Long Li grabbed Long Yunxi's hand and said reluctantly.

"No, I have more important things to do, and if I stay, won't you be more exposed?" Long Yunxi smiled slightly, with that kind smile.

"Okay, time is running out, let's start to act separately!"

"Yes!" Long Yunxi nodded.

Luo Yikong did not hesitate to break the space directly, and Long Yunxi also broke a space crack in another place.

Long Yunxi's goal is to clean up the Zerg seeds left by those third-level civilizations, while Luo Yikong's goal is the mysterious third-level civilization world behind...

If the plane coordinates of that world are not clear, then the Daotian world will always be at a disadvantage in the war with that mysterious third-level civilization world. Luo Yikong does not think that by capturing the existence of those third-level civilizations, he can know the coordinates of their world. The third-level civilization is different from the lower-level civilization. The third-level civilization already has the ability to travel through the plane. In order to prevent the coordinates of their world from being leaked, these civilizations usually have some countermeasures. For example, human civilization and dragon civilization will implant something in the brain of people who go to the outer plane world, so that they can clean up all related memories at any time.

Level 3 civilization is not strong, but it is not weak. It is not terrible to be discovered by weak civilizations. What is terrible is to be discovered by civilizations of the same level or higher, thus ushering in a devastating blow.

Although the civilization technology of that mysterious level 3 civilization world may be higher than that of the Daotian world, it is estimated that it is not much higher, otherwise it would not be a sneak invasion, but a devastating blow. On the one hand, it may be that the civilization is afraid of Luo Yikong, and on the other hand, it may want to minimize the cost of occupying this world, so it wants to cause a conflict between the two civilizations.

Luo Yikong did not think that the other party would not know him. After all, all of Luo Yikong's information existed in the parliament database. Since the other party had infiltrated the top of the two civilizations, it was impossible for him not to know. It's just that Luo Yikong doesn't know to what extent the two civilizations have been infiltrated.

Luo Yikong's space crack directly reached the border area of ​​the two civilizations. After arriving, Luo Yikong immediately changed his appearance and hid.

Nowadays, the border between the Dragon Civilization and the Human Civilization is not only cursing at each other, but also conducting exercises. The fleet guarding the border area is the Fifth Fleet that has withdrawn from the front line of the Zerg battlefield.

Luo Yikong took out the clothes of the expeditionary fleet logistics personnel from the system backpack and put them on. After all, the situation in the border area is tense now, and civilians are still not allowed to enter the border planet at will. Luo Yikong can only change into the clothes of the fleet logistics personnel.

Luo Yikong is now in the fleet base on this planet, where many warships, fighter planes, and mechas are parked...

Luo Yikong raised his head and looked at the giant mecha full of technological style, painted with red cool paint, and about 40 meters high. He couldn't help but be shocked by the behemoth.

When human civilization was in the first-level civilization stage, there were also mechas, but the general height of those mechas was only about three to five meters, and the main weapons were some rocket launchers and machine guns. The defense is a little weaker than that of tanks, but the movements are faster and more flexible than tanks. By the time of the second-level civilization, human civilization had developed mechas to about 20 meters, with defense comparable to that of tanks of that era, and with flexible close combat capabilities and firepower systems.

Today, human civilization has reached the third-level civilization, and mechas are even larger, and their role on the battlefield has completely eliminated tanks. The mass-produced mecha in front of Luo Yikong has the ability to fly, as well as a large number of laser defense and attack systems, strong firepower, and no weak defense. Human civilization once used such a mecha to destroy a planetary battleship of the same level in a combat simulation. Although it is difficult to do this in actual combat, it means that such a mecha does have the possibility of destroying a planetary battleship of the same level.

Even if it is a mass-produced mecha, it is a mecha of the third-level civilization. When it was in the second-level civilization during the Zerg War a hundred years ago, such a mecha could directly rush into the Zerg fleet and kill indiscriminately.

"Where's the logistics? Logistics! Come over here!"

At this time, a pilot next to the mecha waved to Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong looked around and confirmed that he was being called, so he had no choice but to go over...

"This unmanned logistics machine seems to have broken down. There is no way to load the shells for the mecha and install the remaining devices. Please manually control it to replenish it. We have 20 minutes left before we have to set off." The driver said to Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong could only nod helplessly. Who told him to wear the clothes of a logistics staff?

However, in more than 600 years, Luo Yikong has learned a lot. Luo Yikong walked to the nearby operating table and switched to manual control. Then he controlled the huge mechanical arm, grabbed some huge mecha parts on the ground, and began to assemble them.

Luo Yikong just took a look, and the structure of the mecha was completely presented in Luo Yikong's mind. The assembly operation was very smooth and fast.

It was originally expected to be completed in 20 minutes, but Luo Yikong only took 8 minutes to complete the operation. When Luo Yikong walked down from the operating table, the driver came over and patted Luo Yikong on the shoulder and gave Luo Yikong a thumbs up.

"You are so fast and experienced. Many veterans can't compare to you! And you look quite young. Did you graduate from the Mecha Academy of the Expeditionary Fleet of Yanhuang Star?"

It's no wonder that the pilot thought so. After all, Luo Yikong's operation and speed just now were so amazing that few mecha logistics personnel in the entire Fifth Fleet could match him.

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