Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 429: Punish Ming Again

"That means if the player is reduced in dimension by that thing, he will be imprisoned in a low dimension forever and will never be able to revive through the resurrection point?" Luo Yikong asked the Dragon God consciousness in his body, and the latter nodded.

"Theoretically, it is like this."

"These are a headache. Is there a fourth-level civilization behind this?"

"It shouldn't be possible. If it is a fourth-level civilization, you are ready to run away. Although it is only a difference in civilization level, it is a world of difference. The existence of a fourth-level civilization does not even need to play any conspiracy with you. If you run slowly, you can't escape. The technological power of a fourth-level civilization can instantly reduce the dimension of an entire huge galaxy, rather than being limited to a small grenade." After all, the Dragon God consciousness is also a seventh-level civilization. Although his civilization has perished, he still has vision. In his opinion, the gap between a third-level civilization and a fourth-level civilization is even greater than the gap between a first-level civilization and a third-level civilization. If there is really a fourth-level civilization, there is no need to play any conspiracy to deal with Luo Yikong's Daotian world.

"Maybe they got the weapon of that dimension through some unexpected means? After all, it's just a grenade, which is insignificant. Maybe you can find a few of those things in the wreckage of broken spaceships of advanced civilizations." Xuanyuan Luoying said nonchalantly. Although it is a dimensionality reduction weapon, it is just a grenade after all, and the impact range is limited.

Luo Yikong!!!

Those dragon people in black armor were shocked when they saw Luo Yikong not far away. Their first reaction was not to resist or escape. After seeing Luo Yikong, they hesitated for less than a second and activated the self-destruct system in the armor and killed themselves directly...

The shock wave of the explosion brought fragments. In the space environment, the propulsion generated by the explosion allowed those fragments to easily penetrate the steel plate.

Facing those fragments, Luo Yikong just raised his hand and stopped them all in mid-air...

Luo Yikong stretched out his hand to cut open the space, rolled Xing Ming and others directly into the space crack, and left here. After all, this place is not a place to talk.

The space crack goes straight to the battleship base of the nearby planet, but Xing Ming's guards still maintain strong vigilance and hostility towards Luo Yikong, not only because of the ability Luo Yikong just showed, but also because Luo Yikong's wanted poster is still hanging everywhere in human civilization.

At this moment, Luo Yikong has changed into his original appearance, which is not much different from the appearance when Xing Ming first met Luo Yikong. He is still as young as ever, while Xing Ming has become an old man. Even with the life-enhancing potion of human civilization today, most people in this world still cannot escape the rules of this world.

"Lord Luo Yikong..." Xing Ming squeezed out of his guards and bowed to Luo Yikong, which stunned all the guards around him for a while. They only knew that Luo Yikong was a wanted criminal, and now their highest commander of the Fifth Fleet, the captain of the Fifth Fleet, was respectful to a wanted criminal. Did their highest commander betray the enemy?

"Commander, you..."

"Everyone, you are all my guards, each of you has been with me for at least 20 years. Don't you know who I am, Xing Ming?" Xing Ming turned and looked at his guards and said, and after hearing what Xing Ming said, they could only temporarily put aside their hostility towards Luo Yikong, but their vigilance was still there.

"Uncle Xing Ming, there is no need to be so polite."

"Lord Luo Yikong, please don't tease me. I treated you as a junior back then, but I was taught a lesson by the old man. You are more than qualified to be my grandfather, and you call me uncle, won't that shorten your life?" Xing Ming will not be deceived by Luo Yikong's young appearance. After all, he knows that Luo Yikong is older than the history of the parliament.

"Long time no see. Now you have become the captain of the Fifth Fleet of the Expedition Fleet, which is much more powerful than the deputy captain of the Sky Star Garrison Fleet."

"No, no... If it weren't for Lord Luo Yikong's rescue, I'm afraid we would all be doomed. But the attackers are all dragon people, and the dragon civilization seems to have developed some strange weapons. This time, it can be confirmed that the artificial intelligence of the dragon civilization hacked into our system. But there are still many doubts." Xing Ming looked at the wreckage of the warships falling from the sky in the distance. Those wreckages have formed a meteorite shower...

"Tell me about it."

"The biggest doubt is that the dragon civilization is too ostentatious, as if they are afraid that we don't know it was them. But if it is a showdown, now is the best time for the dragon civilization to attack. The flagship was attacked and there is no command, but the fleet of the dragon civilization has not arrived."

"Then think about it, if you die here, can't be resurrected, or disappear forever, what will happen?" Luo Yikong asked Xing Ming.

"My position is one of the highest-level commanders in human civilization. If I am gone, then even if there are many doubts about this matter, human civilization will definitely make a big fuss, especially by the war faction of human civilization. If it is spread by people with ulterior motives, the entire human civilization will be indignant. After all, it is impossible to make the entire human group think calmly. As things evolve, it is very likely that a full-scale war between the two civilizations will break out." Xing Ming said with a serious expression. This is not impossible, and the possibility is very high. Xing Ming has just returned from the Zerg battlefield in the Yasui world. Now he is a hero fighting against the Zerg among many human people. His status and reputation are very high. This also means that he can completely become the fuse of the war between the two civilizations.

"In short, as the commander-in-chief of the border of human civilization, you must restrain yourself from this matter. After all, it is related to the two civilizations." Luo Yikong did not directly tell Xing Ming that there was an unknown existence behind the two civilizations, but Xing Ming could more or less guess something.

As for the Dragon Civilization, the Dragon Li that was originally swapped was replaced by Luo Yikong, so Luo Yikong was not worried that the Dragon Civilization would take the initiative to launch a large-scale war. The main concern was the human civilization.

"Don't worry, I know about this. This attack has been confirmed to be an attack by Dragon Terrorists. We will urge the Dragon Civilization to strengthen the crackdown on terrorists on both sides of the border. The flagship was only hit in the control center, so it only needs to be repaired."

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