Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 443: The Resistance

"Latest news, at 3:43:32 pm on January 3, 700 in the restart calendar, Captain Xing Ming of the Fifth Fleet passed away on the Zhenjian planet on the border between human civilization and dragon civilization. Members of all levels of the Human Planet Ember Council went to express their condolences. Xing Ming was admitted to the Star Ember Academy at the age of 16 with a top score of 100, and served in the Expedition Fleet, making a distinguished battlefield, and later served as the deputy captain of the Sky Vault Star. In the Zerg War, he won many victories with his excellent command. More than thirty battles..."

There was light rain in the sky, giving the street a foggy feel. Intelligent robots and pedestrians passed by Luo Yikong, and no one noticed that Luo Yikong was a witness of this era.

Luo Yikong raised his head and looked at the projected news. Even for a person like Xing Ming, his life only consisted of a few words...

Just as Luo Yikong looked at it dumbfounded, a girl walked up to Luo Yikong holding an umbrella. Luo Yikong turned around and saw a dragon girl... And that dragon girl was a dragon. Yun Xi...


"You're welcome...but it must be hard to see familiar people leaving one after another..." Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong in front of him. During the 39 years since Luo Yikong disappeared, both of them had been there. Living together, living a pastoral life like ordinary people.

"Uncomfortable? I'm not uncomfortable... I just feel a sense of emptiness and loneliness..."

"What did he talk to you about last?" Long Yunxi also knew Xing Ming's deeds, and she still respected this person very much.

"He asked me what the next era would be like...I said it would be equality for everyone..."

"Is everyone equal? ​​The resistance has now occupied one-third of the star field of human civilization, and behind it is the support of the Dragon Civilization and the Blood God Star. In addition, 80% of the civilians in human civilization now support the resistance. "The council can't hold on for long, and Belial's hegemony is over." Long Yunxi doesn't like Belial. In Long Yunxi's eyes, Belial is not only hostile to their dragon civilization, but also has a very big problem. ambition.

"The era of parliament is coming to an end..." Luo Yikong looked at the gray sky and said after a long time...

In this era, Luo Yikong no longer needs to take action. As long as there are no external threats, Luo Yikong will not interfere in the choice of human civilization.

Blood God Star, Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi came here directly after leaving the Ship Town Star. Now the Blood God Star has been handed over to Alice for management, and Ji Xueer has retreated behind the scenes.

Since the Blood God Star incident 39 years ago, the Blood God Star has completely broken away from the parliament. However, because of Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer, the vampires still regard themselves as a member of the human race and have not split. Case.

Now more than 80% of the people at the bottom of the entire human civilization are dissatisfied with the rule of the Parliament. The Blood God Star and the Draconian civilization continue to transfuse blood into the resistance, which has led to the Parliament's suppression of the resistance, but has allowed them to suppress more and more.

The Parliament also thought about operating on the Blood God Star, but the Blood God Star has vigorously developed its own power since the Blood God Star incident. If the Parliament wants to conquer the Blood God Star, it must go all out. So in this way The dragon civilization and the resistance army will definitely take advantage of the situation and sneak in.

The Council currently focuses on appeasing the Blood God Star, but the Blood God Star does not accept this approach at all. Although the current Star Ember Council still looks powerful, and even completely eliminated the Zerg in the Asiatic world twenty years ago, owns five major colonial worlds, and has countless battleships, it is actually already terminally ill.

"Zhao Longsheng, the leader of the resistance army, wants to see you, father."

Luo Yikong had just arrived at the Blood God Star. Ji Xueer, who came to greet him, immediately said, but Luo Yikong shook his head...

"Tell him that this is the decision and choice of human beings, and I will not interfere with human beings' decisions." Luo Yikong and Belial once agreed to disappear into the history of human civilization...

"But he risked his life and came to Blood God Star under disguise. Father, do you know how many people on Yanhuang Star want his life?"

"Of course I know, but even if a resistance leader dies, the next resistance leader will still appear. This is the choice of mankind." Luo Yikong did not intend to meet the resistance leader, even though the other leader may be the leader of the new era. People who arrive.

"Then father, why did you suddenly come to the Blood God Star? Why did you bring that woman with you..." Ji Xueer looked at Long Yunxi behind Luo Yikong with a look of resentment. For the women around Luo Yikong, except Luo Li Apart from this, Ji Xueer is almost always hostile.

"Do you remember that I once told you that I would take you to see the outside world? That's why I came here."

"Father, are you really willing to take me out for a look? But the current situation of human civilization in Daotian World is quite chaotic... Is it really good for us to leave like this?" Ji Xueer is still a little worried. After all, the current situation of human civilization is chaotic. , if an outside civilization takes advantage of the situation, or if there is a crisis on the Blood God Planet, then we will be in trouble.

"I didn't say we should leave now. We can leave after the final matters are taken care of."

"Last things?"

"That's right, the God-making machine in Belial's hand... The tide of this era will surely engulf the parliament, and Belial wants to turn the tide with the last God-making machine. I handed the God-making machine to him personally, so I have to be responsible for it, and this does not violate the agreement at that time. Once the God-making machine attacks the life of the Daotian world, I can take it back directly. Before that, I will witness the end of the parliament era I created with my own eyes."

The parliament used to be formed by the people at the bottom of the Spark Base and many players. At that time, people worked hard for a common human civilization. At that time, the parliament was born from the most noble ideals of mankind, but now it is about to be destroyed by the dirtiest desires of mankind. Luo Yikong wants to change the parliament, but the hearts of the people in the parliament have long changed, and Luo Yikong alone cannot change it. And the already corrupt ruling power is destined to be overthrown by the people who have suffered injustice and oppression.

Luo Yikong was indeed one of the founders of the former parliament, and he had complicated feelings about it. On the one hand, he hoped that the parliament would be overthrown more than most people, but on the other hand, facing the precarious parliament, Luo Yikong had a feeling of emptiness in his heart. There were people he was familiar with in the former parliament, and it was those people he was familiar with who worked hard to build it, but the parliament did not achieve their lofty goals.

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