"Quick news! Quick news! The first fleet of the rebels has broken the second fleet of the expedition fleet in the gravitational orbit of the mother star of the Pantian galaxy of human civilization!"

A front-line battle report spread to Blood God Star at the fastest speed. Not only did Blood God Star get the news first, but the Yanhuang Star Ash Council also got the news first. For a while, the top leaders of the Ash Council also felt like the sky was falling.

The annihilation of the second fleet of the expedition fleet meant that the galaxies around Yanhuang Star no longer had the power to stop the first fleet of the rebels. Except for the first fleet that returned from the Yasu world and guarded the Yanhuang galaxy, all the major fleets were at the borders of human civilization to prevent the dragon civilization from taking any action. Faced with the rebel fleet that had already advanced straight into the enemy, the Yanhuang Star Ash Council could only rely on the first fleet to try to turn defeat into victory.

When the news of the defeat of the expedition fleet reached Yanhuang Star for the first time, it not only caused panic among a large number of high-level council members, but many civilians living on Yanhuang Star also held protest marches, but they were suppressed by the parliament at the first time.

In this critical moment, the parliament publicly stated that it might use the God-making Machine in order to calm people's hearts and to deter the rebels.

Luo Yikong once predicted in the deal with Belial that even without his promotion, there would still be a group of people in this world who would stand up and resist the parliament. However, Belial was elected by the powerful class of the parliament at that time, so it was naturally impossible to deal with the parasites in the parliament. In addition, Belial only had his own grand plans in his eyes, and did not take those many civilians into consideration, so he naturally lost the last chance to make up for it.

Luo Yikong was on the Blood God Star, and he did not play any role in promoting the whole incident. He seemed to be watching all this like a bystander. Even though the weapons factories and warship factories on the Blood God Star worked day and night, they sold those arms and warships to the rebels together with the Dragon Civilization. The parliament had no way to deal with all this. On the one hand, the Blood God Star said that this was their behavior and had nothing to do with Luo Yikong. On the other hand, the parliament could not fight against the Blood God Star and the rebels at the same time.

Since the conflict with Blood God Star began many years ago, the conflict between the Parliament and Blood God Star has been irreconcilable. Yanhuang Star also knows that if it were not for Luo Yikong, Blood God Star would not just sell weapons. It can be said that it has always been Luo Yikong who has restricted the behavior of Blood God Star. It is precisely because of this that the Parliament has not wanted to make things too awkward with Luo Yikong for 39 years, and has also been actively mending the relationship with Luo Yikong, trying to let Luo Yikong solve this crisis.

But the rebels are the tide of the times, and Luo Yikong alone cannot change it. After all, even if this rebel army falls, there will be new rebels.

Not long after Luo Yikong learned that the second fleet of the front-line expeditionary fleet was completely destroyed on Blood God Star, Luo Yikong received a communication from Beryl, the chairman of the Yanhuang Star Jin Parliament...

"Mr. Beryl, who is busy with all kinds of affairs, actually contacted me..." Luo Yikong looked at the projection of Beryl in front of him and sneered expressionlessly.

Hearing Luo Yikong say this, Belial couldn't help cursing. Over the years, Luo Yikong had read and not replied to the messages he sent. This communication was the only successful one in 39 years.

"Lord Luo Yikong, I know you may have some opinions about the current parliament, but the parliament is working for the future of all mankind after all. You are also a human! If the parliament is gone, the dragon civilization will definitely take advantage of the situation." Belial said righteously, and they are indeed working hard for the development of human civilization, but this development should not be borne by the majority and enjoyed by a few people.

"I am indeed a human... but the rebels are also human, so I don't intend to support either side. Belial, you should know that I have given your parliament a chance." Luo Yikong had a cold expression on his face. It was precisely because he witnessed the establishment of the parliament step by step until now that he was tolerant enough for the parliament.

"I know, but since Lord Luo Yikong is unwilling to support us, then allow us to use the God-making Machine!"

"Use the God-making Machine? Have you forgotten the deal between us? Once you use the God-making Machine on the life of the Daotian World, I will take it back immediately." Luo Yikong's eyes gradually became cold. Belial's behavior had obviously touched his bottom line.

"Lord Luo Yikong, if there is no human civilization in the parliament, then for us, human civilization has no need to exist."

"Are you threatening me?" Luo Yikong frowned, hearing the threat in Belial's words.

"How could it be? How could we threaten Lord Luo Yikong? It's just that when we face the final failure, it is inevitable that we will do some extreme things. If Lord Luo Yikong does not want the whole world to face the catastrophe of destruction, then make a wise decision. Take care of yourself!" Belial said, and directly cut off the connection with Luo Yikong.

After Belial's projection disappeared, Ji Xueer walked out from behind Luo Yikong...

"That guy is so confident, I'm afraid he really has a way to destroy the entire Daotian world. Is it a galaxy-destroying weapon? But it can't destroy the entire Daotian world!" Ji Xueer was also a little confused. After all, the current technological level of human civilization is not capable of destroying the entire Daotian world.

"It's true that it can't be done, but..." Luo Yikong stretched out his hand and pointed to the top of his head...

"Father, you mean the advanced civilization..."

"Maybe! Apart from that, relying on the power of the parliament, it is not possible to destroy the entire Daotian world. Since the infiltration of foreign civilizations in the dragon civilization and human civilization 39 years ago, it means that the civilization of the outside world has noticed us, and it is not ruled out that the parliament has the qualifications to contact higher civilizations." Luo Yikong's worry is not without reason. After all, the third-level civilization already has the basic ability to travel through the plane space and can reach other planes.

"Then father, you are..."

"Don't worry, Belial can't threaten me. I do take the entire Daotian world very seriously, but it doesn't mean that I will surrender. When necessary, I am also determined to give up everything." Luo Yikong does not intend to intervene in the internal disputes of human civilization, because this is the choice of mankind itself, but if it involves foreign civilizations, then everything will change, and Luo Yikong will naturally not sit idly by.

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