Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 449: Common People

"Is there a possibility that Belial had some communication with this civilization 39 years ago, which can explain why the technology at that time developed so rapidly in terms of weapons. But later this civilization did threaten Belial, and you used the God-making Machine as a bargaining chip, so you went to war with this civilization?"

"So since the war has started, this civilization still believes in Belial, who has betrayed it once, and has not sent a fleet to the Daotian World in recent years?" Luo Yikong shook his head. Things are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface. Since Belial regards this civilization as a trump card to threaten himself, it must have the ability to threaten himself.

"Zero, can you get some information about this world?"


As long as there is a network like human civilization in this world, Zero will have a way to invade. The progress of civilization requires rapid information exchange and storage, and the network has become an indispensable existence, so some foreign civilizations may have networks similar to human civilization.

Zero quickly invaded the data network of this world. Although he could not obtain any confidential information, he obtained basic information about this world for Luo Yikong.

From the information, Luo Yikong knew that the race of this world civilization was an amphibious creature and could not leave the water source for too long. It looked like a fishman, with fish features such as gills.

The virus in Luo Yikong's body changed rapidly, changing Luo Yikong's appearance to that of a fishman, which made it easier to blend into this world.

As for the language of this world, the administrator authority system directly let Luo Yikong master it, so Luo Yikong was not worried.

"I have forged an identity for you..."

Luo Yikong nodded, immediately cut through the space, and arrived at the nearest star port...

In the information obtained by Zero, Luo Yikong had learned that this world civilization was called Deep Sea Civilization, because this civilization originally originated from the ocean, and its mother star was the Blue Sea Star 3 light years away from here.

Luo Yikong, who disguised his identity, successfully arrived at a nearby large star port. Because of Zero's influence in secret, the monitoring system of the star port did not find Luo Yikong, an outsider.

The appearance of Luo Yikong also attracted the attention of some fishmen, after all, Luo Yikong's clothing style was completely different from theirs.

"Someone is coming." Xuanyuan Luoying reminded Luo Yikong in his mind, and Luo Yikong also saw two soldiers in fish-scale armor walking towards him.

"This is not a place for the common people!"

"Common people?" Luo Yikong was stunned, and the common people he was talking about seemed to be him.

"Look at him! He came here wearing the common people's seaweed clothes!"

"Stay away from him! Be careful of being contaminated!"

Luo Yikong noticed that the people around him were deliberately keeping a distance from him, and his clothes seemed to be regarded by the other party as clothes made of some kind of seaweed in this world.

Before Luo Yikong could react, the whip hit Luo Yikong, and there was a trace of electricity on the whip...

In order not to be exposed, Luo Yikong groaned, endured the whip, and fell to the ground...

"It's really a commoner!" A soldier took out an instrument and scanned Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong's identity was reflected for a while. In order not to be exposed, Ling could only change Luo Yikong's identity to a commoner.

"They are still the lower people of Blue Sea Star. They actually escaped so far. We can only send them to Blue Sea Star."

"That's the only way."

Two soldiers grabbed Luo Yikong and dragged him away...

Even in the existence of the third-level civilization, there are still different levels among them. The development of civilization does not mean noble character. After all, morality is just the definition of human beings themselves. Even more, the system of this world is still the slave society that human civilization has long eliminated, and the lower people are those slaves.

In this world, the third-level civilization already has unmanned technology, so there is no need for a large number of manual workers, and the work of the lower people is to control and command those unmanned machines to work. The upper people above the lower people are responsible for the military and other positions in this world. The class of each person has been determined since birth. Excellent genetic technology makes their upper class more and more excellent and powerful, while the lower class is becoming more and more stupid and numb.

With the continuous expansion of territory and the continuous strengthening of civilization, the number of upper and lower people is also growing rapidly. However, from the beginning to now, the upper people occupy the vast majority of resources, and the resources owned by the lower people are all the leftovers of the upper people. This has also led to the fact that the lives of the lower people have never changed, and the upper people are becoming more and more prosperous.

Hundreds of thousands of years of rule have made the lower people desperate and numb, and even accustomed to it. They have resisted, but have never succeeded. After resisting for tens of thousands of years, they completely gave up. So a vicious cycle has formed between the upper and lower people, and no one can change it.

This is the information about this world that Luo Yikong learned from Ling, but unlike the civilization of this world, the resistance of the bottom of human civilization against oppressors and dignitaries has succeeded. Although the human civilization of the Daotian world has avoided the same fate as this world, Luo Yikong is worried again. If one day the civilization becomes stronger and he is not there, and the rulers have more powerful weapons to suppress the rebels, then can they succeed?

Just like if the rebels in the Daotian world don't have a fleet, how can they fight against the parliament? In the end, they can only end up with the same fate as the rebels in this world...

You can't break a tank with a kitchen knife. If one day the technological gap between the lower class and the oppressor is really like a kitchen knife and a tank, can they still succeed?

Luo Yikong's hands and feet were shackled and he sat against the wall. This spaceship will send him to the Blue Sea Star for trial...

Now in this spaceship of the outer world civilization, after seeing the situation of this world through Zero, Luo Yikong thought of the three-party parliament to the Xingjin Parliament, and for the first time felt a little confused about the future of the Daotian world... This is the first time that Luo Yikong has felt confused in nearly five hundred years since he returned from the virus planet...

The first time Luo Yikong had an administrator authority system, he thought about building a world where everyone is equal, because at that time he felt that he had the system and was able to do all this. Later, Luo Yikong understood that as long as people have desires and emotions, there will be no real equality for everyone. Even if it is equality on the surface, it must be maintained with some fists and reason. Today, the Daotian World Parliament shows that history always repeats itself. Technology and the times are progressing and changing. The only thing that remains unchanged is human desire.

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