"Where are you now?" Long Yunxi's projection looked at Luo Yikong and asked.

"What happened?" Luo Yikong was a little confused. After all, it didn't feel like it had been long since he left the Daotian world.

"You disappeared for a year. If you come back later, something will happen!"

"A year?" Luo Yikong was also a little confused. He immediately called up the administrator's authority system and checked the time. He found that a year had really passed.

"Zero, call out the major events that happened this year!"

"Got it!"

Soon all the major events that happened this year were projected in front of Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong immediately locked two of them... Life digitization and the defense of Yanhuang Star!

"The rebels reached the Yanhuang Star System in just one year?" Luo Yikong was surprised that the rebels had attacked Yanhuang Star so quickly. In Luo Yikong's estimation, it would take at least five years for the rebels to reach Yanhuang Star.

"Because of the dragon civilization watching, most of the parliament's fleets are tied up, plus the continuous blood transfusion from the Blood God Star, it is normal that a year has passed. Before you left, the rebels had already wiped out a second fleet of the parliament!" Long Yunxi explained to Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong was still a little uneasy.

"Has the parliament used the God-making machine? Are all the main forces of the rebels attacking the Yanhuang Galaxy?"

"The God-making machine has not been used. As for the rebels attacking the Yanhuang Galaxy, it can be said that almost all the fleets of the rebels were concentrated, and the parliament only sent the first fleet for defense, which was wiped out a few days ago."

"It's bad..." Luo Yikong thought of Belial's previous conversation with him. Maybe he deliberately revealed the matter of the space channel on Xingyao Lake to Luo Yikong. As long as Luo Yikong stayed in another world for a while, Belial would be able to wipe out the entire rebel fleet. At that time, even if Luo Yikong came back to take back the God-making machine, he would be helpless. As for the first fleet, it might just be a sacrifice.

The leader of the rebels, Zhao Longsheng, was very relieved about the God-making Machine because of Luo Yikong's guarantee. When Luo Yikong left, he also specifically told Ji Xueer and Long Yunxi not to reveal his whereabouts, which also led to Zhao Longsheng not knowing that Luo Yikong had left.

The attack range of the God-making Machine was limited by Luo Yikong, so the attack range was only about 1 light year, and the rebel fleets rarely gathered together. The Yanhuang Galaxy is the mother galaxy of human civilization in the Daotian World. It is of great significance to the rebels. The rebels will concentrate their heavy troops to take it down in the shortest time.

When almost all the fleets of the rebels are concentrated in the Yanhuang Galaxy to fight the parliament to death and reach a white-hot stage, the attack of the God-making Machine will come immediately, and the coverage will be the entire Yanhuang Galaxy.

"The rebels are a little too anxious at this time! Zero, find a way to contact the commander of the rebel fleet and tell them to be careful of the attack of the God-making Machine. However, it is not ruled out that there are spies from the parliament in the fleet, and this matter must be told to the other party secretly." Luo Yikong immediately ordered Zero. It is better to let artificial intelligence like Zero handle this kind of thing.

"Understood! I will get in touch with the rebel fleet immediately!" Zero's projection said, and immediately disappeared in front of Luo Yikong.

"Long Yunxi, I don't plan to go to Blood God Star for the time being."

"Are you planning to go to Yanhuang Star?"

"Yes." Luo Yikong planned to go to Yanhuang Star and take back the God-making Machine at any time. Once Belial used the God-making Machine against the rebels in the Daotian World, Luo Yikong would take it back immediately.

Luo Yikong did not hesitate at all, and immediately opened the space crack and went to Yanhuang Star...


Yanhuang Galaxy... Yanhuang Star...

The once prosperous human mother planet is now in chaos. Almost half of the people have left the Yanhuang Galaxy on immigration ships to avoid the war. As for the immigrant ships, both the parliament and the rebels let them leave, so that the streets of Yanhuang Star are now desolate.

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky. In the sky above the tall buildings, there were dense warships, ready to fight to the death with the rebels at any time...

The piercing air defense alarm sounded, and Luo Yikong saw the warships in the sky quickly lined up in a battle array and turned on the energy defense shield...

Luo Yikong knew that the fleet currently in the orbit of Yanhuang Star was the Yanhuang Star garrison fleet, with only more than 2,000 warships, and there was no possibility of stopping the rebels.

The parliament originally planned to guard the two main fleets of the Yanhuang Galaxy. One was completely wiped out before Luo Yikong left the Daotian World, and the other was completely wiped out a few days ago. The remaining main forces of the parliament were all at the border and were restrained by the dragon civilization. Even if Belial ordered to rush back immediately, it would not be a matter of a moment. This also gave the rebels a feeling that they must seize this opportunity and race against time. After all, they finally conquered Yanhuang Star, and they did not want to wait for the fleet support to arrive and fail.

For the rebels, as long as they occupied the Spark Tower on Yanhuang Star and broadcast to the entire human civilization, then the overall situation was basically determined. Whoever occupied Yanhuang Star would lead the entire human civilization. After all, even the War Clan during the Zerg War had never occupied Yanhuang Star.

"The rebels do not want to retreat. They do not want to give up the gap that they finally opened. Their leader Zhao Longsheng said that he is completely confident in you." Zero's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong, reporting the situation to Luo Yikong.

"Completely trust me? Doesn't he think about it, if he is really 100% confident, will I come to inform him? Even if there is only a 1% possibility, once it happens, it is 100%. Once the attack of the God-making Machine arrives, their fleet will not be able to escape at all."

"They all know all this, but they still choose to believe you." Ling stared at Luo Yikong. Just like Belial believed in Luo Yikong's promise, Zhao Longsheng and others also fully believed that Luo Yikong could solve the problem of the God-making Machine.

"Okay..." Luo Yikong opened the administrator authority system and locked Belial's position through the player system. In this case, Belial is likely to be with the God-making Machine, which is convenient for starting the God-making Machine at any time. Even if they are not together, they are definitely within Belial's control.

"Still on Yanhuang Star... This location is... That underground research institute..." Luo Yikong quickly locked Belial's location, which was the underground research institute that Luo Yikong went to during the Zerg War. If you think about it carefully, if Ye Qing and the others are not dead, they should still be working there!

After locking onto Belial's location, Luo Yikong did not stop and immediately headed for...

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