Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 458 Superluminal Impact

"Chief! All our artificial intelligence that invaded the opponent's mecha combat system has been destroyed, and all the chips have been damaged due to overload."

"Is it the opponent's artificial intelligence?" Zhao Longsheng was also stunned. So many invading artificial intelligences were destroyed, and in such a short period of time, this was really beyond Zhao Longsheng's expectation.

"What destroys our artificial intelligence is most likely the concentrated consciousness of the parliament. Those consciousnesses were extracted by the parliament from the eternal network and created."

"Then it doesn't mean that our artificial intelligence will never be able to break through the opponent's combat system, and the contest with that thing can only be conducted head-on?" Zhao Longsheng really doesn't want to compete head-on with a monster mecha like the Final Disaster. After all, the Final Disaster The combat power displayed by the disaster is even more troublesome than an entire parliamentary main fleet.

"Leader, why don't we use galaxy-level weapons!"

At this time, a subordinate suggested to Zhao Longsheng to use galaxy-level weapons. The so-called galaxy-level weapons are above the star-killing weapons. If the star-killing weapons can destroy an entire planet, then the galaxy-level weapons can destroy the entire galaxy.

"No! The Yanhuang Galaxy is the mother galaxy of human civilization. If it is destroyed by us, then the problem will be big!" Zhao Longsheng refused without even thinking about it. Let alone the Yanhuang Galaxy, even if they are not interested in other human galaxies, Zhao Longsheng would not agree to the use of galaxy-level weapons, because they did not want to become sinners of history.

The final disaster rushed into the escorting fleet group, and the third-level civilization warships that could sweep any low-level world instantly exploded into countless pieces of scrap metal. With most of the weapons useless, they could only rely on the strength of the warships. The body and countless carrier-based aircraft blocked the advance of the final disaster.

"The opponent's mecha is made of special materials and can reflect most energy attacks, but it is still possible to defeat the opponent!" the artificial intelligence of the Sublime Ideal suddenly said, and this rekindled everyone's hope. .

"Is there any way? Say it quickly!"

"Our fleet is now near the orbit of Ice Pluto, and Ice Pluto is the coldest planet in the entire Yanhuang galaxy, with a temperature close to absolute zero! If we can't destroy that mecha, maybe we can keep that mecha there forever. On a planet! Currently, if we use space-limiting weapons to limit the speed of the mecha, and then use the flagship Noble Ideal to conduct a super-light collision, perhaps only the Noble Ideal, a black hole-class battleship, can do this. Withstand that kind of super-light impact! But the price is that all life support systems will be disabled, and most of the people on the battleship will probably die. The opponent's mecha still has two minutes to break through our defense. Please. Make your choice soon!”

"I understand." Zhao Longsheng nodded, and then turned on the ship-wide radio...

"Everyone! We are all the people at the bottom who are oppressed by the Parliament. Now our flag has been planted in the Yanhuang Galaxy, but we are just missing the last step! Ahead is the last obstacle left to us by the Parliament. For the new era, we must break through. Many people are likely to die in this process! Those who are willing to fight to the death can stay. Those who are not willing to fight to the death can leave or enter the cryocontainer to sleep! You only have one minute to think about it. After one minute, we will conduct the super battle. Light speed impact!"

Zhao Longsheng turned off the radio. Although a super-light impact sounds crazy, it is the only way now.

Zhao Longsheng looked at the people in the control center, and now everyone was looking at him. No one chose to back down. After all, from the moment they raised the flag of rebellion to now, they had already run away if they wanted to.

"Aren't you leaving?" Zhao Longsheng asked, looking at the people in the control center with a smile on his face.

"I want to see the new era. If I need to burn, I will feel proud and honored!" A guard next to Zhao Longsheng replied. His eyes were full of expectations for the future, and he was also proud of his choice.

"The people from the Council blew up my spaceship and destroyed everything I had, so I want revenge!"

"I don't have anything, I just can't stand those guys who are superior. If everyone is really equal in the new era, then I am willing to fight for it!"

During the war between the rebels and the parliament, Luo Yikong had already canceled the player's permission to resurrect, which meant that if he died, he would really die. These people have experienced life and death with Zhao Longsheng, and have also seen the injustice and oppression of the parliament, so they are eager to change the world, and now the opportunity to change the world is right in front of them.

"Chief, if we die...a new era will come, right?"

"Yes! It will definitely happen!" Zhao Longsheng nodded firmly, and everyone was holding on to the determination to die at this moment.

"The Noble Ideal! Upgrade 5 gears! Enter super-light sailing!"

The space restriction weapons on all planetary and star-class battleships of the resistance were activated. Although this weapon consumes a lot of energy, they can't control that much at this moment. With the activation of the space-limiting weapon, the Final Disaster is like being stuck in a quagmire and unable to move, and this also allows the Sublime Ideal to lock in the Final Disaster.

In an instant, the super battleship Noble Ideal entered a state of super-light navigation and turned into a stream of light that hit the Final Disaster.

However, due to the high strength of the material on the Final Calamity, even in the face of the super-light speed impact of the super battleship, it was completely unscathed. On the contrary, the front end of the Sublime Ideal had been severely deformed.

The Sublime Ideal continued to increase speed, relying on the impact of the huge battleship to push it towards the Ice Star...


The power of a super-warship that was hundreds of kilometers long and collided at super-light speed was so terrifying that it instantly shattered the millions-meter-deep ice on the Ice Pluto Star. The final disaster was hit by the Noble Ideal all the way to a depth of hundreds of thousands of meters in the ice.

Faced with this horrific impact, the Sublime Ideal miraculously did not explode, but it was also severely damaged and completely paralyzed.

Zhao Longsheng was completely unconscious in the impact. Due to the paralysis of the battleship and the failure of the life support system, the terrifying low temperature began to spread into the battleship. Wherever the layer of white mist reached, everyone was frozen into ice sculptures. Even Zhao Longsheng is no exception...

As for the final disaster that was hit deep into the ice, its body began to generate high temperatures, but the shattered ice had begun to heal again. The ice that had melted from the final disaster quickly re-solidified until the final disaster Yanzhi's disaster was also frozen in it, unable to move...

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